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シュタイナー と 睡眠  Steiner and sleep




 自然科学では、人間を作るものとして物質の肉体しか考えませんが、精神(霊)科学では肉体(物 質体)以外にも、肉眼では見えない「体」を考えています。霊視能力が高まるほどに、それらの「体」が見えてきます。それは、生命力をになうエーテル体(生 命体)と、感情をになうアストラル体です。さらに能力が高まると、自我さえも見えてきます。奇妙に聞こえるかもしれませんが、自我も一つの存在として見えてくるのです。霊視者が見た人間の姿を図示してみると下のようになります。





 エーテル体についてもう少し詳しくいうと、エーテル体は生命を与えるだけでなく、生物に形も与えています。エーテル体の形が、物質体の原形になっています。つまり原形としてのエーテル体が先にあり、その原形を物質体が満たしているというわけです。ソビエトの科学者キルリアン夫妻がその原形らしきものを捉えたことは、知っている人も多いでしょう。高周波放電を利用した装置を用いて、たとえば、一部を 切り取られた葉がしばらくの間、切られる前の輪郭で写真に写ったのです。ニューサイエンスの分野でも、「生物場」とか「形態形成場」という考え方で、エー テル体に近いものを想定する人たちがいます。

 人間の場合、四肢や内臓、脳などもすべて、エーテル体の原形があるわけです。といっても、物質体と同じような輪郭だけを思い浮かべると、エーテル体の実際と違ってしまいます。エーテル体は、物質体とは違って、リズムを持った流れのような性質も持っています。中国や日本で、人間の「気」と呼ばれているものは、エーテル体やエーテル流に相当します。人間の持っている体質や癖といったものが、肉体から治そうとしてもなかなかうまくいかないのは、エーテル体にその原因があることが多いからです。体内の「気」の流れを正して体質改善しようというのは、エーテ ル体に働きかけて治そうということです。

 エーテル体は、さらに記憶もになっています。しかし、記憶は脳の働きによるのではないか。脳が損傷すれば、記憶も思考もだめになるではないかという人もいるでしょう。これに対し、精神(霊)科学では、見かけ上、そうなるに過ぎないと考えます。記憶 はエーテル脳に刻み込まれていて、物質脳は、外部の物質世界の印象を取り込む器官に過ぎないのです。8ミリカメラにたとえるなら、物質脳がレンズであり、 エーテル脳がフィルムになるでしょう。レンズが曇ったり、こわれたりすれば、フィルムの映像もぼけたり、だめになるわけです。物質世界にいる間は、物質脳 が正常に働かないとエーテル脳の働きも不十分になります。しかし人間の死後、物質脳の働きが止まった後も、エーテル脳に刻み込まれた記憶は、ある期間、働き続けることができるのです。カメラから取り出されたフィルムが映写機にかけられるようなことが起こるのです。





   人間  動物  植物  鉱物
   自我   ○   
アストラル体   ○   ○  
エーテル体   ○   ○   ○ 
 物質体   ○   ○   ○   ○

 以上を前提にして、人聞が眠っている時の状態について述べてみます(以下、シュタイナーの講演 集、211番『太陽密儀、ならびに死と復活の秘儀』の「夜間意識の3状態」を中心にお話します。目下、翻訳はありません)。

 まずシュタイナーは睡眠を3つに分けていて、1、夢を見ている眠り、2、夢見のない深い眠り、 3、さらに深い眠り、を挙げています。先ほど紹介した人間の4要素の構成も、睡眠に入ると変化します。




〔自我十アストラル体〕は物質体からほとんど抜け出ていますが、まだエーテル体とはつながっています。自我が物質体の中に入っている間、人間は、しっかりした意識を持てますが、自我が物質体の外に出ると、ふつうは意識を失います。しかしこの場合は、 エーテル体とのつながりがまだあります。

 エーテル体は先ほど述べたように、記憶をつかさどっています。そのため、〔自我十アストラル 体〕に、エーテル体から日常の記憶が浮かび上がってきて、これが夢となります。自我は物質体の外にいるため、正常な働きができず、浮かび上がってきたイ メージを日常とは異なる流れに流し込みます。









 しかし現代の人間は、ふつうその世界を覗くことができません。見ることができるのは秘儀参入者 だけです。




 夢見の眠りの世界は、このイマギナチオーンの力で見ることができます。こうした能力の開発の仕方は、『神秘学概論』の第5章「高次世界の認識(参入について)」や、『いかにして超感覚的世界の認識を獲得するか』などに紹介してあります。先ほど、 シュタイナーは夢を重視しないと言いましたが、秘儀参入の場合は、睡眠中の状態を能力開発のバロメーターにすることができます。

 最初の兆しは、夢が規則的になり、特定の姿が現れ、意味のある言葉が聞こえるようになることです。友人の家が燃えている夢を見たら、後でその友人が病気になったという知らせを受けるような体験も起こりだします。  [戻る]


 古代インド、古代ペルシャのころの人間は、現代人のように〔自我十アストラル体〕が〔エーテル体十物質体〕にきっちりはまり込んでなかったし、自我の状態も違っていたので、目覚めている時も〔自我十アストラル体〕が分離しやすく、「白昼夢」に似た 形で、霊的世界の様子を見ることができました。夜の睡眠中も、意識を失わないで霊的世界を見ることがありました。当時も秘儀参入者はいましたがふつうの人でも、ぼんやりとこの世界を見ることができたのです。彼らにとって霊的世界は信じるような種類の事柄ではなく日常的なものだったのです。今日では事情が変わってしまいました。


 逆行催眠を行うと、全く忘れていた昔の記憶、幼年時代の記憶が細かい点までよみがえるといいます。場合によっては一日刻みに、しかも生まれたその日までさかのぼれると主張する人もいます。このような現象は、記憶をつかさどるエーテル体と関連しています。シュタイナーによると、催眠術をかけられている人を霊視すると、その人の頭部のエーテル体が左右どちらかに垂れてしまっているそうです(物質体から エーテル体の一部が出てしまうことでは、血行が悪くて痺れてしまった手や足の場合も、同じです)。(全集96番「精神(霊)科学の根源にあるインパルス』)。

Human beings are made of four things In natural sciences, we only consider the physical body of matter as what makes us human, but in spiritual science we think of the "body" that is invisible to the naked eye, in addition to the physical body. The more you can see, the more you can see those "bodies." It is an ether body (living body) that becomes vital and an astral body that becomes emotional. With even higher abilities, even the ego can be seen. It may sound strange, but the ego also appears as a being. The figure below shows the figure of a human being as viewed by a spiritual viewer. These four substances, the ether body, the astral body, and the ego, have different wave levels, so to speak, so they can overlap. Plants and minerals Plants have ether bodies in addition to physical bodies, but minerals are only physical bodies. Minerals that do not have an ether body are "alive" (strictly, minerals also have signs of an ether body). Ether body To elaborate on the ether body, the ether body not only gives life, but also gives shape to living things. The shape of the ether body is the original form of the substance body. In other words, the ether body as the original form comes first, and the substance body fills the original form. Many people know that Soviet scientists Kirlian and his wife caught what seems to be the original form. Using a device that uses high-frequency discharge, for example, a partially cut leaf was photographed for a while with the contour before cutting. Even in the field of new science, there are people who envision something close to an ether body, based on the idea of ​​a “biological field” or “morphological site”. In the case of humans, all limbs, internal organs, brain, etc. all have the original form of an ether body. However, if you think of only the same contour as the physical body, it will be different from the actual ether body. Unlike the physical body, the ether body also has a flow-like property with rhythm. In China and Japan, what is called the "ki" of humans is equivalent to the ether body or ether flow. The reason why human constitutions and habits do not work well even when trying to cure them from the physical body is because the etheric body has many causes. Correcting the flow of "ki" in the body to improve the constitution is to work on the body and cure it. The ether body also has memory. However, memory may be due to the function of the brain. Some might argue that brain damage can ruin both memory and thought. On the other hand, in spiritual science, I think that this is only the appearance. Memory is inscribed in the ether brain, and the material brain is just an organ that captures the impression of the external material world. If we compare it to an 8mm camera, the physical brain would be the lens and the ether brain would be the film. If the lens becomes cloudy or broken, the film image will be blurred or spoiled. While in the physical world, if the physical brain does not work properly, the ether brain will also function insufficiently. However, even after the death of humans and the work of the material brain has stopped, the memory imprinted in the ether brain can continue to work for a certain period of time. It happens that the film taken out of the camera can be applied to the projector. [Return] Astral body and animals The astral body is made of a material with a higher vibration than this ether body, and it has emotions and desires, but animals also have this. The table below summarizes the composition from minerals to humans. Humans, animals, plants, minerals Ego ○ It's a sequel. It's a sequel. Astral body ○○ It's a sequel. Ether body ○○○○ Material body ○○○○○○ Based on the above, I will describe the state when the human being is asleep (Hereafter, Steiner's lecture collection, No. 211 "Sun Mystery, and Mystery of Death and Resurrection" "Night Consciousness State" (There is currently no translation). First of all, Steiner divides his sleep into three, and he mentions 1, sleep with dreams, 2, deep sleep without dreams, 3, and even deeper sleep. The composition of the four elements of humans, which I introduced earlier, also changes during sleep. [Return] First stage of sleep (dreaming state) From a dreaming state, you will see something like the following figure. The [ego astral body] has almost escaped from the physical body, but is still connected to the ether body. Humans have a strong sense of consciousness while the ego is in the physical body, but when the ego exits the physical body, it usually loses consciousness. But in this case, there is still a connection with the etheric body. As mentioned earlier, the ether body is responsible for memory. Therefore, everyday memories emerge from the ether body in the [ego astral body], and this becomes a dream. Since the ego is outside of the physical body, it cannot function normally, and the emerging image is poured into a flow different from the ordinary. Since the ego and the astral body and the ether body and the physical body do not separate from each other during life, we will stick them together and use the expressions [ego ten astral body] and [ether body ten substance body]. I will. When the ether body and the physical body separate, it is time to die. State immediately after death (Explanation of the figure: The substance is left, all other elements are outside) The substance body that lost the ether body will collapse. The ego that escapes after death has consciousness unlike sleep. The etheric body can temporarily leave the body even when it is dying in a very dangerous eye. At that time, and immediately after his death, the flashback of his life so far occurs, which is based on the memory in the ethereal body with his ego. I will explain more about it when dealing with the issue of death. [Return] The meaning of a dream Well, is a dream just a mess of everyday memory? Floyd's psychoanalysis and Jung's analytical psychology place great weight on the meaning of dreams. Rather, in the case of Jung, dreams mediate between the unconscious and conscious worlds. It interprets the symbols of dreams and tries to read cues from the unconscious world. However, Steiner does not place much importance on the dreams of imperfect ego work. In addition to saying that a person's physical condition is symbolically represented in a dream (Complete Works 137, "Occultism, Theosophy, and Humans Seen from Philosophy", Lesson 7), the shadow of the spiritual world I admit that I am dropped into a dream. But I emphasize that it is just a shadow. When I was dreaming, I said that the [ego-10 astral body] is out of the physical body, but the destination is a spiritual world, and the [ego-10 astral body] Is in contact with. However, modern humans cannot usually look into the world. Only arcane entrants can see it. [Return] The world of imagination and dreams There are stages in the spiritual ability of arcane entrants. The first stage is the ability called Imagination. This is achieved by working on the astral body. When this power is added, you can also see the change of [Ego ten astral body] from [Ether body ten substance body] and the change after death. The world of Imagination is originally a world of figures, where the sea of ​​images undulates and weaves various shapes. It is a world of metamorphosis that has no beginning or end. You can also see how the earth has changed from its original origin due to the power of this imagery. But at Imagination, we don't understand the meaning of things. The world of dreamy sleep can be seen with the power of this imaginatioine. How to develop these abilities is introduced in Chapter 5 of "Introduction to Mysticism", "Awareness of the higher world (about entry)" and "How to acquire the perception of the transsensory world." There is. Earlier I mentioned that Steiner doesn't focus on dreams, but if you're entering the Arcane, you can make your sleeping state a barometer of development. The first sign is that your dreams will become regular, you will have a certain appearance, and you will be able to hear meaningful words. When a friend's house has a burning dream, they may later be notified that the friend has become ill. [Return] Ancient people sleep Humans in ancient India and Persia were awakened because the [ego astral body] did not fit exactly into the [ether body and 10 substance body] like modern people, and the state of the ego was different. Even when I was there, the [ego astral body] was easy to separate, and I was able to see the state of the spiritual world in a form similar to a daydream. Even during sleep at night, I sometimes saw the spiritual world without losing consciousness. Even at that time there were esoteric entrants, but even ordinary people could vaguely see this world. For them, the spiritual world was more of an everyday thing than a believing kind. Things have changed today. The difference between hypnosis and arcane entry It is said that performing retrograde hypnosis will bring back memories that were completely forgotten and memories of childhood to even the smallest details. Some argue that in some cases it can be traced back to the day of birth, and even to the day it was born. Such phenomena are associated with the ether body that controls memory. According to Steiner, when a person is hypnotized, the ether body of the person's head hangs down to the left or right (a part of the ether body comes out of the material body). This also applies to hands and feet that have become numb due to poor circulation.) (Complete work No. 96 "Impulse at the root of spiritual science").

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