

終活の短歌集 第四章 第八節 001~086

終活の短歌集 第四章 第八節 001~086

良識の 日本の民は 米などを 買い溜めなどは しないものです 086
Japanese people with common sense do not hoard rice or other commodities. 2025.02.19

少しずつ 誤嚥の頻度 増してくる 死因は「肺炎」 わたしもこれで 085
I too have been gradually experiencing more and more aspirations (accidental ingestion of food into the bronchi). Just like the incident in Aomori Prefecture that has been reported in the news, I may also die from pneumonia. 2025.02.19

EUが 三十一兆円 AIに 米中独占に 待ったをかけた 084
The EU is embarking on 31 trillion yen AI development. It has expressed a sense of crisis that if things continue as they are, AI will become a monopoly for the US and China. 2025.02.1

ひょっとして 恐ろしい時が やってくる 世界の終わり そんな予感も 083
Given the current trends in the world, it is possible that a frightening era is coming. The "end of the world" may even be a possibility. 2025.02.18

妹の 七十二歳の 誕生日 兄妹共に 白髪になった 082
Today is my sister's 72nd birthday. Both my siblings have turned gray hair. 2025.02.18

冬枯れて そして健気な バナナの木 来世は南の 土地で芽を出せ 081
The banana tree lives on bravely even though it has withered in winter. In your next life, you should sprout in the warm south. 2025.02.17

トランプは 「自らが為す 政策は 法より上」と 恐怖の思想 080
Trump is a man of fearsome ideas who believes that his policies are above the law. 2025.02.16

クレイジー R.F.Kジュニア 米議会 鷹にペットを 差し出す行為 079
The crazy R.F.K. Jr. was approved by the U.S. Congress. J.F.K.'s daughter said it was "like giving a pet to a hawk." 2025.02.16

プーチンは 狂気の犬 トランプさん 三年前の 領土が原則 078
Putin is a crazy dog, Mr. Trump. The condition for a ceasefire is that Ukraine's territories from three years ago will be returned. 2025.02.16

ウクライナ NATO加盟は 不可避なり トランプさん 間違わないで 077
Ukraine's membership in NATO is inevitable. Mr. Trump, are you sure you're not wrong on that point? 2025.02.15

備蓄米 21万トン 倉を出る 何時の世にも 悪徳商人 076
Agriculture Minister Eto has decided to release 210,000 tons of government stockpiled rice onto the market. There will always be unscrupulous merchants. 2025.02.15

物乞いの 禁止を決める 印政府 世界最多の 人数(ひとかず)の国 075
The Indian government has decided to ban begging. India is the world's most populous country. 2025.02.14

この椅子で 学びと遊び 両方を 余念を絶って 一意専心 074
With this new, comfortable chair, I hope to be able to both learn and play as I please. 2025.02.14

本当は とても優しい お人柄 トランプさんは 実像を隠す 073
He may actually be a very kind person. If Trump is strategically hiding his true nature from the outside world? 2025.02.14

デヴィ夫人 八十五歳 政界へ 妖怪変化 大きな波紋 072
The news that Dewi Sukarno (85 years old), who still holds Indonesian nationality, will be making her debut into politics. A mysterious monster beyond human understanding. It will create huge ripples. 2025.02.13

一立米 三百キロの 塊が 屋根から落ちる 雪が凶器に 071
A 300kg block of snow falls from the roof. The snow becomes a lethal weapon and kills people. 2025.02.13

日産が 統合を忌避 プライドは 間違えるなら 自滅の刃 070
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. avoided a business merger with Honda. False pride can also become the blade of self-destruction. 2025.02.12

華麗なる 今牛若丸 亡くなった 吉田義男は 今も瞼に 069
The baseball player who earned the nickname "Ima Ushiwakamaru" (now Ushiwakamaru) for his brilliant defensive skills has passed away. The image of Yoshida Yoshio is still vividly etched in my mind. 2025.02.12

この星は 二酸化炭素が 満ち満ちて 息ができない そんな未来に 068
Last year, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by the Earth reached a record high. It looks like the planet will soon be filled with carbon dioxide, making it difficult to breathe. 2025.02.11

三度目の 世界大戦 中東が 火種となって 勃発の夢 067
I dreamed that the people of Gaza would be persecuted after being driven from their homes, causing resentment among Middle Eastern countries, which would become the spark that ignites a third world war. 2025.02.10

石丸も 斎藤知事も 公選法 違反で「御用だ」 そんな夢を見た 066
I had a dream that both Ishimaru and Governor Saito were arrested for violating the Public Election Law. 2025.02.10

イスラエル 建国前に 戻すこと それが一番 それが唯一 065
The Israeli issue needs to be returned to the way it was before the state was founded. That is the best and only solution. 2025.02.10

アメリカが 如何にもガザを 占めるなら コペルニクスも あの世で仰天 064
If America were to ever really take possession of Gaza, even Copernicus would be astonished in heaven. 2025.02.10

国内も ガザ発言の 真意得ず 「考察」すると 異例のワード 063
Even within the United States, the true meaning of Trump's Gaza remarks is unclear, and the unusual word "consideration" it is being used. 2025.02.09

この人の 主張について 常識を 一度除いて 考えてみる 062
If we put common sense aside for a moment and think about what U.S. President Trump is saying, something becomes clear. 2025.02.09

買いません テスラの車 マスク氏が 大嫌いだから それで十分 061
I won't buy a Tesla car. Just because I hate Musk, that's all. 2025.02.09

八割も 減らすと聞いた 漁獲枠 海痩せ衰え 鯖も育たず 060
I heard that the mackerel fishing quota will be reduced by 80% in fiscal year 2025. Has the ocean become so poor that mackerel can no longer grow there? 2025.02.08

今週は 覚悟を決めて 冬ごもり エクササイズは 暫時休止 059
This week I have decided to stay in hibernation and take a break from my daily exercise. 2025.02.08

田崎さん トランプさんが 褒め言葉 仕事が出来ると 石破総理を 058
Mr. Tasaki, I'm right when I say that you are the more suspicious one, right? Trump praised Prime Minister Ishiba for being "good at his job." 2025.02.08

何処其処が 雪の景色の 寒い朝 布団の中で モーニングニュース 057
It's a cold morning in Japan, with snowy scenery everywhere. I'm in bed watching the snowy scenery on the morning news. 2025.02.08

冷凍の 餃子は少し 焦げを付け 唐辛子降って フーフー食べる 056
The frozen dumplings are intentionally browned a little more than necessary and sprinkled with chili peppers, so they are very spicy and I eat them while blowing on them in my mouth. 2025.02.08

まだ6℃ 今日の気温は ここまでで あとはズズズッ 滑って落ちる 055
It's still 6 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature for today. After this, the temperature will gradually drop. 2025.02.08

私なら 意欲が失せる 雪下ろし 南国育ちは 息絶えてしまう 054
If that much snow had piled up, I would lose all motivation to shovel it away. Someone who grew up in a tropical country like me would probably just give up and die. 2025.02.07

ガザに住む パレスチナ人 出て行けと プーチン属の 新トランプ種 053
The new Trump animal of the Putin genus is telling the Palestinians living in Gaza to get out. 2025.02.07

新しい 机と椅子を 買い揃え 死ぬまでこれで 読み書きをする 052
I bought a new desk and chair. I'll use it to read and write until I die. 2025.02.06

立春の 先十日ほど 冬の底 桜の花も 最期の仕込み 051
The first ten days after the beginning of spring are the depths of winter. Cherry blossoms are also in their final stages of preparation. 2025.02.06

名ばかりの 今日は立春 この冬の 最強寒波 出張って座る 050
Today is the beginning of spring in name only. The strongest cold wave of the year is hanging over the Japanese archipelago. 2025.02.06

トランプの 主張を容れる 各首脳 選挙の結果を 裏付けていく 049
World leaders criticize Trump but also accept his claims. These facts gradually support the results of the presidential election. 2025.02.05

中国に キックトックを 売れと言う これ「力に拠る 現状の変更」 048
America is telling China to sell Kick-Tok. This is "changing the status quo through force." 2025.02.05

田崎さん 総理はそんなに 馬鹿じゃない あんたの方が 余程可笑しい 047
Mr. Tazaki, Prime Minister Ishiba is not that stupid. You are the one who is much more suspicious. 2025.02.05

酒二杯 晩酌に呑み 寝てしまう テレビの音が 喧しくて覚める べらんめえ 046
I had two drinks and fell asleep, but the TV was so noisy that it woke me up. They were broadcasting the historical drama "Beranmee." 2025.02.05

ギャル曽根が 曽根オバサンに なってきた 検索したら 三十九歳 045
Gal Sone, the queen of competitive eating, has recently become "Sone Obasan." When I searched her online, I found out she was 39 years old. 2025.02.04

アメリカが 加墨二国に 関税を 二十五パーセント 物価が疑問  044
This morning's news said that the United States has increased tariffs on Canada and Mexico to 25 percent. I wonder if this will lead to an increase in consumer prices in the United States? 2025.02.04

トランプの 暴君政治 連日の 報道を見る この先の不安 043
Watching the daily news about Trump's tyrannical rule makes me anxious about the future 2025.02.03

殿様は 本丸跡に ずっと立ち 城下の街を 今も見護る 042
The bronze statue of Lord Naito stands at the site of the main castle and continues to watch over the town of Nobeoka. 2025.02.03

日米の 鉄を産する 大企業 合併イシューは 前代未聞 041
The issue of a merger between two large steel-producing companies in Japan and the United States has led to government intervention. 2025.02.03

広告は ACジャパンの ものばかり 自業自得の フジテレビジョン 040
The ads are all from AC Japan. Fuji Television got what goes around comes around. 2025.02.02

トラックで 道路の穴に 落ちた人 四日経っても 救い出せない 039
A man in a truck who fell into a hole in the road has not been rescued for four days, and his life or death is unknown. 2025.02.02

中国の 生成AI ディープシーク 天安門は 答えを拒む 038
I heard that if you search for "Tiananmen" using China's generative AI Deepseek, it will refuse to answer. 2025.02.02

城山の 藪椿咲く さり気なく 脇役を通す 大寒のみぎり 037
The camellias of Shiroyama are blooming unobtrusively. This flower plays a supporting role during the coldest season of the year. 2025.02.01

ライオンが 餌を強請って 吠える声 澄んだ空気を 飛んで響いた 036
The roars of Shiroyama's lions, demanding food, reached the clear air all the way to the junior high school classrooms. 2025.02.01

トランプが 何をやるのか 気になって ニュースの時間は 耳傾ける 035
I'm curious to see what Trump will do next, so I listen more attentively than usual during the news. 2025.01.31

この杉は 子供の頃から 立っていて 死んだ後まで まだずっと立つ 034
This cedar tree on Shiroyama has been standing since I was a child, and it will likely remain standing for a long time after I die. 2025.01.30

瀬に浸かり 列をなして 待ちわびる 落ち鮎はまだ 鷺に届かず 033
The herons line up in the shallows, waiting impatiently for the sweetfish. However, the sweetfish floating downstream have yet to reach the herons. 2025.01.30

ビュービューと 唸る風音 凄まじい ここは風道 天然記念 032
The howling sound of the wind is incredible. This is a wind road, which could be called a natural monument. 2025.01.29

今は壁 諦めないで 進む道 課題百回 今十五回 031
I've hit a wall and am stuck, but I'm not going to give up and I'm on my way. This is the 15th exercise out of the 100 I have to do. 2025.01.29

この間 買ったはずの ふりかけが 幾ら探しても あるはずなのに 030
No matter how hard I look, I can't find the dried seasoning powder of rice that I bought the other day. 2025.01.28

世の中に 貧しい人が 多く居る 海外旅行 黙って行け 029
There are a lot of poor people in Japan, so if you're traveling abroad, just shut up and don't show off. 2025.01.27

キム朝鮮 兵士は死ねば 死ぬほどに キムの金庫に 金がザクザク 028
The more Kim Jong Un's soldiers die in Ukraine, the more money flows into Kim's coffers. 2025.01.27

一銭も ならないことを 今日もまた そのうちきっと 一千万円 027
Today too I will work hard on something that will not earn me a single yen. Someday, this will surely be worth more than 10 million yen. 2025.01.26

この頃は 夏は暑いし 冬も亦 厳しい寒さ どんげなっちょっと? 026
These days, the summers are extremely hot and the winters are bitterly cold. Why is this? 2025.01.26

日銀が 政策金利を アップする 十七年も 前の水準 025
The Bank of Japan raises its policy interest rate, which is now at the same level as it was 17 years ago. 2025.01.25

アメリカの 事で飯食う 人に言う 領土拡張 彼は本気 024
I would tell to experts on American politics. Trump is serious about territorial expansion. 2025.01.25

桁外れ ロサンゼルスの 山火事は 炭素減らさぬ 人類へ仕返し 023
The Los Angeles wildfires continue to burn at an extraordinary rate, the Earth's revenge on humanity for not reducing carbon emissions. 2025.01.24

やがて来る 南海トラフの 大地震 この石垣も 熊本のように  022
The upcoming major earthquake in the Nankai Trough will likely cause this castle's stone walls to collapse, just like Kumamoto Castle. 2025.01.24

国道を 走る車の 音もなく 寒さ極まる 小寒の未明 021
In the early hours of the first day of midwinter, there was no sound of cars passing by on the national highway and it was bitterly cold. 2025.01.24

この城の 石垣は此れ 見事なり 今まで何を 何処を見て来た 020
The stone walls of this castle are magnificent. I wonder what and where I have seen in this castle up until now. 2025.01.24

フジテレビ 何度やっても 不明瞭 墓穴広げる 記者会見 019
Kansai TV, a Fuji TV affiliate, held a press conference, but no matter how many times they hold a press conference, the content is always unclear, which only makes their grave worse. 2025.01.23

長崎の 降る雪の粒 大きくて テレビが映す リアルな気象 018
The snowflakes falling in Nagasaki shown on television were large, making the weather look very realistic. 2025.01.23

初任給 三十万円 今ならば 私も会社 勤務を選ぶ 017
The starting salary for college graduates next year will be 300,000 yen. If I were young now, I would also choose to work for a company. 2025.01.23

トランプが プーチン手法 学習し グリーンランド アメリカ領土に 016
Trump has learned Putin's tactics and now says he wants to make Greenland American territory. 2025.01.23

アメリカの 一国主義の 幕が開く これが世界の 趨勢となる 015
With Trump as president, the golden age of America will begin. What we are seeing now may set a global trend. 2025.01.22

全勝の 金峰山を 退ける 小結阿炎の 面目躍如 014
Komusubi Abi defeated the undefeated Kinpozan. How proud you are. 2025.01.22

売ってくれ 言われるまでは 中国に 鷹は飢えても 売ってはやらぬ 13
We won't sell to China until they ask us to. Even if a bird called a hawk is hungry, it won't do business with China. 2025.01.22

港さん 驚くほどの 頓珍漢 辞めてもフジは 暫くアウト 012
Fuji Television's President Minato is an astonishing fool. Even if he resigns, the public will not forgive Fuji Television for some time. 2025.01.21

AIが 描く女は 美しい そして景色も また美しい 011
The women drawn by the AI are beautiful. Not only that, but even the scenery is beautiful. 2025.01.20

この部屋で 苦節八年 先祖共 終の棲家に 明日は屋うつり 010
I lived in this room with my ancestors for eight hard years. Tomorrow I will move into my final home. 2025.01.20

この部屋の 殆どすべて 不用品 惜別の歌 今宵心で 009
Almost everything in this room is useless and needs to be thrown away. Tonight I will sing a farewell song to these things in my heart. 2025.01.19

ジョイフルで 高いキャベツが 硬過ぎて 衰えた歯では 太刀打ちできぬ 008
At restaurant Joyfull, the cabbage, which is currently expensive nationwide, is too hard and I can't eat it with my weakened teeth. 2025.01.19

五日目に 休場になる 照ノ富士 よく頑張った もう宜しかろう 007
Terunofuji withdrew from the tournament on the fifth day. You've done well up until now. Please consider retiring. 2025.01.19

今朝は千葉 ニッポン列島 今正に 地震多発の 時節の中に 006
An earthquake occurred in Chiba this morning, and it seems that the Japanese archipelago is now entering a period of frequent earthquakes. 2025.01.19

砂被り 仕事は何を する人か よくよく見れば 怪しい人も 005
People watching sumo in a place where sand from the sumo ring is flying around them. What kind of work do they do? If you look closely, there are some people who look a bit suspicious. 2025.01.18

石丸の 「再生の道」 失笑する 政策不要の 転職政党 004
I was laughed at by Ishimaru's press conference announcing the launch of his new "Path of Regeneration" party. He explained that it was a party of change of jobs that did not need policies. 2025.01.18

ガザの人 それでいいのか いずれまた 恨みはさらに 膨らんでくる 003
Are the people living in Gaza happy with this ceasefire? Eventually, resentment will surely only grow again. 2025.01.17

序盤戦 一勝四敗 琴桜 実力伯仲 油断禁物 002
In the opening rounds of the January Grand Sumo Tournament, Kotozakura had one win and four losses. The other wrestlers are all equally strong, so the difference between winning and losing is paper-thin. 2025.01.17

舞い上がり 両手で握手 恥ずかしい 森山さんは 表に出せない 001
The Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party, who visited China, got so excited that when he met with a senior member of the Chinese Communist Party, he shook hands with both hands. Moriyama, Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party, should not appear in public. 2025.01.16

終活の短歌集 第四章 第八節 
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