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No.11 マスクはいらない? 

アップされてます。 下書きだけはその日にしてたからかな? 



It doesn`t make any sense. We wear a mask in our ??? settings to protect us.
We are not wearing masks and why is that?
Because we understand microbiology, we understand immunology, and we want strong immune systems.
Our immune systems are used to touching. We share bacteria Staphylococcus, Streptococcus bacteria, viruses. We develop in a new response daily to the stuff.
When you take that away from me, my immune system drops.
As I shelter in place, my immune system drops. You keep either ??? a month, it drops more.
Now I`m at home handwashing vi???ly, washing the counters, worried about things that are indeed what I need to survive.

You are not, you are not immune deficient, and you are not elderly, you should be able to go out without any gloves and without a mask.
I think if you are those things, you shall either shelter in place or wear a mask and gloves.
I don`t think anybody needs to wear a mask and gloves, because it reduces your bacterial flora.
It doesn`t allow you to interact with society, and your bacterial flora and your virus is your friends that protect you from other diseases, … end up going away.
And now you are more likely to get optimistic infections.
Infections that are hoping you don`t have your good bugs fighting for you. That make sense.

And then as we are all come out of shelter in place with a lower immune system and start trading viruses and bacteria, what do you think is gonna happen?
Disease`s gonna spike.

I guarantee when we re-open, there`s gonna be a huge… huge amount of illness.
That`s gonna be rampant.

The building blocks of your immune system is virus and bacteria. End of the story.


● as I shelter in place  屋内避難する、閉じこもる 

こういう言い方するんですね。 これは動詞だけど、形容詞みたいに↓の言い方もあるようです。

shelter-in-place order  屋内避難命令    shelter-in-place warning  屋内避難警告

● rampant  はびこる 病気などが猛威をふるう


posted by yanaenglish at 10:12| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No10.  トランプ大統領 会見




Thank you very much, it`s a great honor to have some oh the true leaders in our country of law and enforcement, and that`s what they`ve done, they`ve been forced the laws, and they`ve done… fantastic job of it.
We have among the best numbers we`ve ever had in terms of recorded history circulate, but this has been a very strong year for …less crime, let`s put it that way, less crime, and there is a reason for less crime, because we have great law enforcement and we are proud of them.

There won`t be defunding, there won`t be dismantling of our police, and there are not going to be any disbanding of our police. Our police have been letting us live in peace, and we want to make sure we don’t have any bad actors in there.

Sometimes you`ll see some horrible things like we witnessed recently.
But 99, I say, 99.9, but let`s go with 99% of great, great people and they`ve done jobs in the record setting. Record settings. So, our crime statistics are at the level that they haven’t been…

● defund  予算を削減する

● dismantle 装備などを取り除く

● disband 解散させる 


posted by yanaenglish at 13:49| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No9. 若いころのトランプ大統領! その2




People say something false, I attack those people.
Because the news gets away with murder, the news media. They get away with murder.
??? terms of libel laws, because the media`s so protected, and it`s ridiculous, they`re so protected,
but they can write ??? anything.
The difference is, with me, at least they pay some price. And I think more people should have that attitude,
and I think you will find a lot more accurate reporting, including yours.

What wasn`t accurate so far?

I thought your dem??? wasn`t accurate. I thought the questions that you were opposing to people in my organization were inaccurate, and false and unfair.

The questions by definition can`t be inaccurate…

Well, I think the questions themselves were put in such a way that they made their statements.
And it became statements as opposed to the questions, and I think that`s not a good reporting.

Such as?

It doesn`t matter. I mean, I don`t think your viewers would be very interested, and nor do I want to
embarrass you.

I don`t think it would be…., let`s talk about ah…, what we talked about yesterday.
Those in the financial community I`m talking about, and we talked about this on the phone, ah…
who have said, and this is ??? saying, not me,

This is them? What do you mean by them? This is one or two people?
What about the positive people?

5 or 6…, but the ones who said negative things…

Here we are, back to the negative. You know what? Do this interview with somebody else.

We talked about this yesterday on the phone. This is exactly…

Do the…do the interview with somebody else. Really, here, we don`t need this.
Do it with somebody else.
Frankly, you are very negative guy, and I think it`s very unfair to ??? Good luck.

Sorry, feel that way.
There is nothing we ??? discussed on the phone, Donald.

● libel laws  名誉棄損

● nor do I want to embarrass you あなたに恥ずかしい思いもさせたくない

この nor ~ から始まる文章ってほんと難しい 
nor + 助動詞(動詞)+主語の語順となる  らしいです。

今日の英語も聞き取れないとこいくつかあったなあ。 トランプさん早口すぎ。

posted by yanaenglish at 12:34| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No.8  若いころのトランプ大統領! 

やはり昔から発言が強いですね。 でもかっこいい。


These countries, these wealthy money machines paying us for the defense of their freedom and their nations. And the concept of America, financing, paying, and losing lives for countries that won`t even allow us to use their ships.
And these are the countries that in 24 yours would be wiped off the face of the earth if it weren`t for America. It`s ridiculous.

We don`t give anything to our farmers, the homeless are all over the streets of the major cities, the sick and the problems, and yet we give billions of dollars defending the countries that have five times more money than we can ever hope to have.

This country should not be raising taxes, we ought to be lowering taxes.
If you look at the payments that we are making to NATO, they are totally disproportionate with everybody else`s, and it is ridiculous.

This country is busted, and it`s busted because we are doing things we should not be doing.
If we have business ability in this country, we`ve been making lots of profits, so called surplus.
That money could be going to defend our homeless, our poor and our sick and our farmers, and that`s where we should be spending the money. Not giving it to the countries that don`t give a damn for us to start off with.

● disproportionate with ~と不釣り合い、不均等な

● don`t give a damn for us ~我々にとってどうでもいい、大したことない 

 字幕にもありますが、 the countries that don`t give a damn for us  で
 我々(アメリカ)にとってたいしたことない、取るに足らない国々 という意味になります。


posted by yanaenglish at 13:16| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No.7  ファウチ博士について 

ついての動画です。 結構怖いことが起こってるんですね。
人の名前がたくさん出てきます。 アンソニーファウチ博士の名前もトニーファウチで話が



So, Anthony Fauci
My name is Dr. Tony Fauci, and the director of….

The man who was heading the pandemic task force was involved in the cover-up.

He directed the cover-up, and in face, everybody else was paid off, and paid off big time.
Millions of dollars in funding from Tony Fauci, Tony Fauci`s organization, national institute of allergy and infectious disease (NIAID).
These investigators that committed the fraud continue to the state to be paid big time, by the NIAID.

And the whole world was listening to his advice for how to handle this pandemic. How do we know that what he`s saying is what we need to be learning?

What he is saying is absolute propaganda, and the same kind of propaganda that he`s perpetrated to kill millions since 1984.

We know from this study quite clearly that there will be a delay in progressions significantly greater than for individuals who do not take the drug.

It`s started really when I was 25 years old. I was a part of the team that isolated HIV from the saliva and blood of the patients from France where Luc Montagnier had ??? isolated the virus.
This was a confirmatory study, but Tony Fauci and Robert Gallo were working together, then to spin the story in a different way.
At that time Dr. Rossetti was out of town, and Tony Fauci says, ` we understand that you have a paper in press, and we want a copy of it`.
And I said, `Yes, there is a paper in press, and it`s confidential, and No, I will not give you a copy of it`.
He started screaming at me, then he said, `Give us the paper right now, or you`ll be fired for in(???) a nation `.
And I just said, `I`m sure when Dr. Rossetti gets back, you can have the conversation`.

And so, Frank comes back, you now, several weeks later, and he`s really bullied into giving Fauci the paper. Fauti holds up the publication of the paper for several months, while Robert Gallo writes his own paper and takes all the credit and of course patents are involved, and this delay of the confirmation, you know, literally led to spreading of the virus around, and you know killing millions.

● ~ was involved in the cover-up   隠ぺいにかかわっていた

cover up みたいな簡単な単語で言い表せるのはいいですね。

● everybody else was paid off, and paid off big time   他のみんなは賄賂をもらっていた、巨額の

pay off は色んな意味がありますが、ここでは 賄賂をはらう という意味です。
paid off big time の big time は口語でよく聞きますね。 いろんな場面で big time って聞きますね。

● he`s really bullied into giving Fauci the paper  すごいいじめられて論文をファウチに渡した

into ~ing の使い方色々見ますが、~して~することになってみたいな時に使い勝手がいいです。

● takes all the credit  すべての名声、評判を手に入れる

複数形じゃなくて credit  のまま使います。

posted by yanaenglish at 13:51| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No.6 ジョージフロイド事件の続報



Keith Elison knows a lot more than we do, Dana,
He`s got the investigators looking into the relationship between the officer and Floyd.
Because if you think about it, I`m only speculating, you don`t just jam your knee
under the neck of a guy that you don`t know for no reason.
Yes, maybe he`s some insane, racist, and just wanted to kill an innocent black man.
Possible, but it`s just not likely in my opinion, from what we know, they worked at the same club together,
a night club, which had a lot of suspicious activity, people should be looking into the night club
that was front (???) for something.
Was there any sort of trafficking going on? They worked closely together on a regular basis.
Also, Floyd rumored to have moon-lit in another industry, which is kind of provocative.
There could be a lot of reasons that their relationship became controversial, let`s just put it that way.
And maybe Floyd knew something he wasn`t supposed to know, maybe there was an operation that
we are not aware of, that soon `s going be investigated
Because, if you have a guy kneeing a guy in the neck like that, over a counterfeit 20, and
you have the rest of the crew standing around and watching, it looks like a premeditated hit.

And then when you have the first report that come out to say `Oh, you know he didn`t die that way,
he had a bad ticker, he was on methanpetamine and also to know the cardiac system. (???)
That`s highly suspicious
Because now there`re other reports came out directly afterwards contradicting that.
So, there is a lot of things at play, you could find it at the end of the day, this is not racially motivated at all.
This was some sort of criminal thing that went haywire and this was a hit.
This was executed extremely poorly, and they thought they were going to get away with it.
While the rest of the country runs wild and tries to you know, capitalize on the energy from coming out of the lock-down and knowing that Biden is not going to ….

● Was there any sort of trafficking going on? なんか違法な取引でもあったんじゃないの?

 trafficking で違法な取引という意味です。
 drug trafficking とか human trafficking とかって使われます。

● moon-light  こっそり内職をする、アルバイトをする(少し後ろめたい感じ?)

 動画内では to have moon-lit in another industry と過去分詞形(?)で使われてますね。
 直後の ,which is kind of provocative って言葉とも合わせるとそのことを指してるんだなと分かります。

● over a counterfeit 20  偽造20ドル札のことで 

 counterfeit 20 dollars とか言ってくれたらいいのに。。。

● It looks like a premeditated hit.  これは最初から計画されてたことみたいに見える

 premeditated で 前もって計画された みたいな意味です。特に悪事に対して。

● he had a bad ticker  彼は心臓が悪かった という意味だと勝手に解釈しています。

● cardiac system  心臓のシステム(いい言葉が見つからない)


● go haywire     めちゃくちゃになる、台無しになる

 これも初めて聞いた表現です。 hay(干し草)をしばるwire で、壊れかかった小屋などを
 直していたことが由来の表現みたいです。 なんか日本語おかしい。

● capitalize on ~    ~を利用する

 ここでは ロックダウン明けのみんなのエネルギーを利用する みたいな意味でしょうか。

今日は moon-light と go haywire の2つ、新しい表現知れました。うれしい。

posted by yanaenglish at 22:21| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No.5 ジョージフロイド事件についてのインタビュー




To be clear, while Maya Santamaria says that 2 men worked for her as recently as last year, she said she doesn`t know if Derek Chauvin and Jorge Floyd ever, actually spoke to each other.

The first time she saw this video, Maya Santamaria says it took for a moment to make the connection.

My friend sent `This is your guy, the guy who used to work for you.
And I said it`s not him, and then they did the close-up, and that`s when I say, `Oh my God, that`s him`.

She said now-former Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin works security for her and ????? for 17 years before she sold the club just month ago,

He sometimes… sometimes had a real short fuse and he seems afraid.
When there was an altercation, he always resorted to pulling out his mace, and pepper-spraying everyone right away, even when… I felt it wasn`t warranted.

Even more so real, Santamaria says, is that Jorge Floyd, the man pinned under Chauvin`s knee Monday night, worked for her, too.

I didn`t recognize Jorge as one of our security guys…guards, because he looked really different lying there like that.
And it wasn`t until I saw the pictures of him come up and then ` snap` and then one of my employees said, ` Look, Maya, he worked for us`.

Both men who work security for the same club before their final encounter that left one dead and the other at the center of the national outrage
But Santamaria said she does not know if they ever really knew each other,

They were working together at the same time, just…Chauvin worked outside, and the security guards were inside. I thought to myself what if he could`ve just said `Hey man, you and I work together at Maya`s place Man? like … remember me? `

Santamaria says Jorge Floyd had been working security for her club for about a year on some of their busiest night, she said he might have been among 20 or 30 people she would bring in for security in addition to off-duty police such as Chauvin.
We ??? out Chauvin`s ??? and Minneapolis department about this development, but at this point we are still waiting to fear back from both of them.

なかなか1回では聞き取れない。 何回聞いても分からない箇所もあります。

● work security  セキュリティーとして働く
 work as the security とか work for security とか、 work とsecurity の間に何か欲しい気がしますが、
 work security って表現するんですね。 最初聞き逃しかと思って何度も聞きなおしました。

● have a short fuse  短気な、すぐ起こる 

 have a short temper と同じ意味ですね。 short fuse って言い方知れてよかった。

● resort to ~ing  で最後の手段に訴える 

 言われてる。。。 あぶねーやつだ。


posted by yanaenglish at 19:03| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No4. 暴動の首謀者はジョージソロスに雇われていた? 




Re: So, at one point, a woman sort of facetiously asked if there is any paid protesters in the house.
Of course, everybody shouted No and groan, but you stood up and indicator ??? that you are a big
what did you mean by that?

P: Well, I meant, you know, we all get paid to ….. you know?

Re: I don`t know, please explain.

P: It`s a difficult thing to explain, but basically anytime that you`ve given the opportunity to protest and
somebody will pay you to do it, that`s like twice as good, it`s just do it on your own time.

Re: So, you aren`t kidding around, you actually meant you have been paid at some point you protest? How can
I get it on that?

P: OK, so you know, you go to like.. George Soros.com, and you just sign up right there, I mean, put your name
in, you put your e-mail address and there is an empty box there where you say…how many times you are
willing to protest and how much you want to get paid.

Re: And you get the check directly from Soros?

P: Directly from Soros.

Re: That`s incredible.

P: Signed by him, and he even invited me to lunch.

Re: Does he sign in blood?

P: He said if I`m willing to like gather some more friends, I can get paid… like..twice as much for every friend
that I gather and … kind of a set up a pyramid scheme.

Re: And you can get rich, just based on protesting for Soros, right?

P: I already have, yeah, so basically I`ve been organizing most of the protesting that you see in California so far.
And it`s due to being paid.
If I wasn`t paid, I would be like, you know, skiing.

Re: This is unbelievable.

P: I know, I just wish more people knew about it, because then we could actually like start the movement.

Re: OK, Thanks a lot, man.

pyramid scheme でネズミ講っていうんですね。

posted by yanaenglish at 11:01| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No.3  トランプ大統領のアメリカの暴動についてのスピーチ

昨日のSt.John`s 教会が放火された翌日のトランプ大統領の記者会見?演説?です。


My fellow Americans, my first and highest duty as President is to defend our great country and
the American people
I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation and that is exactly what I will do.
All Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd.
My administration is fully committed that for George and his family, justice will be served.
He will not have died in vain.
But we can not allow the righteous ??? and peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob.
The biggest victims of the rioting are peace-loving citizens in our poorest communities, and as their President,
I will fight to keep them safe,
I will fight to protect you, I am your President of Law and Order, and an ally of all peaceful protesters.

But in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, Antifa, and others.
A number of state and local governors have failed to take necessary action to safeguard their residence.
Innocent people have been savagely beaten, like the young man in Dallas,Texas, who was left dying on the street, or the woman in upstate NewYork, viciously attacked by dangerous thugs.
Small business owners have seen their dreams utterly destroyed.
NewYork`s finest have been hit in the face with bricks.
Brave nurses who have battled the virus are afraid to leave their homes.
A police precinct has been overrun, here in the nation`s capital, the Lincoln memorial and the world war 2 memorial have been vandalized.
One of our most historical churches was set ablaze.
A federal officer in California, an African American enforcement hero was shot and killed.
These are not acts of peaceful protest, these are acts of domestic terror.
The destruction of innocent life and the spilling of innocent blood is offence to your humanity and a crime against God.

America needs creation, not destruction. Cooperation not contempt, security not anarchy.
Healing not hatred, justice not chaos.
This is our mission, and we will succeed 100%. We will succeed. Our country always wins.
That is why I and taking immediate presidential action to stop the violence, and restore security and safety in America.
I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and the arson, and to protect the rights of Law-abiding (???) Americans including your second amendment rights.

Therefore, the following measures are going into effect immediately.
First, we are ending the riots and lawlessness that has spread throughout our country.
We will end it now, today I have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the national guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the street.
Mayors and governors must establish and overwhelming law enforcement presence (???) until the violence has been quelled.

If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residence, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.
I am also taking swift and decisive action to protect our great capital Washington DC.
What happened to this city last night was a total disgrace.
As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults and wanton destruction of property.
We are putting everybody on warning on a 7 o`clock curfew that will be strictly enforced.
Those who threaten innocent life and property will be arrested, detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I want the organizers of this terror to be on notice that you will face the severe criminal penalties and lengthy the sentences in jail.
This includes Antifa and others who are leading instigators of this violence.

One law and order, and that is what it is, one law. We have one beautiful law.
And once that is restored, and fully restored, we will help you, we will help your business, and we will help your family.
America is founded upon the rule of law.
It is the foundation of our prosperity, our freedom, and our very way of life.
But where there is now law, there is no opportunity.
Where there is no justice, there is no liberty.
Where there is no safety, there is no future.
We must never give in to anger or hated.
If malice or violence rains, then none of us is free.
I take these actions today, with firm resolve, and with a true and passionate love for our country.
By far our greatest days lie ahead.
Thank you very much, now I`m going to pay my respects to a very, very special place.
Thank you very much.

ところどころ間違っている箇所がありはずです。 正解は。。。分かりません。


rioting, looting, arson, とか色々 

特にrioting の発音はこの話の内容だから聞けるけど、writing にすごい似て聞こえる。

posted by yanaenglish at 10:57| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語


No.1 トランプ大統領演説 The future belongs to Patriots


分からない箇所は ??? のマークをつけたりしていきます。


The future belongs to patriots ! かっこいいです。



The free world must embrace its national foundations. It must not attempt to erase them, or replace them. Looking around and all over, it`s a large magnificent planet.
The truth is playing to see.
If you want freedom, take pride in your country.
If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty.
And if you want peace, love your nation.
Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first.
The future does not belong to the globalists.
The future belongs to patriots.
The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.

Sovereignty =主権、統治権 

Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first.

この文章もまあ意味は分かるけど、 put the good `of` their own~ の部分、
of を使うとことかよく分からないです。




posted by yanaenglish at 11:24| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語
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