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Yukiko Yanagida, the words of a Japanese monk who saved S. Jobs, who was messed up by human relationships人間関係ぐちゃぐちゃのS・ジョブズを救った日本人僧侶の言葉 柳田 由紀子





弘文は、書の達人でもあった。ジョブズのフォントに対する情熱に影響が見られる コピーライトマーク︎Nicolas Schossleitner








弘文の書 photo/Courtesy of the Abbott family




ケイレブ・メルビー著『ゼン・オブ・スティーブ・ジョブズ 』(集英社インターナショナル)








以下は、弘文の法話をまとめた小冊子、「弘文が語る『般若心経』」(”Kobun’s talks on the Heart Sutra”/私家版)からの引用。






禅僧の言葉(7)《人助け? 笑わせてあげることだよ》

京大時代から弓に親しんだ 写真提供/柴田勘十郎氏







ジョブズに出逢った頃 photo/Courtesy of Harriet Buffington Chino





晩年、ヨーロッパ布教時のスナップ photo from www.kobun-sama.orghttps://bunshun.jp/articles/-/37895

Steve Jobs, the man who saw the bottom. Although Jobs has a gorgeous image, it has actually been exiled from Apple, which started its own business. The cause is poor management due to his arrogant personality. Moreover, at the new company that was established in anticipation of revenge, what he did was unsuccessful, and nothing was written.

But the man didn't give up. When it returned to Apple in 1996, it released world-class hit products such as iPod, iPhone, and iTunes one after another. Next to Jobs, there was always a Japanese monk. Zen Buddhist monk who referred to him as a teacher for the rest of his life, the late Hirofumi Otogawa. Seven words that Jobs made blood and flesh from a Zen monk, also called Furai Bozu.

Hirofumi was also a master of calligraphy. Jobs' passion for fonts is affected コピーライトマークコピーライトマーク Nicolas Schossleitner
Zen monk's words (5) 《Zen is sweeping and cleansing》

Jobs, who was chased by Apple with stones, fell down the slope at once from the babies of the times. Sometimes in 1985, Jobs was 30 years old. Losing his way, he pursued the Zen teacher Hirofumi. For example, the year after the exile. Jobs accompanied him on his way home from Hirofumi, and went to Kamo, a small town in Niigata.

Meanwhile, at this time, Hirofumi himself had begun a kind of seclusion life in a mountainous area near Santa Fe, New Mexico. Of course, Jobs also appears here. The teacher preached to a disciple who pursued him to the remote mountains.

Everyone thinks Zen is meditation. But it's not. Zen is sweeping and cleansing.

Actually, this is a word that leads to the famous "Hirakushintsukyou".

The color is the sky

"Color" here refers to all material elements. A material element that is <color> is <empty>. To put it plainly, a substance is a state without substance, which is what "color-immediate sky" means.

Book of Hirofumi photo / Courtesy of the Abbott family

Then, we humans are also one of the material elements, so there is no substance. However, the shell of a person's ego is very stubborn and hard, and occupies the center of the world. Instead, he wasn't obsessed with his own thoughts and said, “Sweep and cleanse yourself,” Hirofumi told Jobs.

Originally, Jobs was an arrogant man who was described by people as a "reality distortion field." What's more, he was financially blunt at the time, and the company inside the new company, Next, and the human relationships were messed up. Jobs, taught in the mountains of New Mexico to “cleanse and cleanse,” was inspired by these words and returned to Silicon Valley.

Zen monk's words (6) 《Moon, stars, sun, wind, rain, all are part of your body》
Caleb Melby "Zen of Steve Jobs" (Shueisha International)

Jobs' unfavorable era lasted for 10 years, but Hirofumi and Jobs are the most intimate exchanges at this time. Among these, Jobs was a proposal by Jobs to live together.

Jobs, who came to New Mexico, enthusiastically asked Hirofumi to "return to Silicon Valley." At that time, Jobs said he had lived in a 30-room mansion (aka Jackling House), but even said he would "build a new house on the premises." Hirofumi himself initially refused to offer, but gradually he began to live with him, making Jobs House the base for his stay in California.

One of Hirofumi's disciples who visited the two living together,

"It was a horribly spacious house, but it was empty with few things. It had a large dining table, a very upscale stereo, a pipe organ, and a bowl of fruit. It was popular. ''

I laugh and swear.

From the American comic "Zen of Steve Jobs" that depicts the interaction of two people over 30 years

Jobs and Hirofumi lived together for about five years before they got married. During this time, Jobs thoroughly learned the quintessence of Mahayana Buddhism found in Hironaka Shinkyo and Zazen's heart.

The following is a quote from a booklet, "Kobun's talks on the Heart Sutra" (private version), a booklet summarizing the story of Hirofumi.

The feeling that surrounds us is part of our body. The moon, stars, sun, wind, and rain are all part of your body.

Along with <Sky>, <Lucky> is an important concept in "Pranjyashinkei". In general, "lucky" is often used as a fortune telling of good and bad, such as "good or bad," but here, "things are caused by something," "the way the world is" is shown as it is. It is easy to understand when you interpret it as "tamono".

Then, "lucky" means that all things in this world are "sky." <Sky> means that they influence each other. So, let's abandon our obsession and make ourselves empty and live in harmony with the surroundings. The surroundings include not only the equestrian world on which we live, but also the moon, stars, sun, wind, and rain−all the universes that surround us.

Jobs lived with Hirofumi in an unfavorable age and learned "sky" and "lucky luck." In those days, the arrogant man who refused others every time and fell to the bottom became a person who wanted to stay in the universe and seemed to naturally do what to do next. There was an overwhelming "zen power" behind Jobs and the miracle revival.

Hirofumi's Native American style Zen hall in the mountainous area of ​​New Mexico. Jobs also visited.
Zen monk's words (7) Lol
Photo courtesy of Mr. Kanjuro Shibata, who has been familiar with bows since the days of Kyoto University

According to Daniel Kotoke, a college alumni on a trip to India with a pilgrimage to Jobs in his youth, "Steve, who had no self-respect and self-esteem, was the only person who respected Hirobumi." ..

Why was Jobs so attracted to Hirofumi?

The reason for this is that Hirofumi, who has a soft inclusiveness, and the goodness of the fighting Jobs, the view of religion that Hirobumi cultivated from the Kyoto University era to the east and west of the western world, and his practice in the world However, the final deciding factor was Hirofumi's "mercy" and "lotus in the mud."

Mercy is a concept that frequently appears in Mahayana Buddhism as well as Christianity. Buddha views the world as "bitterness" (not to be in his own way), but he seeks no reward in order to remove it from the people, and the peace of mind of others is his own peace of mind. He boldly decided that he should do it for others. That is mercy.

Hirofumi was a priest who lived mercilessly, with no desire to succeed and no secularity. Therefore, when I was begged for something, I handed my wallet, and he was always lacking money without an inn. For Greedy Jobs, it's just the opposite of what it looks like.

It's about making me laugh.

Photo / Courtesy of Harriet Buffington Chino when I met Jobs

This is Hirofumi's answer when he was once asked by his disciple, "What is the best way to help people?" Hirofumi also had a good sense of humor, which was a Zen machine that made Jobs, who continued to run smoothly, come back to me.

In addition to lack of money and the collapse of his family, Hirofumi had a drinking problem. It was not only once that I was laid down in the street and detained. However, even there, he received life counseling from detainees and people with a criminal record, saying, "This is also a monk's job," he said.

Religion has both the side of keeping the peace of the organization and the group by keeping the discipline and the side of living with sentient beings wearing mud, but Hirofumi lived the latter. "Lotus in the mud" is a parable of showing pureness in a dirty situation, as a pure lotus flower blooms from the mud.

Jobs was a man who was abandoned by his parents shortly after his birth and was adopted, and enjoyed life in a pond of mud. The fact irritated him for many years. He was not the saint of Shimizu, he wanted the lotus in the mud. And Jobs, who met Hirofumi at the age of 20, was already aware of Hirofumi's essence.

Later years, a snap during the mission to Europe photo from www.kobun-sama.org







