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梵字  1  Sanskrit character 1  siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー、


 まず、梵字、梵語、悉曇、サンスクリット、種7 、梵字仏、文字仏など、本書に出てくる梵字に関する用語を整理しておきましょう。ともすると混乱することがありますから、正しく理解しておくことが大切です。



1. History of Sanskrit as a sacred word

First, let's sort out the terms related to Sanskrit that appear in this book, such as Sanskrit, Sanskrit, Sanskrit, Seed 7, Siddha Buddha, and Siddha Buddha. It can be confusing, so it's important to understand it correctly.

The language "Sanskrit" that has been used in India since ancient times is called "Sanskrit". The character used to write this Sanskrit is "Sanskrit". The typeface of the Sanskrit character has changed with the times, but in Japan, the Sanskrit character is usually one of the typefaces, "Kakumo Bonji".

By the way, as mentioned above, the Sanskrit characters that symbolize various honors such as Buddha, Bodhisattva, Myo, and Tenbe are called "seed". This kind f is not written as a mere initial of the Buddha, but is said to contain everything that Ichison has, and has been carefully treated as a Buddhist priest, that is, a Buddhist priest. Professor Mitsui named this "Character Buddha".






 アショーカ王(在位紀元前二六八―二三二年)はマウリア朝の第三代目の王で、インド半島の南部を除くインド全土を統}して大帝国を築きました。王は仏教に深く帰依し、仏教の信仰と保護を領民に告示するため、石刻の詔勅文を全土に設置しました。詔勅文は石柱や岩石に刻まれ、梵語(実際は梵語方言のプラークリット語)が使われていますが、なかにはギリシヤ語やアラム語(当時の西アジア世界における国際語的な言語)などで、記されているものも発見されている ということです。


その碑文にはダムマリピー 、すなわち「法の文字」と記されております。梵天創造に通じるブラーフミーという名称は、仏教がバラモン教の神々を護法神などに取り入れた後のこととされています。






 悉曇とは「完成したもの」 「成就したもの」という意味の梵語シッタン「完成したもの」とは、ひとつには、その文字だけで単独に発音できることをいったものです。また、インドでは学業の成就を祈って、学習用のテキストにシッダラストウられよ」という語を記す習慣がありました。それがやがてテキスト(字母表)のタイトルとなり、さらにシッタン(悉曇)と呼称されるようになったということです。





1. Holy letters, letters of law

Inscription and Siddha of King Ashoka

Sanskrit is a Chinese translation of Brahmi in Sanskrit. Brahmi means "Brahman's", and Brahman is Brahman, the creator of Balanism that existed in India before Buddhism began. There is a name of "Brahma" based on the legend of "Characters made by Brahma".

However, there is no established theory as to when the Brahmi script was actually born. The oldest surviving one, written in Brahmi Kamata, is the famous Ashoka royal engraving, which is said to date from the middle of the third century BC.

King Ashoka (reigned 268-232 BC) was the third King of the Maurya dynasty and ruled all over India except the southern part of the Indian peninsula} and built a great empire. The king was deeply devoted to Buddhism and set up stone carved royal texts throughout the country to announce his faith and protection to his territory. The Sanskrit text is engraved on stone pillars and rocks, and Sanskrit (actually the Prakrit dialect of Sanskrit) is used, but some are written in Greek and Aramaic (the international language in the West Asian world at that time). It means that what has been done has also been discovered.

Well, the inscription is written in Brahmi script. (In a small part, the Karostei inscription used and used in northwestern India at that time was also found.)

The inscription says Dammaripy, that is, the "letter of the law." The name Brahmi, which leads to the creation of Brahma, is said to have been after Buddhism incorporated the Brahman gods into the Dharmapala.

Fonts that have changed depending on the times and regions

The shape of this Brahumi Kamata character gradually changed with the passage of time or depending on the region. At first, it was composed of simple lines and dots, but by the time of the Gupta dynasty in the 4th century, it became a graceful typeface with curved lines as a whole. The typefaces of those days are called Gupta typefaces, and five typefaces will appear based on this Gupta typeface.

One of them is a font called Siddha Martliker type, which is stubborn in the 6th century.

It is a Sanskrit character that was used in Japan and passed on to Japan via China.

The Sanskrit word "completed", which means "completed" and "fulfilled", means that the character can be pronounced independently. Also, in India, it was customary to write the words, "Pray for the achievement of your studies, and pray for the achievement of your studies." It soon became the title of the text (alphabet table), and it was also called Sittang (Sittang).

The font of the characters that describe Sanskrit changed from time to time and from region to region, but the Siddha Martika type was also absorbed by the Nagari after the 10th century and disappeared from India.

The Devanagari font currently used in India began to be used around the 7th century, and it originated in this Nagari type, which was widespread in most parts of India, and eventually became "holy."

The word "Davea" meaning "Dave" was added. It is said that it was established in the 13th century. This font is characterized by the fact that the heads of each character are connected by a continuous line to form an elongated band.







































 長いインドの歴史の一時期に生まれ、消滅した梵語の一書体が、唯一の梵字として一千年以上も使われ、研究されてきたことは、単なる語学の域を離れた特異な意義をもっていたからといえ 暮らしの中に生きる梵語


われてます。これ以外あまりわたくしたちの目にふれるf」とは少ないのですが、長い間にわが国の文化に深い影響を与えてきました。そのもっとも身近な例が、五十音の配列です。アイウエオ、カキクケコヽ… という配列は、梵語字母(梵語のアルファベヨト)の配列にならって平安時代に生まれたといわれています。

 また、わたしたちが日常使っている日本語の中には、本来梵語であったものが数多く見られます。長い間に日本語化されて使われているもので、漢字に音写されています。たとえば あじやり  あしゅら  あみた  あらかん うらぼん えんま  けさ  ごま こんぴら さんまい しやかむに


 しゃもん しゅみ廿ん ぜん ぶごフ そとぅば  だらに だるま だんな とう なし  ねはん びしゃもん ぶっだ

 沙門、須弥山、禅、僧、卒塔婆、陀羅尼、達磨、檀那、塔、南無、涅槃、毘沙門、仏陀、 菩提、摩詞、曼荼羅



2. Development of Sanskrit characters in Japan

Peculiar Japanese Sanskrit study

By the way, in Japan, the Buddhist scripture, which was passed down through China along with the introduction of Buddhism, has lived through a long history as the only Siddha script. The change in font in India was not transmitted to Japan, and the characters of the time were still transmitted to the present. This is due to the abolition of the envoy to Tang, and new materials for the Sanskrit characters are included.

It can be said that the biggest prisoner is that it has stopped coming. Despite the lack of new materials, traditional syllabary research has been continued with limited materials up to that point. Furthermore, since the study of the two Buddhist characters was limited to those inside Buddhism, sectarian sublimation based on the legend of the formation of the Sanskrit characters was seen, and it has been treated as a sacred character.

Kukai's achievements in Japanese Siddha research

It is not clear when the Sanskrit literature was introduced to Japan. However, it is said that Ono no Imoko, who traveled to the continent as a mission to Sui in the 15th year of Suiko (607), brought in a sword (an Indian scripture written on the leaves of a tree called Taraha). It is written in an old book called. The Sanskrit doctor was stored in Yamato Horyuji Temple, but now it is in the Horyuji Treasures Museum of the Tokyo National Museum.

Horyuji shell leaf

Dharani, Heart Sutra, Sutra, Dharani

(Collection of the Tokyo National Museum)

It is in the collection and is considered to be the oldest manuscript of palm leaf manuscripts in the world that can be viewed on a sunny Thursday.

.. This is the so-called Horyuji shrine examination.

However, it was not until the Heian period that the study of Sanskrit characters began in earnest in Japan based on the materials made by Saicho, the messenger of the Tendai sect. Especially the founder of the Shingon sect, Kobo Daishi Kukai

The role and achievements that 8074-835) played in the future of the Sanskrit characters are worthy of special mention. His books, "Bonji 悉 Cloud character mother Exegesis" and "Dai 悉 悉 虢", are the first documents in the hands of Japanese people.

Annen systematized materials

It goes without saying that the Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, which was founded by Kobo Daishi, emphasized the study and research of Sanskrit characters. Kukai made a number of valuable materials in the future, and among them, "Kukai Ji-ki" was the basic material that became the starting point of the study of Siddha.

After that, materials related to the Buddhist scriptures were made in the future by study abroad monks such as Ennin, Enchin, Eun, and Soei, and the materials were organized and systematized by Aka Daishi Annen (841-915?) Of the Tendai sect. As a result, Japanese Buddhist priesthood has made great progress. Although Annen couldn't do it, he proceeded with the study of Sanskrit characters based on these abundant materials and knitted many books. Among them, the completion of the eight volumes of "Etsukuzo" was the result of Japan's Ekumo. It can be said that it has brought great results to academic research.

After that, progress was made in the development of phonology by ヽ annexed alien disciple and ヽ the ancestor of Japan's Confucian Studies Chuko last year t256-1 word 1)', but the envoy to Tang was already abolished until then. Since the research was limited to future materials, Japan's phonology will have to stagnate gradually, let alone new developments.

From the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Edo period

The study of the Buddhist priests, which was said to be a must-have for esoteric Buddhist priests, did not spread so much to general esoteric Buddhist priests.

"The Sanskrit character is the source of various laws, the source of the esoteric Buddhism. Therefore, the person who does not know the cloudiness is a half-mantra. Severe. The esoteric Buddhism's lingchi is something to do. Sad. Sad. "

It is said that he lamented.

In this way, the study of Sanskrit characters from the Kamakura period to the beginning of the Edo period was not so active.

Let's say. However, the research was inherited by the scholars of the Tendai sect and Shingon sect, and it was written slightly.

A syllabary written by Mr. Sumiko

From "Sanskrit Brush Handbook" published by Chishakuin Temple in Kyoto

Reconstruction of Sanskrit research

In the Edo period, people such as Jōgon, Chozen, and Evil Venerable Drinking Light devoted themselves to the study of the Buddhist scriptures. In particular, the achievement of Sumizen 26 Goney 1680) is that, after all, he established a beautiful and splendid typeface with a brush. Furthermore, it should be noted that the effort was made to spread the Sanskrit character itself, which had been passed down to a very limited number of people, to the general public.

In addition to practicing the most difficult deciphering of the Sanskrit sentence, the evil spirit venerable Drinking Light (1718-1804) emphasized the original text and criticized the misrepresentation of the Sanskrit character to correct the font. He wrote a large book called "Sanskrit", a thousand volumes, but he was also a high priest who was also devoted to the indoctrination of the people.

Wishes for folklore

By the way, after the Meiji Restoration, when Western cultures flowed into every aspect one after another, research on the Sanskrit language as a modern language began to be carried out. However, it is expected that the Buddhist scripture, which has become established within Buddhism and has made progress in monopoly, will be inherited in the traditional form in the future.

The fact that the Sanskrit typeface, which was born and disappeared during a long period of Indian history, has been used and studied as the only Sanskrit character for more than 1,000 years, can be said to have a peculiar significance beyond the mere language. Sanskrit to live in daily life

By the way, the Sanskrit characters have been engraved on stone towers since the Heian period, but they are also used for stupas and guardian tags.

I'm sorry. Other than this, there are few "f" that we can see, but it has had a profound influence on our culture for a long time. The most familiar example is the arrangement of Japanese syllabary. It is said that the arrangement of Aiueo, Kakikukeko ... was born in the Heian period, following the arrangement of Sanskrit characters (Sanskrit Alphabeyoto).

In addition, there are many Japanese words that we use every day that were originally Sanskrit. It has been translated into Japanese for a long time and is transcribed in kanji. For example, hydrangea, asura, amita, arakan, urabon, enma, kesa, sesame, konpira, sanmai, and squid.

Amitabha, Ashura, Amida, Arhat, Yuranbon, Enma, Kasaya, Goma, Kinbira, Samadhi, Shakyamuni,

Chamón Shumi Hiron Zen Buddha Sotuba Dharani Daruma Dharani Nashi Nehan Bishamon Buddha

Samon, Mt. Meru, Zen, Monk, Stupa, Dharani, Tatsuma, Danna, Tower, Nanashi, Nirvana, Bishamon, Buddha, Bodhi, Maji, Mandala

And so on. Many Sanskrit words have been translated into Japanese in this paka.

Buddhism, which had a great influence on the culture of Japan, and Sanskrit and Sanskrit, are still alive in our current lives.












真言は不思議なり 観誦すれば無明を除く


 一宇に千理を含み 即身に法如を証す












Second, the profound philosophy of seeds

By the way, it is a Buddhist character that has traced such a history, but in esoteric Buddhism, it is not just a character, but each character is a symbol of Buddha and is used as a sacred word with deep significance. It has not been sanctified simply because it is a letter that describes the Buddhist scriptures. All Buddhist scriptures were translated into Chinese and passed on to Japan. All sutras read in Japan are translated into Chinese. In that scripture, you may find or hear words such as "on ... sowaka" that are neither Chinese nor Japanese.

This is the Sanskrit word itself, which is called Dharani or Mantra, and is distinguished from ordinary sutras as the true word of Tathagata. These Dharani and Mantra were written in kanji in the form of sound transcription, but they are originally very meaningful and are considered to be untranslatable sacred words.

What is Dharani and what is Mantra?

Dharani is translated as "total possession" in the transcription of Sanskrit Dharani. Originally it had the meaning of memory or retention, so it was probably translated as having everything.

Dharani was one of the ways to understand, remember, and pass on the doctrine for the proclamation of Mahayana Buddhism, but it was understood to have various deeper meanings and many mysterious powers. It has been advocated as having.

Mantra is a translation of the Sanskrit word mantra. The mantra has been chanted as a hymn to the gods and a divine curse since the ancient Indian era before the rise of Buddhism. However, when it comes to mantra in Buddhism, it is a term peculiar to Mantra Esoteric Buddhism that also summarizes Vidya (Ming Curse) and the aforementioned Daphne.

The mantra is mysterious, except for the avidyā if you look at it.

Includes Senri in Ichiu and immediately proves Honyo

This is the word "ゞ" written in Kobo Daishi Kukai's "Prajna Shinkyo Hidden Key", but by observing the mantra, the fundamental anxiety called avidyā is removed, and the truth of Satori is revealed to this body. It can be embodied. It is said that the mantra is such a new spiritual test, and that each character of the mantra contains so many meanings and doctrines that it is said to be a ritual.

The profound significance of the mantra and the one character

Since the mantra is a Sanskrit word, the deep meaning and teachings are entrusted to the Sanskrit characters of Niko Futako who write it.

Also, it is written as follows in Kukai's "Bonji 悉 Cloud character Exegesis".

The world just knew his character and went to work every day, but he still couldn't understand the character. Nyorai preached his true meaning. If he follows the Chancellor and uses it, it will be a character of the world. If you understand the true meaning, it will be the character of Dharani in the world.

This is because people in the world use it in their daily lives just by knowing the character of the Siddha, that is, the superficial meaning, but the meaning of the character, that is, the deep philosophical truth that the Siddha has. I don't understand yet. Nyorai is preaching the true meaning (literal meaning) of the Sanskrit character. If by letter

If you use the Sanskrit character, it becomes the character of the world, and if you know this truth and use it, it means that it becomes the character of Dharani in the world of Tathagata, which transcends the world.

The truth is that the truth for fulfilling Satori is entrusted to one character and two children of the Buddhist scripture. Based on that, Kukai preaches the profound meaning and reason contained in the Sanskrit character Ichiu.











然ればすなはち、この梵字は、三世仁旦って常恒なり。十方に遍じてもって不改なり。これを学び、これを書すれば定んで常住の仏智を得ん。これを誦じ、これを観ずれば必ず不壊の法身を証す。諸教の根本、諸智の父母、蓋しこの字母に在るや。所得の功徳、撮しく説くこと能はず。ルハには「華厳」 「般若」 「火吹盧遮那」 「金剛頂」及び「涅槃」等の経口広く説くが如し。と記されております。


そらくこの梵字にあるのではないか。梵字によって得られる功徳については、細かく説明することはできない。詳しくは「華厳経」 「般若経」 「大日経」 「金剛頂経」および「涅槃経」などの経典に広く説かれているとおりである。この上うに空海は説いているのですが、梵字は単なる文字としてではなくヽ真理を表現するためある。

Sanskrit Sanskrit includes innumerable righteousness in Ichiu's voice. When it comes to Tang dynasty again, however, you can get a single ball and fight at Misumi. (Omitted) For this reason, Takumi Amoghavajra, who conveys the mantra, uses the Sanskrit character as if to teach the mantra of the secret store.

Sanskrit Sanskrit has an infinite amount of meaning in the voice (wave) of one character, so if you translate it into the Chinese (Tang) language, you will lose the dog-like thing. Therefore, it is said that Amoghavajra, who transmitted the Mantra Esoteric Buddhism, used all the Sanskrit characters to teach the Mantra of the Secret Kura. In other words, it seems that the truth can be best communicated only by using the Sanskrit language.

Nyorai does not preach the truth itself in guiding sentient beings, but uses various metaphors and methods to preach in a more understandable way. Since the truth cannot be grasped directly by our five senses, Nyorai takes the form of an upaya and guides people to Satori.

Gain eternal Buddha's wisdom with a copy of the Sanskrit characters

However, Sanskrit and Sanskrit are not the truth itself, but above all, they are said to be symbols that are close to the truth. Therefore Kukai

By the way, this Sanskrit character is always the third generation. It is unchanging even in all directions. If you learn this and write it, you will definitely get the resident Buddhist wisdom. He recites this, and whenever he sees it, he always proves his unbreakable Dharmakaya. It is the root of various religions, the parents of various wisdom, and the character of the lid. The merit of income should be the ability to take pictures. It is recommended to widely preach to Ruha, such as "Hanagen," "Prajna," "Hibuki Rohsana," "Vajrasekhara Sutra," and "Nirvana." It is written as.

In other words, the Sanskrit characters are eternal throughout the past, present, and future three generations, and are ubiquitous in all directions and will not be renewed. If you learn and write this, you will surely get the wisdom of the eternal Buddha. If you remind yourself of the true words, Sanskrit and Sanskrit, and think about them, you can embody the body of truth that will never be broken. The basis of all the teachings, which can be called the parents of all the wisdom, is

Isn't it in this Sanskrit character? The merit gained by the Sanskrit characters cannot be explained in detail. The details are as widely explained in the scriptures such as "Avatamsaka Sutra", "Prajnaparamita", "Dainichikei", "Vajrasekhara Sutra" and "Taiwankyo". Kukai preaches above this, but the Sanskrit characters are not just letters, but to express the truth.


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