マカロニグラタン Macaroni au gratin
PC画像より photo on my computer
私たちのところに来てくれて 父と母にしてくれて、「ありがとう」 しかないです。
My daughter was back for the first time in a long while on 31st.
It was only a few hours but we are happy to see her.
Thank you for coming into our lives
**マカロニグラタン Macaroni au gratin
**納豆とオクラ Natto and okra salad
**サツマイモと人参のきんぴら Stir-fried sweet potatoes and carrots
**ツルムラサキのお浸し Boiled Indian spinach in broth
**切り干し大根の酢の物 Dried strips of daikon radish with sweetened vinegar
Every dish was delicious. Thank you