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 縁起流転水想観  Engi-ryu Tensui Sokan






その教えをここに説くならば、形ありとて形にとらわるべからず。縁あってかり に形を生じたものなれば、縁によっては、また、形なき空なるものに変らん。また、


形して無しと思うな、縁によっては、形を生じ相をあらわす。たとえば、かの を見よ。熱するという縁をあたうれば熱湯となり、蒸気となって空にとけこむ。 さむればふたたび水となり、雨となって地に降りそそぐ。寒の縁にあわばかたき 氷となり、つめたき霜の柱となる。 水の自性に変りなく、ただ縁によってかく変化 す。世のことすべてみなこの加し、形あるも無きも本は一体にして、すべて因縁次第なり。人の心の作用の、受も想も行も、識のはたらき、すべてこの理にほかならず。





Engi-ryu Tensui Sokan

It's mine

Heart Sutra meditation method.


If we are to preach this teaching here, we should not get caught up in the form. If something takes shape because of a relationship, it will also change into a formless emptiness depending on the relationship. Also,


Don't think that it has no shape; some edges give rise to shape and reveal aspects. For example, see that. If you hit it with a heating edge, it becomes boiling water, which turns into steam and melts into the sky. When it cools down, it becomes water again and falls to the earth as rain. On the edge of the cold, it bubbles and hardens into ice, becoming a column of hardened frost. The nature of water does not change; it only changes depending on its surroundings. Everything in the world is added together, and books, whether they have any form or not, are all one, and everything depends on fate. The actions of a person's mind, including their thoughts, thoughts, and actions, as well as the functions of their senses, are all based on this principle.

may be surprised, sad, or happy, but there is no human nature in which to be surprised, sad, or happy. According to the law of fate, the relationship has already responded and the relationship moves to reveal the relationship. This is called the principle of emptiness.

(Think of the universe, human relationships, and everything else in accordance with this idea of dependent origin, flow, and water.)

(Illustrated Heart Sutra)
posted by gomabon at 18:24| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教


観自在菩薩 アールヤアヴァローキテーシュヴァ  Aryavalokitesvar   観自在菩 Aryavalokitesvar 


梵名を、アールヤアヴァローキテーシュヴァラ (Aryavalokitesvara) といい、観自在菩薩ともいい ます。一般には「観音さま」と呼ばれ、菩薩の中 では最も親しまれてきました。

救いを求める相手によって、さまざまな姿に身 を変えてあらわれ、大慈悲とすぐれた智慧で人び との苦しみを除き、さらに切なる願いもかなえて くれる仏です。観音菩薩を信仰する人は、自分の 身近にいる人にその化身を感じ、利益にあずかる ことができるとされています。

観音菩薩は姿を変えて(変化観音)衆生の願い にこたえてくれますが、変化しない本来の形を聖 観音といいます。ふつう「観音」という場合は、 この聖観音をさします。 勢至菩薩とともに、阿弥陀如来の脇侍をつとめます。








His Sanskrit name is Aryavalokitesvara, also known as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. It is generally called ``Kannon-sama'' and has been the most beloved of the bodhisattvas.

He is a Buddha who appears in various forms according to the person to whom he seeks salvation, relieves people of their suffering with great compassion and superior wisdom, and even fulfills their earnest wishes. Those who believe in Kannon Bodhisattva are said to be able to feel the incarnation of those close to them and benefit from him.

Kannon Bodhisattva changes his appearance (transformation Kannon) to answer the wishes of sentient beings, but the original form that does not change is called Holy Kannon. When people usually say "Kannon", they refer to this Sho Kannon. Together with Seishi Bodhisattva, he serves as Amida Nyorai's side attendant.


Gyoran Kannon is one of the 33 Kannon Bodhisattvas[1]. It is one of the Kannons that originated in China, and is considered to be the same as Meroufukannon, who is also one of the thirty-three Kannons.


In the Tang dynasty of China, there was a beautiful woman who handled fish, and she searched for someone who could recite the Guanyin Sutra, the Kongo Sutra, and the Lotus Sutra. It's gone. This woman was believed to be Kannon who appeared to spread the Lotus Sutra, and she is said to have come to be worshiped as Maroufu Kannon (Gyoran Kannon). It is said that if you pray to this Kannon, you can get rid of the harm of Rasetsu, poisonous dragons, and evil spirits, and it has been deeply worshiped in Japan since the Middle Ages[1].

The figure includes one with one face and two arms and a fish bowl (a basket for holding fish), and one standing on top of a large fish.
posted by gomabon at 19:33| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教


准胝観世音菩薩じゅんじがんぜおんぼさつJuntei Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva




准胝観世音菩薩は、梵語で Cundī」と呼ばれ、その名の通り、千の耳と千の目を持ち、全ての人々の悩みや苦しみを察知することができます。また、多くの手を持ち、人々を救うために必要なものを与えます。






Junji Ganzeon Bosatsu is one of the bodhisattvas of Buddhism and is a bodhisattva that symbolizes wisdom and compassion.

Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is called He Cundī in Sanskrit, and as his name suggests, he has a thousand ears and a thousand eyes and can perceive the troubles and sufferings of all people. He also has many hands and gives people what they need to save them.

Juntei Kanzeon Bodhisattva is particularly worshiped in Chinese and Japanese Buddhism, and is enshrined in many temples and shrines. Her figure is usually depicted as a graceful woman holding a lotus flower, a jewel, and a bottle in her hands.

Juntei Kanzeon Bodhisattva is said to give hope and courage to people all over the world by relieving people's troubles and sufferings and showing her compassion and wisdom.





What is Juntei Kannon?

It is also called Junteibutsumo or Shichikuteibutsumo. She is originally the Hindu goddess Durga, the consort of Lord Shiva. She has a very beautiful appearance, but she is a goddess of battle who has defeated demons with the weapons of the gods. It has been pointed out that she was originally a female deity and not Kannon. However, I will introduce it as Kannon here.


Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god of mercy and purity, and is also known as Shichiguteibutsubo. It means the mother of Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the distant past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as one of the six Kannons that save humanity (Sho Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-Faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Bato Kannon, and Juntei Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Juntei Butsumo. classified as Together with Fukensaku Kannon, it is sometimes called Seven Kannons.


There are benefits such as protection for monks, good health, life extension, and merits such as easy delivery and children.


Rigen Daishi, a disciple of Kukai, was known as a monk of Shugen, and enshrined Juntei Kannon and Nyoirin Kannon by carving sacred trees himself. In the sutra, it is said that if a monk chants Juntei Dharani, his body will become pure and he will be able to attain Buddhahood. In addition, Shobo prayed to Juntei Kannon for the birth of Emperor Daigo's son, and it is said that later Emperor Suzaku and Murakami were born. Therefore, it is generally known for its merits as child-bearing and safe delivery.

Appearance of Juntei Kannon

She has 18 hands and is often in the third form. The central hand takes the sermon seal and the shimui seal. Her belongings include weapons, prayer beads, and lotus flowers.











posted by gomabon at 14:39| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教


不動明王 Fudo Myoo











梵名はアールヤアチャラナータビジャヤラージ ャ(Aryacalanatha vijayaraja) といい、正式には聖 不動威怒明王と呼びます。

諸仏は、つねにさまざまな手段をとって、わた したち衆生をさとりの道へ歩ませようとします。 しかし、なかには、やさしさだけの慈悲では心を 変えない、強情な衆生もいます。

こうした尋常な方法ではとうてい救済できない かたくなな衆生に対して、大日如来は叱りつける という慈悲のかたちをとって教え導きます。この とき、大日如来は不動明王に変化し、念怒の相を もってあらわれます。この念怒は実は慈悲のきわ みなのです。 西年生まれの守り本尊とされています、






What is Fudo Myoo?

The etymology means "immovable guardian" and is another name for Shiva in Indian mythology. Shiva is the deity of the power of storms, causing devastating disasters, but the rain nourishes plants. The contradictory aspects of destruction and grace are inherited by Fudo Myoo. Fudo Myo-o is angry at those who stand in the way of Buddhism and makes them submit, but he always protects and watches over those who have entered Buddhism.


As an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai, he is said to represent his heart's determination to lead any villain to the path of Buddhism. Especially in Japan, the faith spreads and it is familiar with the name of Fudo-sama. And it is the central existence of the five great kings. The Five Great Myoos are Fudo Myoo, Gozanze Myoo, Gundari Myoo, Daiitoku Myoo, and Kongo Yasha Myoo. It refers to the five bodies of Ou), and is arranged in the north, south, east, and west centered on Fudo. Of the eight great children, Kongara and Seitaka are often assigned as attendants to Fudo Myoo. By the way, there are cases where the dragon-wrapped flaming sword held by Fudo Myoo is enshrined alone. He is considered to be the incarnation of Fudo Myoo and is called Kurikara Ryuo.


It is said that there are blessings for warding off disasters, winning battles, driving out demons, protecting trainees, warding off misfortunes, national security, and worldly benefits. It is also the guardian deity born in the year of the rooster. He is said to help people born in the year of the rooster bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.

Statue of Fudo Myoo

There are many short, slightly thicker child-type models, and they have angry expressions. His eyes are called tenchigen, meaning that his right eye is directed toward heaven and his left eye is directed toward earth. His mouth is said to have the right fang up and his left fang down. He is backed by a halo of flames and has a sword and a fencing in his hands. The sword expresses the sharpness of the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai. Kensaku is a binding rope that binds worldly desires and reforms evil minds.


His Sanskrit name is Aryacalanatha Vijayaraja, and his official name is Holy Fudo Ido Myoo.

The Buddhas always use various means to make us, the sentient beings, follow the path of enlightenment. However, there are some sentient beings who are stubborn and will not change their minds with just kindness and mercy.

Dainichi Nyorai scolds and guides his stubborn sentient beings, who cannot be rescued by such ordinary methods, in the form of his mercy. At this time, Dainichi Nyorai transforms into Fudo Myoo and manifests himself with the face of anger. This anger is actually only him at the edge of mercy. It is considered to be a guardian deity born in the western year,


Mantra of Fudo Myoo

Naumak Samanda Bazara Dan Kang

posted by gomabon at 19:04| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教


日本の神々  ツクヨミ


破壊の週 業の日











05月01日 (月曜)



1粒に1000mgの高含有!栄養ドリンクとしてお馴染みのタウリン   1,880円

posted by gomabon at 18:17| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教







"Shinjinshari" is a sacred treasure that has been deeply revered among Buddhists for a long time as a sacred object that houses the holy spirit of Buddha. It contains the remains and relics of Buddha, which are considered extremely precious to Buddhists. After Buddha's passing, his remains were divided into many parts and enshrined in various stupas around the world.

In addition, there are also "sharira" relics, which are parts of Buddha's body such as nails and hair. These are also considered important sacred objects to Buddhists.

The Shinjinshari is believed to house the holy spirit of Buddha, and for those with deep faith, simply touching the Shinjinshari is considered a great blessing.

posted by gomabon at 09:17| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教





ターユスअमितायुस्, Amitāyus)といい、それを阿弥陀と音写する。阿弥陀仏(阿弥陀佛)ともいい、また略して弥陀仏ともいう。梵名のアミターバは「はかりしれない光を持つ者」[1]、アミターユスは「量りしれない寿命を持つ者」[1]の意味で[2]、これを漢訳して・無量光仏無量寿仏ともいう。



posted by gomabon at 10:58| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教


灌仏会   Kanbutsu-e is a Buddhist even

灌仏会  Kanbutsu-e is a Buddhist even











Kanbutsu-e is a Buddhist event held on April 8th, which is recognized and celebrated throughout Japan. Various Buddhist practices are conducted at temples and shrines across the country, such as drinking and pouring sweet tea during the event or flower festivals.

Kanbutsu-e commemorates the birth of Gautama Buddha, which is recognized as an important event in the Japanese Buddhist calendar. During the event, practitioners celebrate the birth of Gautama Buddha and deepen their understanding of his teachings. Rituals involve drinking sweet tea and pouring it over Buddhist statues and implements.

Many temples also conduct other religious activities on Kanbutsu-e, such as reciting sutras, practicing meditation, and holding memorial services. The event provides an opportunity to learn Buddhist teachings and to purify oneself through meditation and other spiritual practices.

Kanbutsu-e also serves as a community-building event, where people come together and strengthen their relationships with one another while celebrating Buddhist teachings.
posted by gomabon at 09:40| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教


Bonji 梵字   准胝観音  七倶胝仏母  Cundī



准脈とは、梵名チュンディー(Cundi)の音写で 「清浄無垢」という意味があり、さとりの道を歩 ませる観音です。

別名、准胚仏母、七俱肢仏母とも呼ばれます。 七俱脈とは「無量」を意味しますから、多くの諸 仏の母となります。そのため観音菩薩ではないと の説もあります。経軌にも観音として説かれてい ないことから、天台密教では准賦如来として仏部 の尊としますが、真言密教では観音の一つとして 六観音の中に加えます。

求児・安産の本尊としてもまつられます。もと は水の神で、その姿は女身といわれています。」

















posted by gomabon at 10:15| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教


4月8日はお釈迦様のお誕生日です April 8th is Buddha's birthday





Buddha was born as a prince of the Shaka tribe in a city in the northeastern part of India (now Nepal) more than 2,500 years ago.
Buddha was born near the Muyugi tree in Lumbini Gardens while his mother was on her way back to her parents' house to give birth.
The Buddhacharita sutra states, ``When Buddha was born, the heavens and earth vibrated in six ways, flowers of various colors bloomed all over the earth, and rains of nectar poured down from the sky.'' Therefore, on the birthday of Buddha, a hall (hanamido) decorated with flowers was prepared, and a statue of the Buddha of birth, pointing to the sky with the right hand and pointing to the ground with the left hand, was enshrined, and amacha was poured over the Buddha of birth. to celebrate.
Buddha's real name is Gautama Siddhartha, and after his awakening, he came to be called Shakyamuni or Shakyamuni, meaning "Buddha from the Shaka clan."
Now, how can Buddha be freed from the suffering of birth, old age, sickness, and death that humans have been born with since childhood? After agonizing over this, he left the castle, abandoned his status as a prince, entered the Forest of Asceticism, and challenged all kinds of asceticism for six years in hopes of breaking free from his karma.
The reason why I desperately practiced asceticism was that in India at the time, the mainstream thought was that the mind was suffering because it had a body, and that the only way to free the mind was to separate the body from the mind. Siddhartha followed suit and tried to separate the mind from the body through penance to free the mind.
However, the more I hurt my body, the more my mind weakened, my heart weakened, and my willpower waned. Realizing that the body and mind are not separate but one, the Buddha escaped from the forest of asceticism, purified himself with the pure water of the Nirenzen River, and ate milk porridge offered by a girl named Sujata. After recovering his physical strength, he meditated for a week under the nearby Bodhi tree, and finally attained enlightenment.
A simple explanation of Buddha's awakening is, "The world we live in is originally suffering, and human beings are beings who collect that suffering. However, people do not realize this, and it is natural for them to live happily. If you want to be happy and live in peace, first put yourself aside and wish for the happiness of those around you. By doing so, self-obsession will naturally fade from your heart, your desires will weaken, the power of your mind to remove anxiety and fear will increase, and you will be able to attain peace of mind.
Be sure to visit the temple during the flower f
posted by gomabon at 18:30| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 仏教