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飛躍的に能力を高める瞑想訓練法 Meditation training method to dramatically improve your abilities


さて、いよいよ脳のチャクラの訓練に入るが、その前におこなっておくべ き、いくつかの初歩的な瞑想訓練法を紹介する。

わたくしは、いま 「初歩的な」といったが、これらの訓練法をじっさいにやっ てみると、なかなかむずかしいと感じると思う。


この章の訓練をみっちりやれば、実生活における、あなたの能力(脳力)は飛 躍的に向上するはずである。 高い集中力を維持したり、常人の想像もつかない飛 躍したインスピレーションを得るといったことが、容易にできるようになるであ ろう。

わたくしも、若いころ、これらの訓練を、仕事の合間や電車に乗っていると きなどに、くり返しおこなったが、その効験は目をみはるものがあった。

最初は少々むずかしいと思うかもしれないが、くり返し練習することによっ て、かならずできるようになるので、しっかりととり組んでいただきたい。



坐は半跏趺坐。 坐蒲をもちいる。瞑想の手印を組もう。 これが初歩的瞑想の 基本姿勢である。(図5参照。 ただし、この図では法界定印であるが、後出のアーカー シャムドラーをもちいる場合もある。瞑想の基本姿勢については「輪廻転生瞑想法 II」に、くわしく解説しているので、かならず読んでいただきたい)



ひとつは精神集中法 (concentration)、ひとつは瞑想法 (meditation) である。

これについて少し解説しよう。 まず、シャマタ (止)である。


数息観がその代表であるが、禅における公案、また、祈りを捧げるとか、経 文を読む、真言を唱えるなども、精神集中法のひとつである。要はひとつのこと



ひとつは「意識的精神集中」で、ひとつのことに意識を集中し、他のものに心 を向けない、これを積極的に意識的におこなうのである。これは修行のはじめの 過程として、だれでも通るものである。

つぎの段階が、「無意識的精神集中」の状態である。これは、高度のもので、 意識的精神集中をつづけているうちに、習練によって条件づけられ、ついに、と くに意識しないでもひとつのことに心を集中することができるようになる。

これによって無意識の意識層をコントロールし、ふつうでは絶対に統御でき ない無意識の意識を、ある特定の対象に向けることができるようになるのであ



これは、ひとつのことに注意をとどめない。心の動きのひとつひとつに心を 向けていくが、ひとつのことにとどまっていない。心の流れにまかせるのであ る。

これにも、「意識的瞑想」 と 「無意識的瞑想」がある。

「意識的瞑想」 は、表面意識が心の流れを観ている。


では、その深層意識の流れを観ているものはなにか? だれが深層意識の流 れを観ているのか? それは「無意識的精神集中」の心である。

だから、「止」と「観」は密接な関係があるのである。いまおこなわれている 瞑想のほとんどは、「止」か「観」か、どちらかにかたよっている。禅は「止」 にウエイトがかかり、瞑想(としてやっているもの)は、「観」が主である。 しか

し、「止」を完成した「観」でなければほんとうの瞑想ではなく、「止」でとど まって「観」に入らない定は、これまたほんとうの瞑想ではないのである。 「止」と「観」はおなじように修せられなければならない。そうして、非常に 高度の瞑想(親)をするためには、おなじように非常に高度の集中(止)が体得 されていなければ不可能なのである。

では「意識的瞑想」 と 「無意識的瞑想」 とはどうちがうのか?






無意識的瞑想は「人類そのものの(世界の) 流れ」を観るのである。いや、 もっと拡大した世界だ。 「宇宙そのものの流れを観る」といったらよいであろう。






無意識の意識層には、人間が人間以前であった時代からの記憶が秘められて いる。 宇宙生成以来の記憶がそこにあるのだ。 その記憶の流れを如実に観るの である、最高度の瞑想は釈尊の瞑想がそれであった。

「輪廻転生瞑想法II」で紹介したが、もう一度、釈尊の瞑想を見ていただこう。 釈尊はこう語っている。

わたしの心は、一点のけがれもなく、清く明るく、絶対不動 そのとき、



「それは一生だけではなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生、そして無限の生涯 生きかわり死にかわりした光景が展開してきた」

せつな コアセルベート こころ

十生 二十生どころか、人間以前であったころの光景だって展開してくるの である。地球ができたばかりの原始の海で発生した刹那の原形質の記憶だって よみがえらせうるのだ。コアセルベートの目に、できたばかりの地球はどのよ うに映ったであろうか? それを、釈尊は(そしてわれわれも) 観ることができ るのである。

「それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人 的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、しいもの、美しいもの、醜い もの、幸福なもの、不幸なものの、それぞれの宿業が渦巻いていた」


しいもの、美しいもの、醜いもの、幸福なもの、不幸なものの生涯を無数に経験 してきた。彼の心の眼は、もはや全宇宙を観ている。業の法則を通じて彼は全 宇宙の流れを観ている。 おそらく彼は世界の終末までを見とどけていたのにち がいないのである。


この境地を理解することのできない人たちによって、この瞑想法は消されて しまった。

根本聖典において語られた釈尊の瞑想体験は、すべて誇張された神話伝説 のようにとられてしまった。自分の至りえぬ高い境地は、すべてつくりものと 思って非難することしかできない人たちによって、こんなにも貴重なものが失わ れてしまったのである。

なぜ、釈尊の言葉を信じて、釈尊のあとをたどろうと思い立つことをしなかっ たのであろうか?しかし、わたくしたちは、いま、そのあとをたどりつつ





まず、半跏趺坐で坐る。 上体と首をまっすぐにたもつ。数息観(二一七頁参 照)に入る。呼吸が闘ってきたら、アーカーシャの手印を眼の高さに組む。

つぎに、この両手の環を凝視し、心を、二つの環がつくる空間、ついで、指 がつくる三角の空間に、集中する。数息観をつづけるか、随息観(二〇頁参 照)に入る。手と眼との間隔は、四、五十センチ程度にたもつ。疲れたら、右手 のムドラーを右膝の上に、左のムドラーを左膝の上にのせて休む (瞑想の基本姿 勢に戻るわけである)。習熟すると、ムドラーを組まなくても、一定の空間に心を 集中することができるようになる。空間凝視と空間瞑想はすべての瞑想の基本 である。


Meditation training method to dramatically improve your abilities

Now, we will finally move on to training the brain chakras, but before that we will introduce some basic meditation training methods that you should practice.

I have just called it ``elementary,'' but I think that if you actually try these training methods, you will find them quite difficult.

However, the effect is enormous.

If you follow the training in this chapter thoroughly, your abilities (brain power) in real life will improve dramatically. You will be able to easily maintain a high level of concentration and gain inspiration that is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

When I was young, I repeated these exercises during breaks at work or when I was riding the train, and the effects were astounding.

It may seem a little difficult at first, but with repeated practice, you will definitely be able to do it, so please work hard on it.

Concentration (stopping) and meditation (watching)

Let's get into meditation.

Sitting in half-prone position. I use a zafu. Make meditation hand signs. This is the basic posture of beginner meditation. (See Figure 5. However, in this diagram it is the Dharma Seal, but in some cases Akar's Shamudra, which will be mentioned later, is also used. The basic posture of meditation is explained in detail in ``Reincarnation Meditation Method II''. (There are many, so please be sure to read it)

Meditation practice consists of two areas.

What does it mean to concentrate?

One is concentration, and the other is meditation.

Let me explain this a little bit. First, there is shamatha (stop).

This concentrates your mind on one thing.

A representative example of this is the idea of number of breaths, but koans in Zen, as well as offering prayers, reading sutras, and chanting mantras are other methods of mental concentration. The point is one thing

Concentrate your mind, stay there, and don't move.

This state of mental concentration can be divided into two types.

One is ``conscious mental concentration,'' which involves concentrating on one thing and not paying attention to anything else, and doing this actively and consciously. This is the first step in training that anyone can go through.

The next stage is a state of ``unconscious mental concentration.'' This is a highly advanced skill that, as one continues to concentrate consciously, becomes conditioned through practice until one is able to concentrate on one thing without being conscious of it.

This allows us to control the unconscious conscious layer and direct the unconscious consciousness, which normally cannot be completely controlled, towards a specific object.

What does it mean to let your heart flow?

Next is Vipasyana (viewing).

This doesn't stop you from paying attention to one thing. You direct your mind to each movement of your mind, but you don't stop at one thing. Let your heart flow.

This also includes ``conscious meditation'' and ``unconscious meditation.''

``Conscious meditation'' involves the surface consciousness observing the flow of the mind.

``Unconscious meditation'' is the flow of the deep conscious mind itself.

So, what is watching the flow of deep consciousness? Who is watching the flow of deep consciousness? It is the mind of ``unconscious mental concentration.''

Therefore, ``stop'' and ``kan'' are closely related. Most of the meditations practiced today are either ``stopping'' or ``watching.'' In Zen, emphasis is placed on ``stopping,'' and in meditation, ``viewing'' is the main focus. deer

However, if it is not ``viewing'' that has completed ``stopping,'' it is not true meditation, and meditation in which he does not enter ``viewing'' at ``stopping'' is also not true meditation. ``Stop'' and ``view'' must be cultivated in the same way. In order to achieve a very high level of meditation (parenthood), it is also impossible to achieve a very high level of concentration (stopping).

So, what is the difference between “conscious meditation” and “unconscious meditation”?

In a nutshell,

Conscious meditation allows you to see the “individual world”

Unconscious meditation sees "the whole world."

It would be good to say.

Conscious meditation allows you to see ``the flow of your own world.''

Unconscious meditation sees ``the flow of humanity itself (of the world)''. No, it's a more expanded world. It would be better to say, ``observe the flow of the universe itself.''

The unconscious layer of consciousness contains all of humanity's memories from the beginning. No, all of the memories from before humanity are hidden there.

I write about this in ``Reincarnation Meditation Method I''. “Individual origin

Re-read Chapter 2, which talks about consciousness and memory in "Generation".

I would like you to see it.


He is hidden in his unconscious layer of consciousness from a time when humans were pre-human. The memories from the creation of the universe are there. He was the one who clearly saw the flow of memory, and the highest level of meditation was that of Shakyamuni Buddha.

I introduced it in "Reincarnation Meditation Method II," but let's take a look at Shakyamuni's meditation again. The Buddha says:

My heart is immaculate, pure and bright, and absolutely steadfast.At that time,

This is the ultimate stage of ``stopping,'' indicating that we have entered the highest stage of ``unconscious mental concentration.'' ``And my mind's eyes naturally turned to the scene of my previous life.''

I entered into ``unconscious meditation.''

``It wasn't just one lifetime, but two, three, ten, twenty, and endless lifetimes, scenes of life and death unfolding.''

Setsuna Coacervate Kokoro

Scenes from the pre-human era are unfolding, let alone ten or twenty years old. He can even revive the memory of the ephemeral protoplasm that arose in the primordial ocean when the earth was just formed. To Coacervate's eyes, how did the newly formed Earth look like a sea urchin? That's what Shakyamuni Buddha (and we) can see.

"Since then, my heart has been directed toward the aspects of all sentient beings. I have seen them with superhuman powers of vision. There are things precious, beautiful, beautiful, ugly, and happy. Although they were unfortunate, their own karma was swirling around them.''

He has evolved over an infinite amount of time. Meanwhile, he is both precious and lowly.

He has lived countless lives, the beautiful, the ugly, the happy, and the unhappy. His mind's eye can now see the entire universe. Through the law of karma, he sees the flow of the entire universe. Perhaps he saw through to the end of the world, and then he died.

This is exactly what Buddha's meditation was like.

This method of meditation has been erased by those who cannot understand this state.

All of the Buddha's meditative experiences described in the fundamental scriptures have been interpreted as exaggerated myths and legends. Something so precious has been lost to people who can only criticize the heights they have reached, thinking that they are all fabrications.

Why didn't he believe in the words of Shakyamuni and set out to follow in his footsteps?However, we are now following in his footsteps.

Form of spatial meditation




This is basic training for concentrating your mind on space.

First, sit in a half-prostrate position. Keep your upper body and neck straight. Enter the number breath view (see page 217). When your breathing begins to struggle, place the Akasha hand sign at eye level.

Next, stare at the rings on both hands, and concentrate your mind on the space created by the two rings, and then on the triangular space created by your fingers. Continue with several breathing techniques or enter suisokukan (see page 20). The distance between your hands and eyes should be about 40 to 50 centimeters. When you feel tired, rest by placing your right mudra on your right knee and your left mudra on your left knee (returning to the basic meditation position). Once you have mastered it, you will be able to concentrate your mind on a certain space without forming mudras. Spatial gaze and spatial meditation are the basis of all meditation.
posted by gomabon at 18:02| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想

瞑想と実践:霊的な旅路を歩む37のステップ Meditation and practice: 37 steps on your spiritual journey


- 四念処法:身念処法、受念処法、心念処法、法念処法
- 四正断法:断断法、律儀断法、随護断法、修断法
- 四神足法:欲神足法、勤神足法、心神足法、観神足法
- 五根法:信根法、精進根法、念根法、定根法、慧根法
- 五力法:信力法、精進力法、念力法、定力法、慧力法
- 七竟支法:択法覚支法、精進覚支法、喜覚支法、軽安覚支法、捨竟支法、定覚支法、念竟支法
- 八正道法:正見法、正思惟法、正語法、正業法、正命法、正精進法、正念法、正定法

- これらの七科目、三十七種のカリキュラムは、次の三つに分類できる:
1. 瞑想
2. 実践
3. l a p a s(練行)

- 四念処法・五根法は瞑想である。
- 四正断法・五力法・七竟支法・八正道法は実践と瞑想である。
- 四神足法は特殊なtapasであり、神足は超自然の神通力を得る修行法である。
- これらの科目を組み合わせ、聖師が修行の方針を決定する。



The thirty-seven schools and seven teachings include the following:
- Four Thought Treatments: Body Thought Treatment, Acceptance Treatment, Mind Thought Treatment, Dharma Thought Treatment
- Four positive methods: danpō, ritsu danpō, zuigo danpō, shukanpō
- Four divine foot methods: Desire foot method, Kinshin foot method, Shinshin foot method, Kanshin foot method
- Five root methods: Shin root method, Shojin root method, Nen root method, Determined root method, Kei root method
- Five power methods: faith method, diligent power method, psychokinesis method, fixed power method, wisdom power method
- Shichigo-shiho: Selective method, Shojin-gakuso, Ki-kaku-so, Light-an-gaku-so, Saku-cho, Jo-gaku-so, Nenju-so
- Eightfold Path: Seikenho, Seijuho, Seigoho, Seikaryoho, Seiyoho, Seishinho, Seishinho, Seishinho, Seishohoho

- These 7 subjects and 37 types of curriculum can be classified into the following three types:
1. Meditation
2. Practice
3. l a p a s (training)

- The Four Thought Treatment Methods and the Five Root Methods are meditation.
- The Fourfold Dharma, the Five Powers, the Seven Directions, and the Eightfold Path are practices and meditations.
- The Four God Foot Methods are special tapas, and the God Foot Method is a training method to obtain supernatural powers.
- By combining these subjects, the holy master decides on the training policy.

  • 四念処法−‐−身念処法 受念処法 心念処法 法念処法四正断法−−断断法 律儀断法 随護断法 修断法四神足法−−‐欲神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法五根法−−信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法五力法−信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法七竟支法−択法覚支法 精進覚支法 喜覚支法 軽安覚支法 捨竟支法 定覚支法 念竟


    八正道法−正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法 正念法 正定法


  • この七科目、三十七種のカリキュラムは、 1、瞑想 2、実践 3、lapas(練行)に分類できる。 四念処法・五根法は、瞑想である。








  •  seven-way items are as follows.Four-minded method --- Thought method, Accepted method, Mind method,Four straight cutting methods--cutting method ritual cutting method escort cutting method cutting methodFour Gods Act --- GyokushimpoGone method-Shine method, Shinjin methodFive power method-power method, spiritual power method, mind power method, constant power method, repulsion method

    Nanakuma support method-choice method support method, sensation support method, Kisaku support method, light safety support method, abandonment support method, fixed support method

    Supporting law

    Eight Masamichi method-Masami method Masamiko method

    That's it.

    These seven subjects, 37 kinds of curriculum,

    1. Meditation bowl

    2. Practical practice

    3. Lapas

    Can be classified.

    The Shimonen method and the Gone method are meditations.

    The four straight cutting methods, the five power methods, the seven senses method, and the eight Masamichi methods are practice and meditation.

    The Shigami foot method is a special tapas.

    Kamikashi is a mythical power (super power), and this four-god foot method has four kinds of spears for supernatural power.

    It is a practice method. My {call-a belongs to this.

    の う ち Of these seven subjects, focusing on tapas, training is carried out by incorporating subjects of meditation and practice.

    The The saint decides which courses to take and how to train.

    219 ------- Method and system for completing spirituality




- 三十七科七道品には以下のものが含まれている:
- 四念処法:身念処法、受念処法、心念処法、法念処法
- 四正断法:断断法、律儀断法、随護断法、修断法
- 四神足法:欲神足法、勤神足法、心神足法、観神足法
- 五根法:信根法、精進根法、念根法、定根法、慧根法
- 五力法:信力法、精進力法、念力法、定力法、慧力法
- 七竟支法:択法覚支法、精進覚支法、喜覚支法、軽安覚支法、捨竟支法、定覚支法、念竟支法
- 八正道法:正見法、正思惟法、正語法、正業法、正命法、正精進法、正念法、正定法

- これらの七科目、三十七種のカリキュラムは、次の三つに分類できる:
1. 瞑想
2. 実践
3. l a p a s(練行)

- 四念処法・五根法は瞑想である。
- 四正断法・五力法・七竟支法・八正道法は実践と瞑想である。
- 四神足法は特殊なtapasであり、神足は超自然の神通力を得る修行法である。
- これらの科目を組み合わせ、聖師が修行の方針を決定する。



Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai



posted by gomabon at 17:40| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想

メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma 2



呼吸法、といっているけれども、たんなる呼吸作用のコントロール法ではなく、このあとで説く「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」(気道) 「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」など、すべての技法を綜合しておこなわれるもので、仏陀の成仏法の最終段階のものである。


この四つの呼吸法 (繰り返していうが、たんなる呼吸法ではない)で、仏陀の成仏法は完成されるのである。








行息」 気息を行らす

















Although it is called the breathing method, it is not just a method of controlling the breathing action, but all techniques such as "chakra", "prana", "kundalini energy" (airway), "mudler", "meditation", and "mantra chanting". It is the final stage of the Buddhist mantra meditation.

These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak

Buddha's airway law

If you read the previous section, you'll probably understand. The Buddha also used the dead path in the Iddhipada method.

"Breathing" To breathe, there must be a way to go around. That way is the airway.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha's breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the "law of shyness." In addition, there is a "law of spirit". These are none other than Shaka's "law of breath", which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.

Where did the name Mudmaru come from?
This is a transcription of the "Nirvana" or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.

しかし、クンダリニー・ヨーガと道教の修行法を、阿含経の中にある仏陀の修行 と対照しつつ実践を重ねていくと、おのずから男罪と浮かんでくるものがあのであ






わたくしが、仏陀を、クンダリニー・ヨーガの完成者であると断定するのは、この 点からである。
さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身か




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha's airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That's very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior's law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha's airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method "


Let's go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner's canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner's canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida's
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it's supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it's a straight road.
I'm sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It's because it's too radical, but it wasn't the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha's practice is still going on







Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai


posted by gomabon at 13:56| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想

秘伝のチャクラ変身法:凡人から天才への道 The Gumonji Syoumeiho is based on the chakras of Kundalini Yoga and transforms ordinary people into geniuses.


1. 物質世界を超越し、時間と空間の制限を受けない。
2. ヨーガースートラによれば、自由に肉体を消失させ、ヒマラヤから東京に飛来し、一瞬でヨーロッパに去ることが可能。
3. 求聞持聡明法はクンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラに基づき、凡人を天才に変える。
4. 特にサハスラーラーチャクラ(頭頂チャクラ)の修行が重要であり、肉髭として表れる。
5. 求聞持聡明法はチャクラエネルギーを覚醒させ、特殊なルートを通じて体の各部に送り込み、大脳の中枢に千不ルギーを集中させる。
6. 方法は二つ:一、チャクラを覚醒させて変身于不ルギーを発生させる。二、発生した于不ルギーを体の各要所に送り込み、特に大脳に集中させる。
7. ムドラー・チャクラの発見により、チャクラの中心から透明な火焔(于不ルギー)が発生し、サマーナの気を統御して身体から火焔を発することが可能になる。
8. リードビーター僧正が実証したとされ、物質化学における電気の百万ボルトに匹敵する人体電気を持つことができる。

1. It transcends the material world and is not limited by time and space.
2. According to the Yoga Sutra, one can freely disappear from one's body, fly from the Himalayas to Tokyo, and instantly leave for Europe.
3. The Gumonji Syoumeiho is based on the chakras of Kundalini Yoga and transforms ordinary people into geniuses.
4. It is especially important to practice the Sahasrara Chakra (crown of the head chakra), which is manifested as a beard.
5. Gumonjisomeiho awakens chakra energy, sends it to each part of the body through special routes, and concentrates Senfurugi in the cerebral center.
6. There are two methods: 1. Awaken the chakra and generate the transformational energy. 2. Send the generated U-rugi to various parts of the body, especially concentrating it on the cerebrum.
7. With the discovery of the Mudra Chakra, a transparent flame (Yufurugi) is generated from the center of the chakra, and it becomes possible to control the energy of Samana and emit flame from the body.
8. It was said to have been demonstrated by Monsignor Leadbeater that the human body can have electricity comparable to a million volts of electricity in material chemistry.






うに、自由に自分の肉体を消失させ、一瞬のうちにヒマラヤの奥地から東京に 飛来し、一刹那のうちにヨーロッパヘ去る。彼は、四次元世界の時間と空間の 秘密を体得しているのである。二次元(平面)世界の生物にとって、三次元 (立体)世界の生物の行動はナゾとしか思えぬように、三次元生物のわれわれ には、四次元世界に住む超人の動きは全く理解できない。インドでは、仏陀が 超人であるとして、このチャクラの完成者であることを、形を以て示してる。

それは、仏像の頭頂がまるで帽子でもかぶったように大きく盛り上がっており、 これを「肉髭」と呼ぶ。サハスラーラーチャクラの修行が完成して頭骨がこの ように発達していることを示すのである。



 わたくしの開発した求聞持聡明法は、このクングリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ が持つ驚異的な変身千不ルギーを用いて、凡人を天才に変えるのだからである。

 それをひとロでいうと、わたくし独特の方法で覚醒させたチャクラエネルギー を、特殊なルートを使って、体の各要所に送りこみ、巡らせるのである。特 に、大脳の中枢部である間脳・視床下部に、この千不ルギーを集中する。これ により、肉体ぜんたいの構造を改善するとともに、大脳を変えてしまうのであ る。

























Kyokumei Satoshi Hodenden

Transcends the physical world and is not limited by time and space. It's in Yoger Sutra

As you can see, you are free to lose your own body, and in a blink of an eye you can fly from the hinterland of the Himalayas to Tokyo and leave to Europe in a moment. He knows the secrets of time and space in the four-dimensional world. Just as the behavior of the creatures in the three-dimensional (three-dimensional) world seems strange to the creatures in the two-dimensional (two-dimensional) world, we cannot understand the movements of superhumans living in the four-dimensional world. In India, the Buddha is said to be a superhuman, and he shows that he is the perfector of this chakra.

The top of the Buddha statue is raised as if it were wearing a hat, and this is called a "flesh beard". It shows that the training of the Sakhasler ratchakra is completed and the skull is developing in this way.

Above, I explained about the Kundalini yoga chakra with Nagana.


This is because the Kyokumei holding intelligent method developed by me uses the amazing transformation of Senju Rugey of this Kungrini Yoga chakra to transform an ordinary person into a genius.

In a nutshell, the chakra energy awakened in a unique way is sent to various points on the body through a special route and circulated. In particular, this Thousand Rugy is concentrated in the diencephalon, the hypothalamus, which is the central part of the cerebrum. This improves the structure of the body and changes the cerebrum.

Therefore, my method of seeking knowledge has been roughly divided into two methods.

1. A method of awakening the chakras and causing transformation into irrigation.

U, the method to send the generated unurgy to each point of the body and circulate it,

Especially the method of sending to the cerebrum.

Is. I'll explain this below, but before that, I need to talk a little more about chakras.

Discovery of Mudra Chakra

In the "Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism/Supernatural Powers", published 17 years ago, in 1972, I made the following announcement about my newly discovered chakra.

"I learned a very strange thing while training both ancient yoga practice and Shingon esoteric practice. Although I gained a great deal of training, I learned that There is no way to exert that power of

That is true. At first, I was wondering if I had the power to do it. However, as I felt the power of gradually increasing in my whole body, I finally became painful. I'd like to let this force fly out as much as I can with the tide and the rising tide. However, yoga doesn't have the method!

Speaking of which, you may have noticed it. The yoga chakra. Dharma-san. That is, there are no hands or feet. There is only a head and a torso.

My training gradually progressed, and I completely mastered the two chakras, Mu-Fu-Fu-Fu and Suvua-Kyu Aitana, and were in training for Manip-Fu-Fu Chakra. As the learning of this chakra gradually progresses, when it is settled, a transparent flame (such as Ururugi) is seen floating from the center of the chakra.

I got it. Say to Yoger Sutra. If I can control the energy of Samana, I can release a flame from my body."

there were. However, none of the mystery books describes how to concentrate the Samana's disappointing rugy on one point and ignite the target (dangi). I feel that the whole body is gradually filled with a large amount of rugy, centering around the Manipu soil Fuchakura, and the fire becomes a real fire. I struggled to find a way to “materialize”.

At that time, written by a person called CT Creek published in Europe

I had the opportunity to publish a book called "The Real Phase of Yoga". Among them, the lead beater monk, British, who was a member of the group of Ms. Brabatsky, a great theophilosopher. "Understanding the secrets of Kundalini Yoga, the secret of Kundalini, will allow us to have human body electricity that is equivalent to a million volts of electricity in material chemistry." That he demonstrated that

I read the text. After a while, I saw Debbie Tadashi put his palm on a thick oak board placed there, and after a while, when I saw it, it was like a baked gote, It was said that it was clearly attached to black.

Kiriyama Seio






Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

Buddha 2Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト

大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai


胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai


posted by gomabon at 13:29| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想


求聞持聡明法秘伝  秘伝のチャクラ変身法:凡人から天才への道 Kyokumei Satoshi Hodenden


1. "秘伝のチャクラ変身法:凡人から天才への道"
2. "チャクラエネルギーの秘密:ムドラー・チャクラの探求"
3. "クンダリニー・ヨーガの奥義:肉体変容の驚異的な力"



1. 物質世界を超越し、時間と空間の制限を受けない。
2. ヨーガースートラによれば、自由に肉体を消失させ、ヒマラヤから東京に飛来し、一瞬でヨーロッパに去ることが可能。
3. 求聞持聡明法はクンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラに基づき、凡人を天才に変える。
4. 特にサハスラーラーチャクラ(頭頂チャクラ)の修行が重要であり、肉髭として表れる。
5. 求聞持聡明法はチャクラエネルギーを覚醒させ、特殊なルートを通じて体の各部に送り込み、大脳の中枢に千不ルギーを集中させる。
6. 方法は二つ:一、チャクラを覚醒させて変身于不ルギーを発生させる。二、発生した于不ルギーを体の各要所に送り込み、特に大脳に集中させる。
7. ムドラー・チャクラの発見により、チャクラの中心から透明な火焔(于不ルギー)が発生し、サマーナの気を統御して身体から火焔を発することが可能になる。
8. リードビーター僧正が実証したとされ、物質化学における電気の百万ボルトに匹敵する人体電気を持つことができる。







うに、自由に自分の肉体を消失させ、一瞬のうちにヒマラヤの奥地から東京に 飛来し、一刹那のうちにヨーロッパヘ去る。彼は、四次元世界の時間と空間の 秘密を体得しているのである。二次元(平面)世界の生物にとって、三次元 (立体)世界の生物の行動はナゾとしか思えぬように、三次元生物のわれわれ には、四次元世界に住む超人の動きは全く理解できない。インドでは、仏陀が 超人であるとして、このチャクラの完成者であることを、形を以て示してる。

それは、仏像の頭頂がまるで帽子でもかぶったように大きく盛り上がっており、 これを「肉髭」と呼ぶ。サハスラーラーチャクラの修行が完成して頭骨がこの ように発達していることを示すのである。



 わたくしの開発した求聞持聡明法は、このクングリニー・ヨーガのチャクラ が持つ驚異的な変身千不ルギーを用いて、凡人を天才に変えるのだからである。

 それをひとロでいうと、わたくし独特の方法で覚醒させたチャクラエネルギー を、特殊なルートを使って、体の各要所に送りこみ、巡らせるのである。特 に、大脳の中枢部である間脳・視床下部に、この千不ルギーを集中する。これ により、肉体ぜんたいの構造を改善するとともに、大脳を変えてしまうのであ る。

























Kyokumei Satoshi Hodenden

Transcends the physical world and is not limited by time and space. It's in Yoger Sutra

As you can see, you are free to lose your own body, and in a blink of an eye you can fly from the hinterland of the Himalayas to Tokyo and leave to Europe in a moment. He knows the secrets of time and space in the four-dimensional world. Just as the behavior of the creatures in the three-dimensional (three-dimensional) world seems strange to the creatures in the two-dimensional (two-dimensional) world, we cannot understand the movements of superhumans living in the four-dimensional world. In India, the Buddha is said to be a superhuman, and he shows that he is the perfector of this chakra.

The top of the Buddha statue is raised as if it were wearing a hat, and this is called a "flesh beard". It shows that the training of the Sakhasler ratchakra is completed and the skull is developing in this way.

Above, I explained about the Kundalini yoga chakra with Nagana.


This is because the Kyokumei holding intelligent method developed by me uses the amazing transformation of Senju Rugey of this Kungrini Yoga chakra to transform an ordinary person into a genius.

In a nutshell, the chakra energy awakened in a unique way is sent to various points on the body through a special route and circulated. In particular, this Thousand Rugy is concentrated in the diencephalon, the hypothalamus, which is the central part of the cerebrum. This improves the structure of the body and changes the cerebrum.

Therefore, my method of seeking knowledge has been roughly divided into two methods.

1. A method of awakening the chakras and causing transformation into irrigation.

U, the method to send the generated unurgy to each point of the body and circulate it,

Especially the method of sending to the cerebrum.

Is. I'll explain this below, but before that, I need to talk a little more about chakras.

Discovery of Mudra Chakra

In the "Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism/Supernatural Powers", published 17 years ago, in 1972, I made the following announcement about my newly discovered chakra.

"I learned a very strange thing while training both ancient yoga practice and Shingon esoteric practice. Although I gained a great deal of training, I learned that There is no way to exert that power of

That is true. At first, I was wondering if I had the power to do it. However, as I felt the power of gradually increasing in my whole body, I finally became painful. I'd like to let this force fly out as much as I can with the tide and the rising tide. However, yoga doesn't have the method!

Speaking of which, you may have noticed it. The yoga chakra. Dharma-san. That is, there are no hands or feet. There is only a head and a torso.

My training gradually progressed, and I completely mastered the two chakras, Mu-Fu-Fu-Fu and Suvua-Kyu Aitana, and were in training for Manip-Fu-Fu Chakra. As the learning of this chakra gradually progresses, when it is settled, a transparent flame (such as Ururugi) is seen floating from the center of the chakra.

I got it. Say to Yoger Sutra. If I can control the energy of Samana, I can release a flame from my body."

there were. However, none of the mystery books describes how to concentrate the Samana's disappointing rugy on one point and ignite the target (dangi). I feel that the whole body is gradually filled with a large amount of rugy, centering around the Manipu soil Fuchakura, and the fire becomes a real fire. I struggled to find a way to “materialize”.

At that time, written by a person called CT Creek published in Europe

I had the opportunity to publish a book called "The Real Phase of Yoga". Among them, the lead beater monk, British, who was a member of the group of Ms. Brabatsky, a great theophilosopher. "Understanding the secrets of Kundalini Yoga, the secret of Kundalini, will allow us to have human body electricity that is equivalent to a million volts of electricity in material chemistry." That he demonstrated that

I read the text. After a while, I saw Debbie Tadashi put his palm on a thick oak board placed there, and after a while, when I saw it, it was like a baked gote, It was said that it was clearly attached to black.

Kiriyama Seio
posted by gomabon at 07:17| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想


生きる喜びを感じるためのアージュニャー瞑想法と脳内モルヒネの不思議   Ajna meditation method to feel the joy of living and the wonders of morphine in the brain

四種の呼吸法  1.jpeg















次長出入息呼吸法 (約二分)

次長出息呼吸法 (約五分)

銀に納めておいた魔法のクンダリニー・パールを舌先で取り出し、舌の下に 置きなさい。

次 反式呼吸法


次 反式呼吸法に乗せて、パールをしだいに下方へ移動させなさい。約五回くら


次 関元で、パールは二倍くらいに膨張し、しだいに光を放ち、輝きはじめる。 (呼吸法五回くらい)

次 パールは元の形状にもどる。 (反式呼吸法つづく)

次 パールは原状にもどり、プラーナ・ルートを上昇する。

次 バールは銀交に到達するが、依然、上昇をつづける。

次 「端」 「水溝」「素」「神庭」と、チャクラ・プラーナ・ルートを上昇する。 次 「前頂」と「百会」の中間から、パールは、脳の中心に向かって進入してゆ

次パールは、中脳の「下垂体」に到達し、アージュニャー・チャクラに止ま る。


輝きとともに、下垂体前葉ホルモン、脳内モルヒネ物質エンドルフィンの分 がつよくなる。(呼吸法の回数随意)

次 パールはしだいに輝きをおさめ、大きさも原状に復する。

次 呼吸法に乗って、パールはしだいに上昇し、チャクラ・プラーナ・ルートに


次 長出入息呼吸法

呼吸法一〇回くらいで、呼吸を元にもどし、パールを舌の先で転がし、銀交 の中に納めてしまう。






モルヒネは、アヘンの主な有効成分で、そのアヘンはケシの実から抽出されたも のである。

このケシの実からの抽出物は、数千年にわたり、痛みをやわらげ、強烈な快感を 得るために使われてきた。痛みも快感も、人間を行動にかりたてるつよい力を持っ ている。


中国のアヘン戦争を経て、現代のヘロイン中毒まで、人間の歴史の中で大きな役わ を果たしてきたとしても、さして驚くに値しないであろう。

だが、これとおなじ物質が、人間の脳の中につくり出されるということを知った ら、だれでももっと驚くのではないだろうか。

一九七五年、スコットランドのアバディーン大学のジョン・ヒューズと、ハン ス・コステリッツが、はじめてこの物質を発見した。かれらは、ブタの脳からモル ヒネとおなじ作用をする物質の抽出に成功した。その方法は、すこぶる複雑で、大 量の脳が必要なため、二人は、スコットランドの屠殺場から二千頭以上のブタの脳 を寄付してもらい、そこから少量の物質を抽出した。かれらは、この物質に「頭の 「中」という意味の、エンケファリンという名をつけた。(エンケファリンは、ペプ チド、つまりアミノ酸で、タンパク質である)

そののち、エンケファリンよりも重要なはたらきをするエンドルフィンが発見さ れた。これもモルヒネに似た物質である.


どうしてわれわれの脳の中に、モルヒネに似た物質がつくられるのであろうか。 動物を使った研究では、ストレスが生じるとき、主として間脳底にある内分泌腺 の下垂体から、この物質が放出されて、血流の中に入りこむことが明らかにされた のである。

これは、ストレスによる苦痛に対抗するためと解釈されている。 研究では、出産 時 陣痛が近づくと、母体の血液中のエンドルフィン濃度が急に高まり、お産の最 中には、親も子も正常の一〇倍もの値を示すという。これは、母親のからだが現在 経験している痛みやストレスから、自分の子どもを守ろうとしていることのあらわ れなのである。


長距離のジョギングとか、スカイダイビング、登山といったハードなスポーツ に、この物質を放出させて、麻薬的効果をあらわすものと思われている。


一定のリズムで長距離をジョギングすると、つよい喜びの感情”多幸感”が生 まれてくるとかれらは報告している。モルヒネ効果である。 ジョギングなどが病 みつきになるのはこのためだろうと、考えられている。


というのは、これまで、人間が行動するのは、現実的になんらかの報酬を得るた めだと考えられていた。

脳の中に、報酬系とよばれる領域があり、それは、視床下部にある内側前脳束と いうあたりで、その辺に報酬系回路があるとされる。

われわれがなにか行動をするのは、この報酬系回路がはたらくからだと考えられ たのである。


然考えられた。行動が学習されるのは、その行動にともなって、報酬系が作動す るためだと考えられるからである。


Joyful Ajna Meditation





Isn't there nothing better than being alive?

Let's stand up with gratitude for being alive and joy in being alive.

Money cannot buy tomorrow.

As long as you are alive, anything is possible. turn a pinch into an opportunity

Let's send today with joy and welcome tomorrow with joy.

Here is a meditation method that makes the heart happy.

Your life will always be rosy!

life is so much more fun




First, the lotus (or half lotus)
Junior in-breath breathing method (about 2 minutes)
Jikou Exhaust Breathing Method (about 5 minutes)
Take out the magic kundalini pearl encased in silver with the tip of your tongue and place it under your tongue.
Next Anti-breathing method
Bring the pearls into your chakra prana root with this breathing technique.
Next Gradually move the pearl downwards, using the anti-breathing method. about five times
Let the red breath reach the manipura chakra of Sekimoto.
At the next Sekimoto, the pearl expands to about twice its size and gradually emits light and begins to shine. (About five breathing exercises)
Next The pearl returns to its original shape. (Continued with anti-breathing method)
Next The pearl returns to its original state and ascends the prana root.
Next Bar reaches silver exchange, but still continues to rise.
Next Ascend the chakra prana route through ``edge'', ``water groove'', ``prime'' and ``Kanba''. Next From halfway between the front crest and Hyakukai, Pearl enters the center of the brain.
The next pearl reaches the 'pituitary gland' in the midbrain and stops at the Ajna Chakra.
At this time, the pearl expands to about twice its size and gradually emits light and begins to shine.
Along with the radiance, the anterior pituitary hormone and endorphin, a morphine substance in the brain, are enhanced. (Optional number of breathing exercises)
Next The pearl gradually loses its brilliance and returns to its original size.
NextBy breathing, the pearl will gradually rise and enter the chakra prana route.
Enter, descend, return to the original bank.
next long in-breath breathing method
After about 10 breaths, I return to normal breathing, roll the pearl with the tip of my tongue, and put it in the silver coin.




morphine in the brain


A substance similar to morphine is secreted in the brain.

Morphine is the main active ingredient in opium, which is extracted from the poppy seed.

This poppy seed extract has been used for thousands of years to relieve pain and provide intense pleasure. Both pain and pleasure have a strong power to impel people to action.

If so, this substance, which is said to relieve pain and produce great pleasure, has been used since ancient times.

It should come as no surprise that it has played a major role in human history, from the Chinese Opium Wars to modern day heroin addiction.

However, he and others who learned that the same substance as this is produced in the human brain would be even more surprised.

The substance was first discovered in 1975 by John Hughes and Hans Kosterlitz at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. They succeeded in extracting a substance from the brain of pigs that had the same effect as that of molhi. Because the method was so complex and required so much brain, they obtained over 2,000 donated pig brains from Scottish slaughterhouses and extracted small amounts of material from them. They named this substance Enkephalin, which means 'inside' the head. (Enkephalins are peptides, or amino acids, and proteins.)

Later, endorphins were discovered that had more important functions than enkephalins. It is also a substance similar to morphine.


How is it possible that a morphine-like substance is produced in our brains? Animal studies have shown that when stress occurs, the substance is released into the bloodstream primarily by the pituitary gland, an endocrine gland located in the base of the diencephalon.

This has been interpreted to combat the pain caused by stress. Studies have shown that as labor nears labor, endorphin levels in the mother's blood rise sharply, with levels 10 times higher than normal in both parent and child during labor. This is an indication that the mother's body is trying to protect her child from the pain and stress she is currently experiencing.

Endorphins not only relieve pain, but also give pleasure and pleasure

Strenuous sports such as long-distance jogging, skydiving, and mountaineering are believed to release this substance and have narcotic effects.

A common example is the feeling of "exhilaration" experienced by avid joggers.

They reported that jogging long distances at a steady rhythm produced a strong feeling of joy, euphoria. morphine effect. It is believed that this is why jogging and other activities become addictive.

This was an event that greatly shook the history of past values.

For hitherto it was thought that man acted for the sake of some real reward.

In the brain, there is an area called the reward system, which she calls the medial forebrain bundle in the hypothalamus, and it is said that reward circuits are located around it.

It was thought that the reason why we do something is because this reward circuit works.

In addition, it is true that it will be greatly related to the learning of behavior and thinking.

Naturally thought. This is because actions are learned because the reward system is activated along with the action.







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Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
posted by gomabon at 13:38| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想


境界を越える呼吸:仏陀の涅槃への道の探求」 "Breathing Beyond Boundaries: Exploring the Buddha's Path to Nirvana"

呼吸法、といっているけれども、たんなる呼吸作用のコントロール法ではなく、このあとで説く「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」(気道) 「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」など、すべての技法を綜合しておこなわれるもので、仏陀の成仏法の最終段階のものである。

この四つの呼吸法 (繰り返していうが、たんなる呼吸法ではない)で、仏陀の成仏法は完成されるのである。




「行息」 気息を行らす、














Although it is called the breathing method, it is not just a method of controlling the breathing action, but all techniques such as "chakra", "prana", "kundalini energy" (airway), "mudler", "meditation", and "mantra chanting". It is the final stage of the Buddhist mantra meditation.

These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak

Buddha's airway law

If you read the previous section, you'll probably understand. The Buddha also used the dead path in the Iddhipada method.

"Breathing" To breathe, there must be a way to go around. That way is the airway.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha's breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the "law of shyness." In addition, there is a "law of spirit". These are none other than Shaka's "law of breath", which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.

Where did the name Mudmaru come from?
This is a transcription of the "Nirvana" or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.


Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
posted by gomabon at 18:50| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想


仏教への扉:花と共に歩む瞑想の世界  Door to Buddhism: A world of meditation with flowers

瞑想   花になる




Meditation, becoming a flower, becoming a flower

Insert a wide flower into a vase and place it in front of you.
Breath breathing method.
Gaze at the flower with half an eye.
At first, stare at the entire vase, and gradually focus on the flowers. Petal Hi
Stare at each one. The flowers will grow bigger and bigger. Flowers approaching
Come on.
Move your heart into the flower. It becomes a flower. With the exhaled breath, I am in the flower
Go in. When you smoke, the flowers come into you.
When it became a flower, close your eyes. Become a flower and see yourself outside the flower. Become a flower
Observe yourself for a while.
Next, leave the flower and return to yourself. Open your eyes, stare at the flower, and return.
(For the flower meditation method, refer to "Reincarnation Meditation Method I" for details.
I want you)





Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis

posted by gomabon at 09:31| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想


チャクラの不思議な世界: 仏教の視点で知る、自分の可能性」  The mysterious world of chakras: Understanding your potential from a Buddhist perspective.”





  1. ムラダーラーチャクラ

    • 仏教の視点では、このチャクラに集中することで体力が向上し、精力が増進し、病気が治癒するとされています。

  2. スヴァジスターナーチャクラ

    • エネルギーをこのチャクラに集中させると、気力が充実し、不動の信念を持ち、超人的な手腕力が発揮されるとされています。

  3. マニピューラーチャクラ

    • ヨーガースートラによれば、このチャクラを綜制することで体内の組織を知り、自由にコントロールできるようになります。また、火のエネルギーを発することも可能とされています。

  4. アナハターチャクラ

    • 他心通の力が発揮され、他人の心を理解し、自由に動かす能力が得られるとされています。このチャクラを熟達することで霊界との交流が可能になります。

  5. ヴィシュダー・チャクラ

    • 超人的な聴力が備わり、通常聞こえない音や主導霊の声を聴くことができるようになります。また、物質を変化させる力も持つとされています。

  6. アジナー・チャクラ

    • 透視力が向上し、微細なものや遠くのものを知ることができ、テレパシー能力が発現します。八種の自在力を得ることができるとされています。

  7. サハスララーチャクラ

    • 頭部の光明を目覚めさせ、すべてのチャクラを統合して制御できるようになります。これにより変容し、四次元生物である超人に変身するとされています。

Muladhara Chakra:
From a Buddhist perspective, concentrating on this chakra improves physical strength, increases energy, and cures illness.
Swajisthana Chakra:
It is said that by concentrating your energy in this chakra, you will be full of energy, have unwavering faith, and exhibit superhuman strength.
Manipula Chakra:
According to the Yoga Sutra, by controlling this chakra, you will be able to understand and control the internal tissues of your body. It is also said to be able to emit fire energy.
Anahata Chakra:
It is said that the power of understanding other people's hearts will be demonstrated, giving you the ability to understand and freely move the hearts of others. Mastering this chakra allows you to communicate with the spirit world.
Vishudha Chakra:
Equipped with superhuman hearing, you will be able to hear normally inaudible sounds and the voices of leading spirits. It is also said to have the power to change matter.
Ajna Chakra:
Your clairvoyance will improve, you will be able to see minute and distant things, and you will develop telepathic abilities. It is said that it is possible to obtain eight types of free power.
Sahasrara chakra:
Awaken the illumination in your head and become able to integrate and control all chakras. This is said to transform him into a superhuman, a four-dimensional creature.











2 スヴァジスターナーチャクラ



3 マニピューラーチャクラ




4 アナハターチャクラ






5 ヴィシュダー・チャクラ







6 アジナー・チャクラ



 このチヤクラは、また、命令のチヤクラ、願望成就のチヤクラ、自在力のチヤクラともいわれ、熟達すると、自然に命令してこれを自在に動かし、自由に支配ナることができるようになる。すなわち、八種の自在力をそなえるようになる。八種の自在力とは、前にも述べたように、山身体を極限まで小さくして、岩などを自由に通り抜ける力 即からだを大空にいっぱいになるほど大きくする力 即蓮の糸や綿くずよりも軽くなる力 許]みのままに、月にでも指をふれることができる力 即自分の意志するままに、どんなことがらでも実現できる力 巨「界を創造し、支配する力 閉万物を自分の意のままに従わせる力 拒蜥nのように身を重くすることのできる力、あるいは、自分の意欲の対象を必ず手に入れることのできる力、の八種である。

7 サハスララーチャクラ

 頭のなかの光明Murdhajyotioといわれるチヤクラである。Brahma randhra梵の座、梵の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。






ESP development system

Chakra function

I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. So how does Buddhism think and explain the chakra?

1 Muradara Chakra

Physical strength is constantly improving, is it the third of ordinary people? You will have five times as much energy. On the third day, I feel fine about the fourth night. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body. Those who are sick will heal all their bad things. Even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up when concentrating on this chakra. Both men and women are 10 years or older younger than their actual age. Instead, it will have strong properties and fertility, so I will also teach you how to change that dryness into an intelligent dryness called Ojas.

2 Svaj Starner Chakra

If you concentrate your energy on this chakra, you will be more energetic, brave, and aggressively act in the position of the chakra.

It will be demonstrated. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be confused by anything, and with an unwavering belief, don't be afraid of any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3 Manipuler chakra

This chakra is what Yoger Sutra says, "By applying a sutra to the navel ring, you can know the tissues inside the body." Being able to know the tissues in the body is not just about knowing, but also being able to freely control the tissues of the body. Because it has the power to freely control not only one's own body but also the body of another person, it can heal a person's illness immediately.

Since this chakra belongs to the "Samana Ki" of the Five Kis, it controls this chakra as it says, "If you overcome the Samana Ki, you can emit a flame from your body." By doing so, you will be able to generate the energy of fire. The fire of psychokinesis is made using this chakura and Vishda chiyakura. The mystery of the Kundalini Esoteric Buddhism says, "When I enter and close my eyes, I see a yellowish incandescent flame rising like steam from this chakra, and when I go down the road, it is the same. You can see the colored flames wrapping around the abdomen from the waist. It may look like light smoke or fog. " This chakra transforms the reproductive dryness enhanced by the Muradara chakra into another substance. In the same way, the toxins and toxins that have entered the body are decomposed by this chakra and converted into other substances. Therefore, even poisonous substances such as PCB and DDT can be made harmless by the power of this chakra.

When it became possible to produce a clear flame, it began to have the power to change the substance element and change it into a different substance.

4 Anahata chakra

The power of other minds appeared, and at the same time as the minds of others came to be grasped, the power to move the minds of others freely came out. Next, you will be able to interact with the high heart of the invisible (expressed as the Holy Spirit, the Spirit, and the Leading Spirit). An excellent heart that sees things that are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to me

It can be heard from there assimilated into the dryness of wisdom. In other words, even if a person's body is unraveled, the energy of the person's mind remains in this space, so if the vibration of this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of that mind, that mind would have. All things, consciousness, and intelligence are assimilated with me

It means that it will be yours. In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four dimensions).

5 Vishda chakra

It has superhuman hearing. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you have never heard before.

That is, human hearing is 40,000? You can only hear vibration waves of 500,000 kilocycles, but if you master this chakura, your hearing will be more than doubled. It means that you can hear the heartbeat of a person at a distance of 100 meters. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80,000? It is said to be 90,000 kilocycles.

Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.

The ability of Yoga Sutra to "understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures" is acquired.

It's wrong. It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.

In addition, this chakura has a deep relationship with the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.

6 Ajina chakra

It will have abnormal clairvoyance. The ability of Yoga Sutra to "see the light that is associated with the manifestation of the mind, so that we can know even the finest things, hidden things that are hidden from the public, and things that are far away." Is.

Telepathic ability is generated. It is this chakra that makes the "big skin" of the Yoger Sutra possible.

This chakura is also called a command chakura, a wish fulfillment chakura, and a free power chakura, and when you become proficient, you will be able to command and move it freely and control it freely. That is, it will have eight kinds of free power. As mentioned earlier, the eight types of free power are the power to make the mountain body as small as possible and freely pass through rocks, etc. The power to make the body so large that it fills the sky immediately. The power to be lighter than the power to be able to touch the moon as desired The power to realize anything immediately as you wish The power to create and control the world The power to obey at will There are eight types of power: the power to be heavy like the earth, or the power to be sure to obtain the object of one's motivation.

7 Sahasla Rachakra

It is a chakura called Mourdhajyotio in the head. It is located just below the joint of the skull, which is the seat of Brahma andrra 梵, and the rift of the 梵. The seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵, means the place to be one with the 梵, that is, the sacred thing.

When this chakura was awakened, a light appeared in this part and it brilliantly shined. The light in my head.

This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he is free to control all the chakras. He transforms from a human to a strange creature, as insects gradually melt the hard epidermis that covers their entire body, naturally wearing supple but strong wings and transforming into flying butterflies. He transforms from the three-dimensional creature Homo sapiens to the four-dimensional creature super-human, Homo Excellence. In yoga, this was described as one with the sacred.

This chakra is said to be the place where the Holy Spirit dwells and interacts with the Holy Spirit. The practitioner who completed this chakra is called a superhuman, a master, and a savior. Superhumans transcend the physical world and are not restricted by time and space. As in Yoga Sutra, he is free to lose his body, fly from the hinterland of the Himalayas to Tokyo in an instant, and leave for Europe in a moment. He has mastered the secrets of time and space in the four-dimensional world. Just as the behavior of the creatures in the three-dimensional (three-dimensional) world seems to be nothing but the behavior of the creatures in the two-dimensional (planar) world, for us of the three-dimensional creatures, the movement of superhumans living in the four-dimensional world is

I can't understand at all. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman, showing in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. You're probably sure to see that shape.







Buddha  Japan Journal

Buddha Japan journal

日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
posted by gomabon at 08:03| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 瞑想


Samatha Vipašyanāの瞑想法  目を閉じて、心を開く: インドの瞑想、サマタ・ヴィパッサナーの魔法"


  • ビバシュヤナーは、Samatha Vipaśyanā(瞑想法)の一部であり、インドではこの用語が使われていた。

  • 「瞑想」という言葉は、明治になって新たに作られたもので、それ以前の古い密教の書物には見られない。

  • 古い密教の書物において、「奢摩他毘舎那」が瞑想を指しており、これが瞑想の本質を表現した言葉として感心されている。

  • 「毘鉢舎那」と「サマタ」は瞑想の技法であり、心を一点に集中させ、境界を超えて想念をめぐらすことを指す。

  • 阿含経典において、シャマタとビパシュヤナーについて説明され、これらは瞑想法の基本であり、深遠できわめがたいものとされている。

Samatha Vipašyanāの瞑想法



「目を閉じて静かに考えること。 現前の境界を忘れて想像をめぐらすこと」



「目を閉じてじっと考えること。 沈思黙考・ 黙想」

Meditation 「黙想 (熟考すること。 特に宗教的な黙想。 瞑想」

(『大辞林』 三省堂)


コンサイス英和辞典』 三省堂)

わたくしたち、瞑想を本格的に修行しているものからみると、いずれも、もの足 りない感じがする。

さきにわたくしは、“瞑想はインドにおいて非常に古くからおこなわれていた" と書いたが、では、インドでは、瞑想をなんとよんでいたのだろうか?



インドでは、Samatha Vipaśyanā とよんでいたのである。

瞑想という語は、『大辞林』にあるように、明治になってつくられた言葉であっ て、それ以前の古い密教の書物をみると、瞑想という語は、いっさい見あたらな

わたくしは、密教を、最初、 独学で勉強をはじめたのであるが、古い密教の書物

「奢摩他毘舎那 こそ、密教の肝要なり」


いろいろ調べて、これが瞑想のことだと知った。そして、瞑想という漠然とした ものではなく、瞑想そのものの本質をズバリ表現した言葉であることに感心した。 この言葉は、瞑想の本質とその技法を、ズバリそのまま表現しているのである。 他とは、心を一点一境に集中して、いささかも散乱させないこと。


ともに、瞑想の技法である。 瞑想は、じつに深遠にしてきわめがたいものである 技法としては、この二つに帰する。

阿含経典のなかに、シャマタとビパシュヤナーについてつぎのように説かれてい るところがある。


脳と心の革命 42





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