No.24 UFCのダナホワイト社長のスピーチ
It was clear, his highest priority was always the health and security of everyone in our country. Not just Republicans, not just supporters, but every single American.
President Trump recognized that the one of the small ways to instill a sense of normalcy in people`s lives was to bring back entertainment options.
The President went above and beyond to help all sports leagues involved, figure out a way to overcome the challenges of staging live professional sporting events in the middle of a pandemic.
And you know what? We did it. The UFC was the first to do it, and we are continuing to do it. Now, other sports have joined us. And some of the lessons learned are being used to help reopen other types of businesses and schools.
Make no mistake about it, we still have a long way to go. And that is why we need a leader with President Trump`s unique attributes at this critical time.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. He is one of the most loyal human beings I have ever met, the man has unstoppable energy, no one, and I mean, no one is going to outwork this guy, but most importantly, he truly loves and believes in our country. He believes in the people of this country. America is the place everyone wants a solid job, they want to take care of their family, they want to support the community, assist the less fortunate, and enjoy the freedom this country has provided to all of us.
While we have certainly experienced a ton of negativity in 2020, President Trump` mindset is to work tirelessly to find solutions to the problems and to help restore America.
He did it once, and I am telling you right now, he will do it again. And remember, President Trump may be the only President in modern times who has actually done everything he said he would do during his campaign.
There is this quote that I love form Ronald Reagan, well he said, ` there isn`t any problem we can`t solve if government will give us the facts, tell us what needs to be done, then get out the way and let us have at it.
And what that means to me is, as Americans, we work hard to overcome adversity and we face the tough time to head on.
Irrespective of your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, what unites us as a nation is freedom, equality and opportunity. That`s what it needs to be an American.
Ladies and gentlemen, let`s re-elect President Trump, let`s figure out what the problems are, and continue to find solutions to those problems, then let`s get to work.
I`d like to close with this, while it`s critically important to re-elect President Trump, this pandemic has also taught us to be very, very careful who you select your next governor, senator, congress person, and mayor. It is so important to vote. And don`t think your vote doesn`t matter, because to be honest with you, it has never mattered more than it does right now. Thank you, and have a great evening, America.
● go above and beyond 期待をはるかに超える、予想の斜め上を行く
● attribute (名) 性質、特徴 (動)~のせいにする 等
● outwork ~よりよく働く、~よりいい仕事をする
● assist the less fortunate 自分より裕福でないひとたちを助ける
ここ実は何度も聞き返しました。 たぶん当ってると思う。
● the tough time to head on head on が動詞っぽく使われてる
head on は head on crash だと正面衝突という意味になります。
● irrespective of ~ ~に関係なく、~にかかわらず
● it has never mattered more than it does right now
今より(投票が)重要だったときなんかない という意味です。
It was clear, his highest priority was always the health and security of everyone in our country. Not just Republicans, not just supporters, but every single American.
President Trump recognized that the one of the small ways to instill a sense of normalcy in people`s lives was to bring back entertainment options.
The President went above and beyond to help all sports leagues involved, figure out a way to overcome the challenges of staging live professional sporting events in the middle of a pandemic.
And you know what? We did it. The UFC was the first to do it, and we are continuing to do it. Now, other sports have joined us. And some of the lessons learned are being used to help reopen other types of businesses and schools.
Make no mistake about it, we still have a long way to go. And that is why we need a leader with President Trump`s unique attributes at this critical time.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. He is one of the most loyal human beings I have ever met, the man has unstoppable energy, no one, and I mean, no one is going to outwork this guy, but most importantly, he truly loves and believes in our country. He believes in the people of this country. America is the place everyone wants a solid job, they want to take care of their family, they want to support the community, assist the less fortunate, and enjoy the freedom this country has provided to all of us.
While we have certainly experienced a ton of negativity in 2020, President Trump` mindset is to work tirelessly to find solutions to the problems and to help restore America.
He did it once, and I am telling you right now, he will do it again. And remember, President Trump may be the only President in modern times who has actually done everything he said he would do during his campaign.
There is this quote that I love form Ronald Reagan, well he said, ` there isn`t any problem we can`t solve if government will give us the facts, tell us what needs to be done, then get out the way and let us have at it.
And what that means to me is, as Americans, we work hard to overcome adversity and we face the tough time to head on.
Irrespective of your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, what unites us as a nation is freedom, equality and opportunity. That`s what it needs to be an American.
Ladies and gentlemen, let`s re-elect President Trump, let`s figure out what the problems are, and continue to find solutions to those problems, then let`s get to work.
I`d like to close with this, while it`s critically important to re-elect President Trump, this pandemic has also taught us to be very, very careful who you select your next governor, senator, congress person, and mayor. It is so important to vote. And don`t think your vote doesn`t matter, because to be honest with you, it has never mattered more than it does right now. Thank you, and have a great evening, America.
● go above and beyond 期待をはるかに超える、予想の斜め上を行く
● attribute (名) 性質、特徴 (動)~のせいにする 等
● outwork ~よりよく働く、~よりいい仕事をする
● assist the less fortunate 自分より裕福でないひとたちを助ける
ここ実は何度も聞き返しました。 たぶん当ってると思う。
● the tough time to head on head on が動詞っぽく使われてる
head on は head on crash だと正面衝突という意味になります。
● irrespective of ~ ~に関係なく、~にかかわらず
● it has never mattered more than it does right now
今より(投票が)重要だったときなんかない という意味です。
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