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運命学  5月20日 あなたの運勢? Fate study

躍動の週 命の日


生まれ年二黒の人は大事に驚かず小事もゆるがせず、締め括りと節度を良くして進めば吉。ぶらりのひょうたん、 真中に締めくくりあるのを見習え。用意周到に。
へうたんの大器に心遊ぶかな 偽王
生まれ年三碧の人は飛鳥山を過ぐる象。門を出て落し穴あり。渡り鳥が美しく夕空に声を残して過ぎた。 あわてて見ようと門を出て空を仰ぐが、よろめいて門前の穴にはまり込むような日。悟らざれば空しき日。
生まれ年四緑の人は何と言っても、一家和合が一番大切。易経に曰く 「家人には厳君有り。父母の謂なり…。父は父たり子は子たり。兄は兄たり弟は弟たり。夫は夫たり。婦は婦たり。而して家道正し。」 と。夫婦関係が正しい時は、一家族皆正しくなる。暗剣を帯ぶ凶日。内外共に和を貴び事故を防げ。家事整理吉の日。
生まれ年五黄の人は困難が重なる日。行きなやみ蒙昧の行いをしやすい。何をするにも誠心が大切。 「仁者は山を楽しむ。仁者は静」の論語の境地を学びたい。

時ものを解決するや春を待つ 虚子
生まれ年九紫の人は易では離火の卦の日です。離の卦は中央が陰爻で空虚です。人の心が空虚になれば、明らかになります。 明らかな鏡の如く。自我をすてて大我に生きる心構えで当れば物事順調に進みます。強運ですから、当って砕ける心構えも大切。


Lively week Life day
The day when I want to spend everything carefully
The day of my own fate. It's a day when I'm restless and can't continue to focus on things. What you decide and do on this day, whether good or bad, will have a big impact later. It is important to avoid impulsive behavior and act sparingly and cautiously. Avoid blind actions, clean up your personal routines, clean up your tasks, and secure your own time. Strive to cleanse your environment and mind and save energy to keep you in top shape during the upcoming dynamic week.

Nine purple mars day
Financial problems and difficulties related to women. It can be contrary to people. A day when you have a lot of hard work.

Good luck for those who are born a year old. A day of worship with the orb in the palm. Proceed while looking for the light of hope.
The person who was born in Niguro is not surprised to be serious, does not loosen the small things, and is good if the progress and moderation are improved. Look at the hanging gourd, which ends in the middle. Be prepared.
I wonder if you can play with the big utensils
The person who is born in Sanhe is an elephant who passes through Asukayama. There is a pit through the gate. Migratory birds were beautiful and voiced in the evening sky. I rushed out of the gate and looked up at the sky, but it was a day when I staggered and got stuck in the hole in front of the gate. It will be an empty day if you realize it.
No matter what you say when you are born in Shiroku, family harmony is the most important thing. According to Yikyo, "There is a strict rule in the family. The parents are so-called parents. The father is the father, the child is the child, the brother is the brother, the brother is the brother, the husband is the husband, the woman is the woman. You're right. " When the marital relationship is correct, the whole family is correct. A bad day with a dark sword. Enjoy harmony both inside and outside to prevent accidents. Housework arrangement day.
The day when the birth year of Gohuang is difficult. It's easy to do things that are unreasonable. Sincerity is important in everything we do. I would like to learn the state of the jargon of "The person enjoys the mountains. The person enjoys the quiet."

People with six-year-olds are separated from each other because of interpersonal relationships, and things do not carry out. Even if I was tired, I couldn't turn around suddenly.
Kyoko waits for spring as soon as time is resolved
Nakayoshi is born in the seven year red. An elephant who catches his voice when thunder is around the equinoctial week. It is important to act according to the goodness of time even if you have the ability. Advancing and retreating behavior flexibly.
A person born in Yakuhaku is lucky, but he doesn't want to be drowned in comfort. Need for tightening and renewal. I'm starting new day by day.
People who are born in nine purple are in Yi on the day of fire. In the middle of the distance, the center is shady and empty. When a person's heart becomes empty, it becomes clear. Like a clear mirror. If you hit your mind with the attitude to live your self after your ego, things will go smoothly. Since you are lucky, it is important to be prepared to hit and break.

posted by gomabon at 08:36| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 運命学






