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情に棹させば流される それはそうでしょう、人情的になりすぎれば流されてしまいます。







念そのものの力を、神秘的にまで強化する。一点に集中したとき、火を発するほどの力を出す。ですから、この念覚支の修行には、クンダリ’’ー ヨーガの修行が入るわけです。


この空の体得により、諸法の実相がわかるようになります。つまり、「縁起の法」を如実 にさとることになるわけです。




択というのは、「選択」のタクでず。 略どない本漢字は「選揮」と書いて、選 えらぶ、「揮」。もえらぶ、という字です。


正しい信仰をえらびとって、正しくないものを捨てさるということが修行というのは、どういうことなんだろう? そう思ったことかありますけれども、考えているうち、やはりそれは修行なんだなと思うようになった。というのは、それが修行であるというのは、自分自身の勉強、知能によってそれをなすというところにあるわけです。         、





瞑想ひつとっても、日本に、瞑想を教える学校みたいなところや、瞑想の先生、そういったものがたくさんあるでしょう。そのたくさんの瞑想のなかから、どれが正しい瞑想法なのか? どの先生が、正しい瞑想法を教えているのか? というこ

posted by gomabon at 10:47| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学













 だれだって、生体の維持に、呼吸がどれほど大切な役割を果たしているか、知らない人はないであろう。息が止まったら、即、死につながるのである。それほど大切な呼吸を、不十分なしかたでしているとしたら、一生を通じてどれほど不利益なことになるか、あなたは考えたことがあるだろうか? これは、生きるということの最も基本的なあり方の見直しというべきものである。





酸素をたっぶり2  くんだ血液の流れる内臓にはガンも発生しないという。ガン細胞は酸素がきらいなのである。たかが呼吸が浅いくらいと、軽視してはならない



"Breathing techniques and wisdom for living to build a strong mind and body"

- The mind is divided into intention, thought, and qi, which are closely related to breathing and influence each other.
- Control your mind by controlling your breathing and learn advanced techniques.
- Proper breathing contributes to health and promotes harmony between body and mind.
- Shallow breathing can reduce vitality and become a breeding ground for disease.
- It is important to develop strong breathing muscles and learn to breathe deeply.

**Classification of mind:**
- Meaning: Refers to a state in which the mind is moving in a certain direction.
- Nen: A state in which the movements of the mind come together and have a single power, which is expressed as ``telekinesis.''
- Qi: A state in which thoughts flow through the body, and there are two types, conscious and unconscious, and is expressed in things such as ``energy.''

**How to use your mind:**
- Breathing and the mind are closely related, and by controlling your breathing you can also control your mind.
- Breathing is integral to the mind and body, correct breathing contributes to health, and bad breathing affects health.

- Breathing is life itself, and the unity of mind and body is important.
- Proper breathing contributes to health promotion and provides oxygen throughout the body.
- Inadequate breathing can lead to decreased vitality and risk of illness.

**Basic breathing techniques:**
- The basics are to master strong and robust breathing using strong breathing muscles.
- Proper breathing affects cells throughout the body, fostering a healthy, youthful body and a sharp brain.

The mind is classified into intention, thought, and qi, and is closely related to breathing. Your state of mind affects your breathing, and vice versa. Control your mind by controlling your breathing and acquire advanced techniques. Proper breathing contributes to health and promotes harmony between body and mind. Shallow breathing can reduce vitality and become a breeding ground for disease. It is important to develop strong breathing muscles and learn to breathe deeply. By building this foundation, you can develop a strong mind and body and a sharp brain.

Intention refers to the state in which the mind moves in a certain direction, and is also called ``will.''
Nen is a state in which the movements of the mind come together and have a single power, and is expressed as ``psychic power.''
Qi is a state in which thoughts flow through the body, and there are two types, conscious and unconscious, and is expressed in things such as ``energy.''
How you use your mind is closely related to your breathing, and by controlling your breathing you can also control your mind.
Breathing is integral to the mind and body, and correct breathing contributes to health, while bad breathing has negative effects.
Proper breathing contributes to improving the body's vitality and promotes health by supplying oxygen to cells throughout the body.

I have summarized it in bullet points. Have any additional questions or requests?

Intention, Thought, and Mind By the way, I classify the ``mind'' as follows based on its functions.

Intention, Thought, Mind

It is.

Intention refers to a state in which the mind is moving in a certain direction, such as the will.

Nen is a state in which the movements of one's thoughts have gathered together and become a single power, and the name ``Nenpower'' expresses this well.

Qi is a state in which thoughts flow through the body in a certain direction. However, there are two types of ``Ki'': those that are consciously created, and those that flow naturally through the body unconsciously and physiologically. For example, "I'm fine."

It is expressed in words. Therefore, depending on your point of view, it may be possible to say that what you concentrate on is nen. Since we are originally thinking about one thing, the mind, separately, we can say nothing about that.

Here, we will classify things this way for convenience, and when we say ``ki,'' we would like you to think that we are mainly referring to something that is consciously created.

how to use your mind

Now then, how exactly do we use that "heart"?

The mind is originally something that is extremely elusive. Always keep moving

It's so hard to grasp that it's said to have come to this conclusion out of nowhere. How on earth can we make full use of it as we wish?

There is one method.



There is a very close relationship between the mind and breathing.

The state of your mind is directly reflected in your breathing, and the state of your breathing directly reflects your mind. When your mind becomes calm, your breathing becomes calm, and when you calm your breathing, your mind also becomes calm.

The mind and breathing are one.

By controlling your breathing, you can control your mind.

Well, it uses advanced techniques. Starting from this point, you will gradually become more proficient and eventually be able to use your mind as you wish.

No, that's not all. Going one step further, you will be able to use your body (muscles) as you wish. This is because breathing is not only one with the mind, but also with the body. As your training progresses, your breathing and mind will become more important. It becomes a body and begins to move involuntary muscles just as the mind imagines.


As for breathing. “living”

I have just said that the mind and breathing are one, but breathing is not only one with the mind, but also one with the body.

If you are healthy and your mind is stable, your breathing will also be calm and stable.

If your body is not feeling well, your breathing will also become irregular and unstable. When you are tired or sick

When you're heavy, your breathing becomes shallow and heavy. The same thing happens when you receive a severe mental shock.

Also, people with psychogenic illnesses and people with mental illness have rough breathing and are not normal.

Indeed, breathing is ``living''.

Therefore, the breathing method that comptoirs the mind starts with the correct way to breathe.

That's because if you're breathing badly, you won't have any supernatural powers. Our bodies, minds, and brains are adversely affected, and we are unable to fully utilize our original powers.

No, it's not just that, it can damage your health, make you sick, and sometimes even destroy your precious life.

There is a risk that you may lose even more.

On the other hand, if you learn to breathe properly, your body will become strong and forever young, your mind will always be bright and refreshed, and your brain will also function more clearly.

To prove that it's not a lie, let's try the opposite, bad breathing. what will happen?

First of all, it's the worst way to breathe.

Fidget is caused by shallow, weak breathing, and what's even worse is holding your breath for a while.

It's breathing.

For example, if your mind is closed off to worries and anxiety,

It is nothing but a breathing exercise. This is because the lungs themselves can never breathe in and out on their own.

Therefore, people who breathe without using their respiratory muscles adequately are not breathing enough.

There is probably no one who does not know how important role breathing plays in maintaining living organisms. If you stop breathing, it immediately leads to death. Have you ever thought about how much of a disadvantage you will be throughout your life if you take such an important breath and do it poorly? This is a reconsideration of the most basic way of living.

The purpose of breathing exercise is not just gas exchange in the lungs. It also plays an important role in blood circulation. If you only breathe shallowly and weakly, not only will there be a lack of oxygen in your blood, but you will also not be able to adequately discharge carbon dioxide (F) from your body. Also, blood flow becomes poor. Therefore, if you continue to breathe like this, the vitality of your entire body will decrease. Naturally, their health deteriorates and they are resistant to illness.

With no resistance, the body becomes a breeding ground for disease.

The human body is made up of a huge number of cells, approximately 60 trillion.

All 60 trillion cells are nourished and kept alive by flowing blood.

It is said that cancer does not occur in internal organs, which are filled with oxygen and blood flows through them. Cancer cells don't like oxygen. Don't underestimate it, just because your breathing is shallow.

Noda. Furthermore, as just mentioned, breathing is not only deeply related to cells throughout the body, but breathing exercise also has a strong influence on the autonomic nervous system, hormonal system, lymph flow, and the state between each organ. It is.

To do this, you must first learn how to breathe strongly and with strong breathing muscles. This creates the first foundation necessary for acquiring a strong and robust body and mind, as well as a bright and intelligent brain.

posted by gomabon at 08:38| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学

2024年3月30日  今日の運命

阿弥陀如来  5.png




普賢菩薩 あらゆる場所に現れ、命あるものを救う慈悲を司る菩薩



名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。 文殊菩薩のに対して、 (行)をつかさどります。












posted by gomabon at 08:32| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学