初めてのバンコック エメラルド寺院 編
ワット プラケオ エメラルド寺院 (エメラルドではなく、ヒスイの仏陀が祭られている最高に格式の高い寺院)
Wat Plakeo Emerald Temple (The Buddha not made of emerald really, but of green Jade, and the temple is of highest rank.)中は撮影禁止ですが外からは写せます。年3回衣替えがあって、今は雨季のご衣裳。
Photography is prohibited, but you are allowed to take pictures as much as you like from outside. The Emerald Buddha changes clothing three times a year, and right now, is wearing the "Rain-season" garments.
According to the guide, it will grant ANY wish, so as usual, we went and made a load ful ;)
蛇神ナーク 神様なのか妖怪なのか(失礼)パッと見識別不可能。 ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノThe fearsome (sorry...) looking snake god, Nhak.
Beautifully gold! Just wonderful, truely, just that it reflects so much light, it gets terribly hot...
Wat Plakeo Emerald Temple (The Buddha not made of emerald really, but of green Jade, and the temple is of highest rank.)中は撮影禁止ですが外からは写せます。年3回衣替えがあって、今は雨季のご衣裳。
Photography is prohibited, but you are allowed to take pictures as much as you like from outside. The Emerald Buddha changes clothing three times a year, and right now, is wearing the "Rain-season" garments.
According to the guide, it will grant ANY wish, so as usual, we went and made a load ful ;)
蛇神ナーク 神様なのか妖怪なのか(失礼)パッと見識別不可能。 ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノThe fearsome (sorry...) looking snake god, Nhak.
Beautifully gold! Just wonderful, truely, just that it reflects so much light, it gets terribly hot...
by TREview