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瞑想のしょ初歩  Beginning of meditation





脳を休ませていると、 無意識に浮かんでくる思考があります。「明日の洋服は何を着よう」「週末の約束は何時だっけ」など。そういった雑念とゆっくり向き合うことで、今の自分に必要な思いや考えが分かってくると言われています。 瞑想を極めると、雑念が一切ない無の状態になれるそうです。初めから無の状態を目指すのではなく、自分のできる範囲で瞑想を取り入れてみましょう。 思考が整理されます。








DMNとは、デフォルト・モード・ネットワーク(Default Mode Network)のこと。脳の神経活動の一種です。活発な脳の神経活動を抑える効果が、瞑想にはあるようです。



ジョンズ・ホプキンズ大学のKatherine Maclean教授をはじめとした13人の研究者らによって、 瞑想には集中力を高める効果が見られることが分かりました。2010年に発表された論文によると、60人を対象に瞑想と集中力に関する実験を行いました。その結果、「瞑想を行うことで、集中力が高まる。瞑想を行った実験対象者は、用意したつまらない実験にも集中して取り組むことができた」とのこと。





メリーランド大学のKevin W.Chen教授らは2,466人を対象に調査を行いました。さまざまな瞑想を被験者に試してもらった結果、瞑想後は不安のレベルが下がったそうです。不安が減ると、自分の思考をネガティブに持っていく要素が減ってくれたということですね。



瞑想というと、「時間を十分に取ってゆっくりと行う」というイメージがありませんか? 実は、たった1分間でできる瞑想もあります。1分でいいなら、朝起きた直後、電車、お昼休憩などどこでもできますね。自分の好きなタイミングでトライして、生活に馴染ませてみてはどうでしょうか。


1分間瞑想は、丁寧な呼吸を心掛けます。1分間をたっぷり使うことを意識しましょう。 まずは、息を4秒間でゆっくりと吸いこみます。4秒で吸ったあと、8〜16秒間かけてゆっくりと息を吐きます。1分間だと、3〜5回繰り返すことができます。では、試しに1分間でやってみましょう!






出典|マインドフルネス瞑想とは 一般社団法人 日本マインドフル・リーダーシップ協会


マインドフルネス瞑想のやり方 調身・調息・調心












a thought, thought behind speech or action


出典|Mantra Oxford living Dictionary








UCLA(カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校)と、南カリフォルニア大学の教授たちが、瞑想と睡眠に関する論文を発表しています。 実験では、睡眠障害をもつ高齢者にマンドフルネス瞑想を取り入れてもらいました。その結果、睡眠障害の症状が緩和されたとしています。













  • 目をつむる

  • 手のひらを上に向ける

  • 坐骨で座り、背筋を伸ばす





瞑想中に雑念が湧いてしまうのは、仕方ありません。無理にかき消さず、そのまま流して置いてみては。「雑念がどうしても邪魔だ! 」という人には、おすすめの方法があります。目を瞑って、頭の中にロウソクの火を思い浮かべてください。その火がゆらゆらと灯っている様子を頭の中で見つめていると、いつのまにか雑念がなくなるでしょう。


瞑想中、スローテンポな音楽が流れていると、リラックス効果を高めてくれる場合があります。YouTubeで「Meditation music」と検索 すると、バリのマッサージ屋さんで聴こえてきそうな音楽がヒットします。小さなボリュームで、雰囲気を演出すると瞑想がやりやすくなるのではないでしょうか。

また、同じくYouTubeで、「Meditation tutorial」と検索することもおすすめです。日本や海外の瞑想に詳しい人が、解説動画をアップロードしています。動画の多くは、声でガイダンスをしてくれているので、動画を再生しながら実践することができます。「一つ一つの流れを覚える自信がない……」という方は、動画と一緒にどうぞ。


What is meditation

Meditation involves closing your eyes, correcting your posture, breathing, and focusing. It is said that by continuing to practice, you can relax and reorganize your mind. In order to comfortably improve daily performance, many celebrities have taken part in their daily lives.

To relax the brain and face inside

In everyday life, the brain is constantly working. Give your brain a break, just as you walk your legs and rest your legs. Meditation is done to "relax the brain and face the inside of yourself."

When you rest your brain, there are thoughts that come to you unconsciously. "What do you wear for tomorrow?" "What time is the weekend promise?" It is said that by slowly confronting such thoughts, you will be able to understand the thoughts and thoughts that you now need. It seems that if you master meditation, you will be in a state of nothing without any thoughts. Instead of aiming for nothing from the beginning, try incorporating meditation to the extent you can. Thoughts are organized.

In recent years, many leading companies and governments have also incorporated meditation into their daily work. Meditation is practiced by Google, Goldman Sachs, the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) and others. Google even sells books about meditation.

Benefits of meditation

The benefits of meditation have been announced by numerous research institutions. By adjusting your breathing and creating a relaxed state, further effects will be created. Among them, we will explain in detail the three typical merits.

Stress is reduced

During meditation, alpha waves will come out of the brain. Alpha waves are a type of electroencephalogram and are said to help the autonomic nerves to reduce stress. Ms. Michio Nomura, Associate Professor of Kyoto University, said as follows.

General relaxation and meditation are different. Relaxing doesn't mean you can get rid of your brain fatigue. Rather, it is important to mitigate the excessive idling of DMN by meditation. Meditation is a third state of mind that is neither nervous nor relaxing.

Source | Going to the forefront of brain science-Meditation research progressing dramatically

DMN stands for Default Mode Network. It is a type of neural activity in the brain. Meditation seems to have the effect of suppressing the active nerve activity of the brain.

You can expect to improve your concentration

Thirteen researchers, including Professor Katherine Maclean at Johns Hopkins University, have found that meditation has a concentration-enhancing effect. According to a paper published in 2010, 60 people conducted experiments on meditation and concentration. As a result, he said, "Meditation improves concentration. The test subjects who meditated were able to concentrate on the boring experiments they prepared."

You may want to focus on your meditation in time with your important presentations and business meetings.

Can be positive thinking

When the brain is relaxed by meditation, it has a positive effect on your thinking.

Professor Kevin W. Chen of the University of Maryland and others surveyed 2,466 people. As a result of having the subject try various meditations, it seems that the level of anxiety decreased after meditation. When anxiety decreased, it meant that you had less of an element to take your thoughts negatively.

Another study also found that the results of meditation showed positive results in positive thinking and optimism. Meditation can reduce negative minds and increase positive minds. If you continue, your mental status may stabilize.

How to meditate for 1 minute

When you think of meditation, do you have the image of "take enough time and do it slowly"? Actually, there is meditation that can be done in just one minute. If you only need 1 minute, you can take a train, lunch break, etc. right after waking up in the morning. Why don't you try it at your own timing and get used to life?

1 minute meditation breathing

For 1 minute meditation, try to breathe carefully. Be aware of spending a full minute. First, inhale slowly for 4 seconds. After inhaling for 4 seconds, exhale slowly for 8 to 16 seconds. One minute can be repeated 3-5 times. Let's try it in a minute!

how was it?

At the beginning, I think many people can't keep exhaling for 16 seconds. (I exhaled for 5 seconds, and became exhaled.) Please be aware that you exhale for a long time, with the image of letting you breathe out the exhaled breath little by little.

Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is one type of meditation. What is mindfulness in the first place? The Japan Mindful Leadership Association said:

A moment of now, a state of awareness without any evaluation or judgment for the moment (awareness)

Source | What is Mindfulness Meditation? Japan Mindful Leadership Association

Meditation that emphasizes "now" is called mindfulness meditation. What are you thinking now? Why did you think this way now? Align your mind by noticing what you are.

Method of mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is generally considered to be good for 20-30 minutes. However, it takes about 10 minutes to get used to it. Introducing three mindfulness meditation points.

Reference: Rinzai sect Myoshinji sect Omotoyama Myoshinji | How to zazen


Sit down in the shape of a cross and be aware of sitting on the ischium. Feel the neck and head stretch out so that the spine is straight, and pull the chin moderately.


It has the image of breathing through every corner of the body. Breathe with multiple breaths. Slowly inhale and inflate your stomach, then slowly exhale and gradually dent your stomach.


Prepare your heart. Focus on breathing in and out. You may want to count according to the breathing rhythm.

Meditate on the mantra

There is also a meditation where you can decide your favorite words and sing slowly. You can use any words that you can easily meditate, so you can say "Gyo, U, Za." However, be careful when you say "Gyoza Gyoza ..." because it will fill your head with gyoza.

What is a mantra

Mantra is a word that is recited during meditation. The etymology is Sanskrit (ancient languages ​​of India and Southeast Asia). Mantra is Sanskrit and has the following meanings.

a thought, thought behind speech or action

Source | Mantra Oxford living Dictionary

It means "thoughts and thoughts behind words and actions". When you think of it as your own inner voice, it makes sense to use it for meditation to confirm your current state.

Benefits of meditation while chanting the mantra

The mantra used in meditation is a single word, which is repeated. It is effective when the thoughts go around in your head. By chanting the mantra, you are more conscious of chanting than you think. So you can concentrate on your meditation. If you want to immerse yourself in meditation, try the mantra.

Meditation before going to bed at home

There are many people who work during the daytime and have a lot of meetings, so it may be difficult for some people to take time. For those people, I will introduce meditation that can be done in 5 minutes before sleeping at home. Meditation before going to bed is said to have a positive effect on the body. If you get rid of the tiredness of one day and sleep in a calm heart, you will surely be refreshed the next day.

Good effect if you do it before going to bed

Professors at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) and the University of Southern California have published papers on meditation and sleep. In the experiment, we asked elderly people with sleep disorders to incorporate mandfulness meditation. As a result, the symptoms of sleep disorders were alleviated.

It is said that the human brain emits alpha waves when it is about to enter sleep. I think that the fact that the meditation started to produce α waves led to the relief of sleep disorders. About one-third of a day is devoted to sleep. If daily sleep is improved, quality of life will be greatly improved.

How to meditate before going to bed

For meditation before going to sleep, I hope you can stay in bed. I would like to introduce "Shabasana" that I learned while going to hot yoga. When I had a lot of hot yoga, I used to go there four days a week. Shavasana is a form of meditation that is also used in yoga.

First, try darkening the room lighting. By making it dark, you can meditate in a calm space. After turning off the lights, lie on your back in bed and relax your whole body. I don't want to feel extra power, so I recommend you to leave pillows and comforters away.

As it is, breathe slowly. Be aware of abdominal breathing, which raises and lowers the abdomen according to breathing. Continue breathing for about 5 minutes. Open your eyes slowly after about 5 minutes. This is the end. It's easy to do so you should be able to practice it tonight!

4 Tips for Beginners to Do Correct Meditation

Perhaps many people have read the benefits of meditation and various methods and would like to try meditation. I tried to imitate it, but it's hard to see if it's done correctly. So for beginners, here are four tips to practice meditation correctly. Meditation is for you. It's a good idea not to worry too much about what is right or wrong, and continue the way you feel comfortable.

Prepare the environment

Prepare the surrounding environment for meditation. If you do it at home, try to clean up your room. Don't feel "dusty" during breathing. Although meditation is performed with your eyes closed, it is human beings who feel the presence of people and things even with their eyes closed. Let's create a clean space where the surroundings are not full of people and things.

Also, clothing is an important point. It's best to avoid tight clothing and choose loose clothing.

Correct posture

There are some things to keep in mind with your posture.

Close your eyes
Palm up
Sit on the ischium and stretch your back

First, close your eyes. With your eyes open, the amount of information sent to the brain will inevitably increase. Close your eyelids gently.

Then keep your palms facing up. It is said that when the palm of the hand is released, the person himself becomes liberated.

Finally, sit on the ischium and stretch your back. Sit back once and try to shift the meat on your butt behind, "Good, good". The pelvis will naturally stand up. If you have a stoop, stretch your back like an image of your head being pulled. If your back is stretched, your breathing will improve.

Don't force your thoughts

It's inevitable that thoughts will spring up during meditation. Don't force it off, just let it flow and leave it there. For those who say, "Thoughts are in the way!", There is a recommended method. Close your eyes and imagine a candle fire in your head. If you look at the fire flickering in your head, you'll find yourself in the dark.

Utilize music apps and videos

During meditation, slow-tempo music may enhance your relaxation. If you search for "Meditation music" on YouTube, you will find music that you might hear at a massage shop in Bali. If you create a mood with a small volume, meditation may be easier.

Also on YouTube, "Meditation
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