No21. WHOによるカリブ海での人身売買
主導していたのがなんとWHO。。 なんだか怖いニュースです。
Medical diplomacy triumphs in the Caribbean during pandemic, they said the political message is clear, observers of this region in the Caribbean say contrary to what the US have been to try to demonstrate by having the doctors chased out of Brazil, Bolivia and other Latin nations, Cuba`s medical brigades are still needed and appreciated.
So, what`s the problem?
These Cuban medical missions, if you call them, are really just disguised to human trafficking.
These doctors are ??? into… become…, you know, going overseas working on behalf of Cuba.
And, in fact, the money that is funneled back into Cuba from this trafficking, makes up half of their total budget.
This is no small operation, and the sad part about it is that the arm of the WHO, the Pan-American health organization, has been overseeing managing funneling this money back to Cuba, on the backs of these Cuban doctors that are pushed out to these other countries.
So, it`s part of the Miami Herald article, they accorded the Prime Minister, Antigua Barbuda, Gaston Brown saying we find it astonishing that this program, which has helped to deliver good healthcare services to our people, is conveniently characterized by others as human trafficking.
How do we know what these doctors are experiencing it? Is there any way for us to know accurately whether they are willingly or they are not? What they are being paid with ???
Well, I can tell you about 1,500 of these medical professionals now living in South Florida, where I`m the Attorney General, and I ??? the Attorney General I lead up ??? against the human trafficking, which is a modern-day slavery, and these Cuban doctors say they are separated from their families and they are not allowed to use normal passports, in fact, they could only go back to Cuba, and Brazil, they could only go back one time a year, they have minders or visors ??? that monitored their every movement, and they got a pence of money, just a small fraction, it all went through the Pan-American organization straight to the Cuban regime.
So, how does the WHO answer these allegations? Have they been transparent and providing for the information?
Well, I tell you what. When this carefully crafted, I believe, criminal…
● Cuba`s medical brigades are still needed... brigade - 旅団、団体、隊
● the money that is funneled back into Cuba
funnel は じょうご、漏斗、漏斗状のもの という意味です。 ここでは動詞で使わえれてますね。
キューバにこっそり戻されたお金 のようにこっそり細い道を通って みたいな意味が含まれてますね。
● oversee 監督する、監視する
overlook という言葉もあって、そちらは 見落とす という意味です。
● they have minders and visors that monitored their every movement
minder - 世話係、番人、ボディーガード (知らない単語でした)
visor - たぶん visors って言ってると思いますが、サンバイザーのバイザーですか。
主導していたのがなんとWHO。。 なんだか怖いニュースです。
Medical diplomacy triumphs in the Caribbean during pandemic, they said the political message is clear, observers of this region in the Caribbean say contrary to what the US have been to try to demonstrate by having the doctors chased out of Brazil, Bolivia and other Latin nations, Cuba`s medical brigades are still needed and appreciated.
So, what`s the problem?
These Cuban medical missions, if you call them, are really just disguised to human trafficking.
These doctors are ??? into… become…, you know, going overseas working on behalf of Cuba.
And, in fact, the money that is funneled back into Cuba from this trafficking, makes up half of their total budget.
This is no small operation, and the sad part about it is that the arm of the WHO, the Pan-American health organization, has been overseeing managing funneling this money back to Cuba, on the backs of these Cuban doctors that are pushed out to these other countries.
So, it`s part of the Miami Herald article, they accorded the Prime Minister, Antigua Barbuda, Gaston Brown saying we find it astonishing that this program, which has helped to deliver good healthcare services to our people, is conveniently characterized by others as human trafficking.
How do we know what these doctors are experiencing it? Is there any way for us to know accurately whether they are willingly or they are not? What they are being paid with ???
Well, I can tell you about 1,500 of these medical professionals now living in South Florida, where I`m the Attorney General, and I ??? the Attorney General I lead up ??? against the human trafficking, which is a modern-day slavery, and these Cuban doctors say they are separated from their families and they are not allowed to use normal passports, in fact, they could only go back to Cuba, and Brazil, they could only go back one time a year, they have minders or visors ??? that monitored their every movement, and they got a pence of money, just a small fraction, it all went through the Pan-American organization straight to the Cuban regime.
So, how does the WHO answer these allegations? Have they been transparent and providing for the information?
Well, I tell you what. When this carefully crafted, I believe, criminal…
● Cuba`s medical brigades are still needed... brigade - 旅団、団体、隊
● the money that is funneled back into Cuba
funnel は じょうご、漏斗、漏斗状のもの という意味です。 ここでは動詞で使わえれてますね。
キューバにこっそり戻されたお金 のようにこっそり細い道を通って みたいな意味が含まれてますね。
● oversee 監督する、監視する
overlook という言葉もあって、そちらは 見落とす という意味です。
● they have minders and visors that monitored their every movement
minder - 世話係、番人、ボディーガード (知らない単語でした)
visor - たぶん visors って言ってると思いますが、サンバイザーのバイザーですか。
no image
no image
no image
no image
no image
No.20 トランプ大統領が当選してよかった理由
Our movement is about to be replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.
The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporation that`s funded exist for only one reason to protect and enrich itself.
The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. For those who controlled the levels of power in Washington, and for the global special interest, they part with these people that don`t have your good in mind.
Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven`t seen before.
This is not a simply another 4 election, this is a crossroad in the history of our civilization.
That will determine whether or not, we the people reclaim control over our government.
The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous ???? deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.
The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and their jobs as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries all around the world.
It`s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working trust, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of the handful of the large corporations and political entities.
This is the struggle for the survival of our nation.
And this will be the last chance to save it.
This election will determine whether we are free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy, but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interest r rigging ??? systems is…
● The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election.
the establishment とはアメリカ政府を裏で操っているといわれている人間たちを指す言葉です。
~at stake はよく使われる言葉ですが、~が危険にさらされている という意味です。
● 後半最後のほうの stripped our country of its wealth
strip A of B で AからBを奪う という意味で、いっつも of を使うのを忘れてしまう。。。
Our movement is about to be replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.
The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporation that`s funded exist for only one reason to protect and enrich itself.
The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. For those who controlled the levels of power in Washington, and for the global special interest, they part with these people that don`t have your good in mind.
Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven`t seen before.
This is not a simply another 4 election, this is a crossroad in the history of our civilization.
That will determine whether or not, we the people reclaim control over our government.
The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous ???? deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.
The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and their jobs as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries all around the world.
It`s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working trust, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of the handful of the large corporations and political entities.
This is the struggle for the survival of our nation.
And this will be the last chance to save it.
This election will determine whether we are free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy, but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interest r rigging ??? systems is…
● The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election.
the establishment とはアメリカ政府を裏で操っているといわれている人間たちを指す言葉です。
~at stake はよく使われる言葉ですが、~が危険にさらされている という意味です。
● 後半最後のほうの stripped our country of its wealth
strip A of B で AからBを奪う という意味で、いっつも of を使うのを忘れてしまう。。。
No19. トランプ大統領の短いスピーチ
As many of you know, our country is coming back very, very strong economically.
The jobs numbers from 2 weeks ago were a record setting, record setting increase.
We`ve never had anything like it.
Record from day 1, nobody`s ever been in ???.
And now, retail sales numbers are incredible.
We credit it tremendous base, so there, what we had closed it up to save millions of lives.
We are able to open it, and now we are doing well.
So, I just want to thank everybody, it`s been an interesting period of time, it`s been terrible so many lives have been lost.
We`ll never forget those incredible people.
But they will not have died in vain.
Our country will go on, and we are going to be stronger than ever before, thank you very much.
● We credit it tremendous base,
ちゃんと聞き取れないとしうか、 credit の単語の文章あるといつも分からなくなる。。。
As many of you know, our country is coming back very, very strong economically.
The jobs numbers from 2 weeks ago were a record setting, record setting increase.
We`ve never had anything like it.
Record from day 1, nobody`s ever been in ???.
And now, retail sales numbers are incredible.
We credit it tremendous base, so there, what we had closed it up to save millions of lives.
We are able to open it, and now we are doing well.
So, I just want to thank everybody, it`s been an interesting period of time, it`s been terrible so many lives have been lost.
We`ll never forget those incredible people.
But they will not have died in vain.
Our country will go on, and we are going to be stronger than ever before, thank you very much.
● We credit it tremendous base,
ちゃんと聞き取れないとしうか、 credit の単語の文章あるといつも分からなくなる。。。
No18. ペンス副大統領のインタビュー
This president actually stood strong for the school-choice, we double the educational choice program here in our nation`s capital.
And we really do believe that you shouldn`t be denied by the ability to choose where you kids go to school, just because your zip code, because of your income.
We also, as you said, this President`s policies, we had the lowest unemployment level ever recorded for African Americans.
We worked with senator Tim Scott to interact opportunities owns, now there`s more than 4,000 opportunities owns and be attracted a hundred billion dollars of investment into our cities. We are going to continue to drive forward on jobs and opportunity…
This president actually stood strong for the school-choice, we double the educational choice program here in our nation`s capital.
And we really do believe that you shouldn`t be denied by the ability to choose where you kids go to school, just because your zip code, because of your income.
We also, as you said, this President`s policies, we had the lowest unemployment level ever recorded for African Americans.
We worked with senator Tim Scott to interact opportunities owns, now there`s more than 4,000 opportunities owns and be attracted a hundred billion dollars of investment into our cities. We are going to continue to drive forward on jobs and opportunity…
No17. トランプ大統領は宇宙人について何か知ってる?
Before you leave office, you let us know if there is aliens, because this is the only thing I really want to know.
I want to know what`s going on.
Will you ever open up Rothwell let us know what`s going on?
So many people ask me that question.
I know it sounds almost ridiculous, but actually the real question I want to…
Sounds like a ??? question, but actually there are millions of millions of people that want to go there, that want to see it, I won`t talk you about what I know about it, but it`s very interesting.
But Rothwell is a very interesting place with a lot of people that would like to know what`s going on.
So, you are saying you may ??? classified…. you`ll take it..
I have to think about that one, right?
Before you leave office, you let us know if there is aliens, because this is the only thing I really want to know.
I want to know what`s going on.
Will you ever open up Rothwell let us know what`s going on?
So many people ask me that question.
I know it sounds almost ridiculous, but actually the real question I want to…
Sounds like a ??? question, but actually there are millions of millions of people that want to go there, that want to see it, I won`t talk you about what I know about it, but it`s very interesting.
But Rothwell is a very interesting place with a lot of people that would like to know what`s going on.
So, you are saying you may ??? classified…. you`ll take it..
I have to think about that one, right?
No16. ファウチ博士について その5
動画1 6月7日分 記事No.7
動画2、3 6月16日分 記事No.12
動画4、5 6月18日分 記事No.14
動画6、7、8 6月19日分 記事No.15
You are not the first biologist who has told me that we are doing the exact opposite of what we should be doing to contain and to create immunity from this virus.
Why would you close the beach? You`ve got the sequences in the soil in the sand, and you`ve got the healing microbes in the ocean and the saltwater. That`s insanity.
These institutions that are polluting our environment and our bodies.
There was a time when they actually had a fight on their own battles.
But they`ve done such a great job at manipulating the masses, that it`s other people sh??? down other citizens and the big tech-platforms follow ??? and then they shut everything down.
There is no dissenting voices allowed anymore in this free country, which is something I`ve never thought I`d live to see.
And nor would I accept that… whatever I experienced since 2011.
It`s beyond comprehension, how our society can be so fooled that the types of propaganda continue to where they are just driving us to hate each other.
You wanna come work?
Get this disease
I think America question that they were talking about… ??????
They did wrong so Fuck, man, they did wrong….
Hopefully, this is the wake-up call of all America to realize that this makes no sense and we win.
Because it will take down the whole program with information like this, and for me, it`s a great news that the doctors are waking up and say, `Wait a minute`.
You, you doctors are going to watch this, that I see a lot of you right here.
Why are you not getting loud? I`m here to defend you, I`m here to defend my freedoms, I`m here to defend my family`s freedoms, may patients` rights to choose what to do with their lives.
I`m just blown away. And I`m blown away why there are not more doctors like me talking about this all over the place. We should be banding together right now. You need to wake up, because your liberties are taking away from you, all because of fake news is out there.
This is wrong. People should be going to jail for this stuff.
● there is no dissenting voices allowed anymore もう反対意見は許されない
なんか辞書で dissenting で調べたら用例として dissenting voice = 反対意見って出てきました。
dissenting opinion とか言っちゃいそうだけど、合ってるのかもしれないですが、
dissenting voice のほうがカッコいいし英語っぽいのでこれで覚えちゃいましょう。
Scientists who are in anyway dishonest, they are listing ??? to people who for more than 40 years have controlled who gets funded, what gets published, and I`m sorry to say many, many people who simply take the money, and the fame, and that support, things that absolutely aren`t true.
What do you say to the medical professionals that are just beginning to get a glimpse of the depth to which they have been misled, and ??? away from their oath to do no harm?
I say, ` forgive yourself`.
It`s the hardest thing to realize for all of us is that with all the best intension we studied, we learned, what we thought was the truth. We had no idea that the data that we`ve been told was true was not true.
We`ve been taught now in our schools are very different science, and you don`t get funded if you don`t speak the party line. You don`t get published. That was probably the hardest thing for me to take is understanding that scientific journals would twist the discovery that should have healed all.
We are the scientific community have the courage to answer the question of where these diseases might have been of their own creations, thank you.
So, what we did pretty much ever since I got out of the jail, we started an education company.
We wake up doctors, and it`s very difficult. But every doctor who realized they may have been a part of problem has now turned that around to march toward a better society and restore faith and promise of medicine.
That`s all we can do.
Well, Dr. Mikovits, thank you so much for your time.
And it`s an honor to sit with you, and particularly thank you for your courage.
Thank you, Micky, I appreciate it a lot.
● oath to do no harm 傷つけない誓い
字幕ではヒポクラテスの誓いと出てきます。 英語だとOath of Hippocrates です。
ただ、インタビュアーのマイキーは oath to do no harm と言っています。(たぶん)
動画10個全部終わりました。 それぞれの動画で分からない箇所もたくさんあったんですが、
動画1 6月7日分 記事No.7
動画2、3 6月16日分 記事No.12
動画4、5 6月18日分 記事No.14
動画6、7、8 6月19日分 記事No.15
You are not the first biologist who has told me that we are doing the exact opposite of what we should be doing to contain and to create immunity from this virus.
Why would you close the beach? You`ve got the sequences in the soil in the sand, and you`ve got the healing microbes in the ocean and the saltwater. That`s insanity.
These institutions that are polluting our environment and our bodies.
There was a time when they actually had a fight on their own battles.
But they`ve done such a great job at manipulating the masses, that it`s other people sh??? down other citizens and the big tech-platforms follow ??? and then they shut everything down.
There is no dissenting voices allowed anymore in this free country, which is something I`ve never thought I`d live to see.
And nor would I accept that… whatever I experienced since 2011.
It`s beyond comprehension, how our society can be so fooled that the types of propaganda continue to where they are just driving us to hate each other.
You wanna come work?
Get this disease
I think America question that they were talking about… ??????
They did wrong so Fuck, man, they did wrong….
Hopefully, this is the wake-up call of all America to realize that this makes no sense and we win.
Because it will take down the whole program with information like this, and for me, it`s a great news that the doctors are waking up and say, `Wait a minute`.
You, you doctors are going to watch this, that I see a lot of you right here.
Why are you not getting loud? I`m here to defend you, I`m here to defend my freedoms, I`m here to defend my family`s freedoms, may patients` rights to choose what to do with their lives.
I`m just blown away. And I`m blown away why there are not more doctors like me talking about this all over the place. We should be banding together right now. You need to wake up, because your liberties are taking away from you, all because of fake news is out there.
This is wrong. People should be going to jail for this stuff.
● there is no dissenting voices allowed anymore もう反対意見は許されない
なんか辞書で dissenting で調べたら用例として dissenting voice = 反対意見って出てきました。
dissenting opinion とか言っちゃいそうだけど、合ってるのかもしれないですが、
dissenting voice のほうがカッコいいし英語っぽいのでこれで覚えちゃいましょう。
Scientists who are in anyway dishonest, they are listing ??? to people who for more than 40 years have controlled who gets funded, what gets published, and I`m sorry to say many, many people who simply take the money, and the fame, and that support, things that absolutely aren`t true.
What do you say to the medical professionals that are just beginning to get a glimpse of the depth to which they have been misled, and ??? away from their oath to do no harm?
I say, ` forgive yourself`.
It`s the hardest thing to realize for all of us is that with all the best intension we studied, we learned, what we thought was the truth. We had no idea that the data that we`ve been told was true was not true.
We`ve been taught now in our schools are very different science, and you don`t get funded if you don`t speak the party line. You don`t get published. That was probably the hardest thing for me to take is understanding that scientific journals would twist the discovery that should have healed all.
We are the scientific community have the courage to answer the question of where these diseases might have been of their own creations, thank you.
So, what we did pretty much ever since I got out of the jail, we started an education company.
We wake up doctors, and it`s very difficult. But every doctor who realized they may have been a part of problem has now turned that around to march toward a better society and restore faith and promise of medicine.
That`s all we can do.
Well, Dr. Mikovits, thank you so much for your time.
And it`s an honor to sit with you, and particularly thank you for your courage.
Thank you, Micky, I appreciate it a lot.
● oath to do no harm 傷つけない誓い
字幕ではヒポクラテスの誓いと出てきます。 英語だとOath of Hippocrates です。
ただ、インタビュアーのマイキーは oath to do no harm と言っています。(たぶん)
動画10個全部終わりました。 それぞれの動画で分からない箇所もたくさんあったんですが、
No15. ファウチ博士について その4
動画1 6月7日分 記事No.7
動画2,3 6月16日分 記事No.12
動画4,5 6月18日分 記事No.14
My next question is about Italy. I want to know why Italy was so hard?
Italy has a very old population, they are very sick with inflammatory disorders. They got it the begging of 2019, an untested new form of influenza vaccine that have 4 different strains of influenza including the highly pathogenic H1N1.
That vaccine was grown in a cell line of dogs cell line, dogs have lots of corona viruses.
An that`s why they are not testing there.
You could just say, `Oh, it was sad`.
● inflammatory disorders 炎症性疾患
当たり前かもしれませんが、日本語でも炎の字が使われてて、英語でもflame の文字が
● ~ have 4 different strains of influenza 4つの異なるインフルエンザ株
英語だと strain になるんですね。
As the country begins a margin from the worst of the corona virus epidemic, one question remains. What happened to all the hydroxychloroquine?
We know that hydrochloroquine and zinc are working great for patients. And Fauci comes out and says, `Wow, there is no double blind put control to see both studies`, which by the way, Dr. Fauci, is there going to be double blind control to see both studies of your vaccine? Is there?
In a survey, polling nearly 2,300 doctors and some 30 countries, hydroxychloroquine was ranked as the most effective medication to treat the virus.
The AMA was saying, you know, doctors will lose their licenses if they use hydroxychloroquine, anti-malaria drug that`s been on the list of the essential medicine worldwide for 70 years.
Dr. Fauci calls that ??? data.
It`s not story telling if we have thousands of pages of data saying it`s effective against these families of viruses. For 50 cents a dose, we could protect a thousand people for 7days, 2 doses a day, with one 6 hundred dollar ???. And that hasn`t been done.
This is the essential medicine and they keep it from the people. Not only now, but back in autism with our discovery, there was an old anti-viral drug, 100- year-old drug, called Suramin on the WHO list of the essential medicine.
It literally gave kids with autism a voice, a life.
What ??? Monsanto do, they took it away from everybody.
You couldn`t get it to save your life right now we try, believe me, everywhere we could.
So, when you take away a medicine, in not just the WHO, not just the FDA, CDC, Tony Fauci close everything.
Just end it all, and we`ve got a healthy world again, and we`ve got tons of money.
Because we can take all that money they are making on the patents, so we can give it to the victims of this p??? of corruption.
● begins a margin from ~から少し猶予ができる
● hydroxychloroquine ハイドロキシクロロキン
ほんとは効くんじゃないのかな? ニュースはウソを言ってるんじゃないかな?
● double blind 二重盲検査
● Monsanto モンサント
The game is to prevent the therapies till everyone is infected and push the vaccines knowing that the flue vaccines increase the odds by 36% of getting COVID19.
Where does that data come from?
A publication last year where the military who had been vaccinated with influenza were more s??? to corona viruses. Corona viruses in every animal.
So, if you ever had a flue vaccine, you were injected with corona viruses, and then to put on a mask.
This doesn`t make any sense. We wear a mask in our ??? settings to protect us.
We are not wearing masks and why is that?
Because we understand microbiology, we understand immunology, and we want strong immune systems.
Our immune systems are used to touching. We share bacteria Staphylococcus, Streptococcus bacteria, viruses. We develop in a new response daily to the stuff.
When you take that away from me, my immune system drops.
As I shelter in place, my immune system drops. You keep either ??? a month, it drops more.
Now I`m at home handwashing vi???ly, washing the counters, worried about things that are indeed what I need to survive.
You are not, you are not immune deficient, and you are not elderly, you should be able to go out without any gloves and without a mask.
I think if you are those things, you shall either shelter in place or wear a mask and gloves.
I don`t think anybody needs to wear a mask and gloves, because it reduces your bacterial flora.
It doesn`t allow you to interact with society, and your bacterial flora and your virus is your friends that protect you from other diseases, … end up going away.
And now you are more likely to get optimistic infections.
Infections that are hoping you don`t have your good bugs fighting for you. That make sense.
And then as we are all come out of shelter in place with a lower immune system and start trading viruses and bacteria, what do you think is gonna happen?
Disease`s gonna spike.
I guarantee when we re-open, there`s gonna be a huge… huge amount of illness.
That`s gonna be rampant.
The building blocks of your immune system is virus and bacteria. End of the story.
Wearing a mask literally activates your own virus. You are getting sick from your own reactivated corona virus expressions. And if it happens to be SARS COVID 2 ???, you`ve got a big problem.
動画1 6月7日分 記事No.7
動画2,3 6月16日分 記事No.12
動画4,5 6月18日分 記事No.14
My next question is about Italy. I want to know why Italy was so hard?
Italy has a very old population, they are very sick with inflammatory disorders. They got it the begging of 2019, an untested new form of influenza vaccine that have 4 different strains of influenza including the highly pathogenic H1N1.
That vaccine was grown in a cell line of dogs cell line, dogs have lots of corona viruses.
An that`s why they are not testing there.
You could just say, `Oh, it was sad`.
● inflammatory disorders 炎症性疾患
当たり前かもしれませんが、日本語でも炎の字が使われてて、英語でもflame の文字が
● ~ have 4 different strains of influenza 4つの異なるインフルエンザ株
英語だと strain になるんですね。
As the country begins a margin from the worst of the corona virus epidemic, one question remains. What happened to all the hydroxychloroquine?
We know that hydrochloroquine and zinc are working great for patients. And Fauci comes out and says, `Wow, there is no double blind put control to see both studies`, which by the way, Dr. Fauci, is there going to be double blind control to see both studies of your vaccine? Is there?
In a survey, polling nearly 2,300 doctors and some 30 countries, hydroxychloroquine was ranked as the most effective medication to treat the virus.
The AMA was saying, you know, doctors will lose their licenses if they use hydroxychloroquine, anti-malaria drug that`s been on the list of the essential medicine worldwide for 70 years.
Dr. Fauci calls that ??? data.
It`s not story telling if we have thousands of pages of data saying it`s effective against these families of viruses. For 50 cents a dose, we could protect a thousand people for 7days, 2 doses a day, with one 6 hundred dollar ???. And that hasn`t been done.
This is the essential medicine and they keep it from the people. Not only now, but back in autism with our discovery, there was an old anti-viral drug, 100- year-old drug, called Suramin on the WHO list of the essential medicine.
It literally gave kids with autism a voice, a life.
What ??? Monsanto do, they took it away from everybody.
You couldn`t get it to save your life right now we try, believe me, everywhere we could.
So, when you take away a medicine, in not just the WHO, not just the FDA, CDC, Tony Fauci close everything.
Just end it all, and we`ve got a healthy world again, and we`ve got tons of money.
Because we can take all that money they are making on the patents, so we can give it to the victims of this p??? of corruption.
● begins a margin from ~から少し猶予ができる
● hydroxychloroquine ハイドロキシクロロキン
ほんとは効くんじゃないのかな? ニュースはウソを言ってるんじゃないかな?
● double blind 二重盲検査
● Monsanto モンサント
The game is to prevent the therapies till everyone is infected and push the vaccines knowing that the flue vaccines increase the odds by 36% of getting COVID19.
Where does that data come from?
A publication last year where the military who had been vaccinated with influenza were more s??? to corona viruses. Corona viruses in every animal.
So, if you ever had a flue vaccine, you were injected with corona viruses, and then to put on a mask.
This doesn`t make any sense. We wear a mask in our ??? settings to protect us.
We are not wearing masks and why is that?
Because we understand microbiology, we understand immunology, and we want strong immune systems.
Our immune systems are used to touching. We share bacteria Staphylococcus, Streptococcus bacteria, viruses. We develop in a new response daily to the stuff.
When you take that away from me, my immune system drops.
As I shelter in place, my immune system drops. You keep either ??? a month, it drops more.
Now I`m at home handwashing vi???ly, washing the counters, worried about things that are indeed what I need to survive.
You are not, you are not immune deficient, and you are not elderly, you should be able to go out without any gloves and without a mask.
I think if you are those things, you shall either shelter in place or wear a mask and gloves.
I don`t think anybody needs to wear a mask and gloves, because it reduces your bacterial flora.
It doesn`t allow you to interact with society, and your bacterial flora and your virus is your friends that protect you from other diseases, … end up going away.
And now you are more likely to get optimistic infections.
Infections that are hoping you don`t have your good bugs fighting for you. That make sense.
And then as we are all come out of shelter in place with a lower immune system and start trading viruses and bacteria, what do you think is gonna happen?
Disease`s gonna spike.
I guarantee when we re-open, there`s gonna be a huge… huge amount of illness.
That`s gonna be rampant.
The building blocks of your immune system is virus and bacteria. End of the story.
Wearing a mask literally activates your own virus. You are getting sick from your own reactivated corona virus expressions. And if it happens to be SARS COVID 2 ???, you`ve got a big problem.
No14. ファウチ博士について その3
Do you believe this virus was created in a laboratory?
I wouldn`t use the word ` created`, but you can`t say naturally occurring if it was by way of the laboratory. So, it`s very clear this virus was manipulated, this family of the viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory.
And this is what was released whether deliberate or not.
That can not be naturally occurring.
Somebody didn`t go to a market, get a bat, the virus didn`t jump directly to the humans, that`s not how it works. That`s accelerated by a revolution.
If it was a natural occurrence, it would take it …up to 800 years to occur.
This occurred from SARS 1 within a decade, that`s not naturally occurring.
And do you have any idea ??? where this occurred?
I`m sure it occurred between the North Calorina laboratories for ??? US army research institute of infectious disease and Wuhan laboratory.
3.7 million dollars flow from the national institute of health here in the US to the Wuhan lab in China, the same lab where many people have said that this corona virus infection first originated.
We also now know that NIA, the department associated with the national institute of health, of which Dr. Anthony Fauci is in control, had already been conducting the experiments with the Wuhan lab in the past, in regard to corona virus.
If Dr. Anthony Fauci can not be honest with the public about his connection to this lab, then Fauci has to go.
● if it was bay way of the laboratory もし研究所経由なら
by way of で ~経由で、~を通って とか他にもたくさん意味がありますが、
ついに武漢 (Wuhan) の名前も出てきましたね。アメリカの研究所も。
I have seen so many doctors on-line that have made their own web cam videos, just ??? by the protocol that CDC had given them.
Well, last Friday, I received 7 page documents that sort of told me that if I had a 86 year old patient that had pneumonia but was never tested for COVID19, but sometime after she came down with pneumonia, we learned that she`d been exposed to her son who had no symptoms, but later on was identified with COVID19, then it would be appropriate to diagnose, on the death certificate COVID19.
When I`m writing up my death report, I`ve been pressured to add COVID. Why is that?
Why are we been pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers and make it look a little bit worse that it is? I think so.
Why would they want to screw??? the number of death to the COVID19?
Well, fear is a great way to control people. And sometimes, people`s ability to think about themselves is paralyzed if they are frightened enough. That`s not what I want people to be.
I want people to say, `We are going to get through this, I am going to use my head, I am going to go to different sources, I am going to listen to different sources, and I am going to think for myself`. Because that`s what America is about.
If someone dies with COVID19, we are accounting that as a COVID19 death.
You don`t die with an infection. You die from an infection.
I`ve talked with Doctors who have admitted that they are being se??? to list patients that are sick or have died with COVID19.
Yeah, 13,000 dollars for Medicare, if you call it COVID19.
Right now, Medicare is determined that if you had a COVD19 and miss??? to the hospital, you get paid 13,000 dollars.
If that COVID19 patient ??? ventilator, you get $ 39,000, three times as much.
And if you kill them with the ventilator, because you gave them the wrong treatment.
All of the things just don`t make sense. The patients I`m seeing in front of me, the I`m trying to prove have let me to believe that we are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue.
And I feel that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time.
● after she came down with pneumonia 肺炎にかかったら
come down with で 病気にかかるなんて意味になるようです。
動画4の by way of みたいに簡単な言葉でさらっと言えるようになりたいですね。
Do you believe this virus was created in a laboratory?
I wouldn`t use the word ` created`, but you can`t say naturally occurring if it was by way of the laboratory. So, it`s very clear this virus was manipulated, this family of the viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory.
And this is what was released whether deliberate or not.
That can not be naturally occurring.
Somebody didn`t go to a market, get a bat, the virus didn`t jump directly to the humans, that`s not how it works. That`s accelerated by a revolution.
If it was a natural occurrence, it would take it …up to 800 years to occur.
This occurred from SARS 1 within a decade, that`s not naturally occurring.
And do you have any idea ??? where this occurred?
I`m sure it occurred between the North Calorina laboratories for ??? US army research institute of infectious disease and Wuhan laboratory.
3.7 million dollars flow from the national institute of health here in the US to the Wuhan lab in China, the same lab where many people have said that this corona virus infection first originated.
We also now know that NIA, the department associated with the national institute of health, of which Dr. Anthony Fauci is in control, had already been conducting the experiments with the Wuhan lab in the past, in regard to corona virus.
If Dr. Anthony Fauci can not be honest with the public about his connection to this lab, then Fauci has to go.
● if it was bay way of the laboratory もし研究所経由なら
by way of で ~経由で、~を通って とか他にもたくさん意味がありますが、
ついに武漢 (Wuhan) の名前も出てきましたね。アメリカの研究所も。
I have seen so many doctors on-line that have made their own web cam videos, just ??? by the protocol that CDC had given them.
Well, last Friday, I received 7 page documents that sort of told me that if I had a 86 year old patient that had pneumonia but was never tested for COVID19, but sometime after she came down with pneumonia, we learned that she`d been exposed to her son who had no symptoms, but later on was identified with COVID19, then it would be appropriate to diagnose, on the death certificate COVID19.
When I`m writing up my death report, I`ve been pressured to add COVID. Why is that?
Why are we been pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers and make it look a little bit worse that it is? I think so.
Why would they want to screw??? the number of death to the COVID19?
Well, fear is a great way to control people. And sometimes, people`s ability to think about themselves is paralyzed if they are frightened enough. That`s not what I want people to be.
I want people to say, `We are going to get through this, I am going to use my head, I am going to go to different sources, I am going to listen to different sources, and I am going to think for myself`. Because that`s what America is about.
If someone dies with COVID19, we are accounting that as a COVID19 death.
You don`t die with an infection. You die from an infection.
I`ve talked with Doctors who have admitted that they are being se??? to list patients that are sick or have died with COVID19.
Yeah, 13,000 dollars for Medicare, if you call it COVID19.
Right now, Medicare is determined that if you had a COVD19 and miss??? to the hospital, you get paid 13,000 dollars.
If that COVID19 patient ??? ventilator, you get $ 39,000, three times as much.
And if you kill them with the ventilator, because you gave them the wrong treatment.
All of the things just don`t make sense. The patients I`m seeing in front of me, the I`m trying to prove have let me to believe that we are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue.
And I feel that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time.
● after she came down with pneumonia 肺炎にかかったら
come down with で 病気にかかるなんて意味になるようです。
動画4の by way of みたいに簡単な言葉でさらっと言えるようになりたいですね。
No13. トランプ大統領の16日の演説
Americans believe we must support the brave men and women in blue, who police our streets and keep us safe.
Americans also believe we must improve the accountability increase transparency and invest more resources in police training, recruiting, and the community engagement.
That is why today I am signing the executive order encouraging police department nationwide to adopt the highest professional standard to serve their communities.
We will have reform without undermining our many great and extremely talented law and enforcement officers.
Today`s action is a big part of the solution to restoring, renewing and rebuilding our communities.
We may all come from different places and different backgrounds, we`re united by our desire to ensure peace and dignity, and equality for all Americans.
● who police our streets and keep us safe
最初の文章です。police が動詞として使われてます。最初聞いたとき?ってなったけど、
その前の men and women in blue は警官の制服(青)を着てるひとたちって意味ですね。
最後の文章、 We may all come from different places~ のセリフすごいカッコいいです。
Americans believe we must support the brave men and women in blue, who police our streets and keep us safe.
Americans also believe we must improve the accountability increase transparency and invest more resources in police training, recruiting, and the community engagement.
That is why today I am signing the executive order encouraging police department nationwide to adopt the highest professional standard to serve their communities.
We will have reform without undermining our many great and extremely talented law and enforcement officers.
Today`s action is a big part of the solution to restoring, renewing and rebuilding our communities.
We may all come from different places and different backgrounds, we`re united by our desire to ensure peace and dignity, and equality for all Americans.
● who police our streets and keep us safe
最初の文章です。police が動詞として使われてます。最初聞いたとき?ってなったけど、
その前の men and women in blue は警官の制服(青)を着てるひとたちって意味ですね。
最後の文章、 We may all come from different places~ のセリフすごいカッコいいです。
No.12 ファウチ博士について その2
Perhaps no one expressed the anguish of the AIDS better than New York writer Larry Claymer.
But he was even more angry at the federal government and the pharmaceutical industry, one h??? who felt Claymer`s fury was NIH doctor, Anthony Fauci.
He called Tony Fauci, the Bernie Madoff of science.
It`s still been crushing to me to think that I didn`t know my work in 1999 was something that had been avoided from 83 or 82 when the virus was isolated.
The virus didn`t have to wait until 84 to be confirmed.
Think of how many people in the entire continent of Africa, you know, lost generation as that virus was spread through because of the elegance of a group of people and includes Robert Redphill ? who is now the head of the CDC, ??? along with Tony Fauci.
They were working together to take credit and make money, and they have the patents on it and tailor them to IL-2 therapy which was absolutely the wrong therapy.
And had that not happened, millions wouldn`t have died from HIV.
最初のほうに、Bernie Madoff って人の名前が出てきます。 本名はBarnard Madoff といって、
いきなりこんな人の名前言われても分からん。しかもBarnard →Bernieに愛称呼びしてるし。
● anguish 苦痛、非常な悲しみ
● fury 激しい怒り
How can a man who`s giving… any person who`s giving the global advice for health own a patent in the solution of vaccine, isn`t that a conflict of interest or shouldn`t it be?
It is the conflict of interest. And in fact, this is one of the things that I`ve been saying and I would like to say to President Trump, repeal the Bydor Act.
Bydor fundamentally changed the way universities approach technology transfer. You can see that best in the statistics. Universities have changed 16 times as many patents today as they didn`t in 1988. Now, everybody is getting more patents, but still universities` share of all patents in the United States is more than 5 times greater than it was before Bydor.
The situation`s gotten so bad that one… information technology industry official has publicly referred the universities as `Crack Addicts`, driven by `small minded tech-transfer officers addicted to patent royalties.
That act gave government workers the right to patent their discoveries, so, to claim intellectual property for discoveries that the tax payers paid for.
Ever since that happened in the early 80s, it destroyed science and this allowed the development of those conflict of interest.
And this is the crime behind letting somebody like Bill Gates with billions of dollars.
Nobody elected him, he has no medical background, he has no expertise, but we let people like that have a voice in this country while we destroy the lives of millions of people.
Normalcy only returns when we largely vaccinated the entire global population.
If we activate mandatory vaccines globally, I imagine these people stand and make hundreds of millions of dollars on the vaccines.
And they kill millions, has they already had with their vaccines.
There is no vaccine currently on the schedule for any RNA virus that works.
So, I have to ask you. Are you anti-vaccine?
Oh, absolutely not. I`m in fact,… vaccine is immune therapy, just like interferonα is immune therapy. So, I`m not anti-vaccine. My job is to develop immune therapies, that`s what vaccines are.
Bydor Act という言葉が出てきます。 正式には Bydor Method なのかな?
● repeal 法律などを廃止する、撤回する
この動画、全部で10個あるみたいです。 まあゆっくりやっていこうかと思います。
Perhaps no one expressed the anguish of the AIDS better than New York writer Larry Claymer.
But he was even more angry at the federal government and the pharmaceutical industry, one h??? who felt Claymer`s fury was NIH doctor, Anthony Fauci.
He called Tony Fauci, the Bernie Madoff of science.
It`s still been crushing to me to think that I didn`t know my work in 1999 was something that had been avoided from 83 or 82 when the virus was isolated.
The virus didn`t have to wait until 84 to be confirmed.
Think of how many people in the entire continent of Africa, you know, lost generation as that virus was spread through because of the elegance of a group of people and includes Robert Redphill ? who is now the head of the CDC, ??? along with Tony Fauci.
They were working together to take credit and make money, and they have the patents on it and tailor them to IL-2 therapy which was absolutely the wrong therapy.
And had that not happened, millions wouldn`t have died from HIV.
最初のほうに、Bernie Madoff って人の名前が出てきます。 本名はBarnard Madoff といって、
いきなりこんな人の名前言われても分からん。しかもBarnard →Bernieに愛称呼びしてるし。
● anguish 苦痛、非常な悲しみ
● fury 激しい怒り
How can a man who`s giving… any person who`s giving the global advice for health own a patent in the solution of vaccine, isn`t that a conflict of interest or shouldn`t it be?
It is the conflict of interest. And in fact, this is one of the things that I`ve been saying and I would like to say to President Trump, repeal the Bydor Act.
Bydor fundamentally changed the way universities approach technology transfer. You can see that best in the statistics. Universities have changed 16 times as many patents today as they didn`t in 1988. Now, everybody is getting more patents, but still universities` share of all patents in the United States is more than 5 times greater than it was before Bydor.
The situation`s gotten so bad that one… information technology industry official has publicly referred the universities as `Crack Addicts`, driven by `small minded tech-transfer officers addicted to patent royalties.
That act gave government workers the right to patent their discoveries, so, to claim intellectual property for discoveries that the tax payers paid for.
Ever since that happened in the early 80s, it destroyed science and this allowed the development of those conflict of interest.
And this is the crime behind letting somebody like Bill Gates with billions of dollars.
Nobody elected him, he has no medical background, he has no expertise, but we let people like that have a voice in this country while we destroy the lives of millions of people.
Normalcy only returns when we largely vaccinated the entire global population.
If we activate mandatory vaccines globally, I imagine these people stand and make hundreds of millions of dollars on the vaccines.
And they kill millions, has they already had with their vaccines.
There is no vaccine currently on the schedule for any RNA virus that works.
So, I have to ask you. Are you anti-vaccine?
Oh, absolutely not. I`m in fact,… vaccine is immune therapy, just like interferonα is immune therapy. So, I`m not anti-vaccine. My job is to develop immune therapies, that`s what vaccines are.
Bydor Act という言葉が出てきます。 正式には Bydor Method なのかな?
● repeal 法律などを廃止する、撤回する
この動画、全部で10個あるみたいです。 まあゆっくりやっていこうかと思います。