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ハワイ滞在歴約10年。南国大好き。海外旅行大好き。RAP,R&B大好き 現在は日本在住。Hawaii の事、海外旅行の事、日々のグルメな事、のらりくらりと書かせて頂いています。たまに娘が英語でのコメントを書いてくれています。
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ここ、無錫(むしゃく)の大胡(たいこ← おおきな湖  琵琶湖の3倍!!!(◎皿◎)!!)で超有名な日本人とは。。。The great lake of Mushaku, approximately 3 times the size of Lake Biwa in Japan.

「無錫旅情  むしゃくりょじょう」の尾形大作さんなんだそうです。。。ガイドさん曰く。歌碑も湖のほとりに建てられています。唄の御蔭で日本から沢山の観光客が訪れ無錫の町がうるおったとのこと。Famous for a poem written by a Japanese, Daisaku Ogata, according to the guide, and a stone monument with the song has been built at the bottom of the lake. They say, thanks to the song, many Japanese tourists came to visit and so helped the town develop.

また最近では映画「レッドクリフ」のロケもここのほとりで撮影されました。The movie for "Red Cliff" was also filmed along this lake.

たった14人でフェリー貸切。。めずらしく暖房がきいていてぽかぽかと心地よいクルーズでした。 The ferry was reserved by just the 14 of us; there was heating and so it was a very warm cruise.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 23:25 | 中国旅行 | この記事のURL
蘇州では足つぼマッサージを捜しあてて行って参りました!I went looking for foot massage stores in Soshu.

言葉は全然通じませんが、漢字ってなんとなく意味がわかりますね〜。I have no idea what is being said, but Kanji provides the vaguest idea.

この一番上の安いやつ。。The cheapest one on the top.

100分78元たったの ”1100円” (◎皿◎)!!!)
about $11 hor 100min.

フラワーフットバスFlower foot bath
全身あんま。。。Maybe not a whole-body course...
No matter where I go the rooms are cold. why cant we turn on the heaters?

温かいお茶とスナック付き Comes with warm tea and snacks.

でもそのうち足もとから体もあったまって、極楽極楽OK But soon, your body would get warm starting form your feet, so its no problem.

沢山歩いたけど疲れがふっとんだ〜〜。上手でした!まるIt was a lot of walking, but it felt like nothing after a wonderful massage. Very well done!

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 20:57 | 中国旅行 | この記事のURL
中国旅行 蘇州
今日は蘇州の留園です。Today is So-shu's Ryu-en.

おっと〜〜さかさまでした。ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ  Oops, it was upside down...

It is winter now, so not many blossoms, but I heard the spring and summer seasons bring about beautiful seasonal flowers and make this garden even more beautiful.



素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 19:38 | 中国旅行 | この記事のURL
中国旅行 寒山寺
蘇州の続きです。。 So-shu, continued.

有名な石碑 日本でもこの詩の書いてあるレプリカの掛け軸を置いてあるお宅が多いとか。。。
A famous stone monument. Miniature replicas of this poem written onto a hanging scrolls are known to be popular in Japan as well (seemingly).

このあたり、ちょっと飽きてきたかなあ。。。中華汗 (*´д`)=зAt this point I started to get a bit tired of all the Chinese food...

でもいっしょのツアーの方々と過ごす一時、会話は楽しい〜拍手But the time spent with the people on the tour was lots of fun!

石碑の後ろにある鐘の音を一回聴くと10歳若返るんだとか。It is said that listening to the bell behind this monument ring once is supposed to make you 10yrs younger.

勿論鳴らす回数も限られています!!Of course, you can only hear it being rung a certain number of times.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 19:59 | 中国旅行 | この記事のURL
きょうはカナダより送られてきた写真のご紹介です。。。today I will post a picture sent from Canada.

冬のナイアガラです。めちゃ寒そう。。。Niagara Falls, in the winter. Looks deathly cold...

夜はライトアップされていました。It was lit up at night.

豚インフルエンザにまけるなセール中汗A sale to fight swine flu.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

寒い日が続くと温泉に行きたくなります。温泉 When cold days continue, I want to go to the hot springs.

湯河原は近いし、知り合いの計らいで会社の保養所を使わせて頂きました。(≧▽≦) Yugawara was close and I was invited by some friends to come along.

ナンと一泊2食で6000円!ノ´▽`)ノ(お酒は飲まないんで。。持ち込み自由)しかも豪華な舟盛り付き One night, two meals for only $60! (I dont drink, but you can bring whatever alcohol you want). A beautiful boat dish was included as well.

こーふんしてピンボケです。。。( TДT) I was so excited my focus was off.

トマトの味が最高の和風ブイヤベース 残りはご飯を入れてリゾットに。Tomato flavored Japanese style dish was quite tasty, especially if you added rice into it at the end and turned it into a risotto.

5回?はお世話になったお風呂。。。The hot spring I took a dip into 5 times during my stay...

I think I will go again!

Posted by MISHIA at 16:29 | 国内旅行 | この記事のURL
ノルウエーでの朝ごはん。。。パンとジャムとコーヒーですが、なんだかとってもおいしそうです。。。(o^冖^o)食パン A breakfast in Norway. Just bread, jam, and coffee, but it looks sooo good....

たまにサーモンの日も。これはサンドイッチにします。(´ρ`*)ウマソー(≧▽≦) Some days there is smoked salmon. We will put these into sandwiches.

ここはアイスホテル。。。「HUNDERFOSSEN」 This is an ice hotel.

Bar では氷のコップで飲み物が出ます。{{{{(+_+)}}}}寒ううぅ〜{(+ω+)} Cups of ice filled with drinks will be served at the bar.

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

中国旅行 錦渓
翌日は朝から晩まで観光です。汗 The next day had been sightseeing all day.

錦渓で小船にのせてもらいました We got to ride a small boat.

水深は浅いですが、絶対に落ちたくない水質(ノω・、)。。。。 It seems to be quite shallow, but not exactly the type of water I would want to fall into...

おばあさんは(民謡のような古い)唄をうたいながら小舟を進めます。。。The old lady would sing some sort of old folk song and stir the boat onwards...

中国人ガイドのかたですら唄の言葉の意味はわからないという事です。  上手です!拍手Our chinese guide didn't even understand the song, but it was well sung!

情緒ある町並み お茶館が立ち並びます。An antique looking town, with lots of tea shops.

名物のごませんべい?さくさくとした歯触りで香ばしいゴマの香りが最高でした。アツアツを頂きました。OK Their famous(?) sesame crackers were quite crispy and very tasty. I ate some that were freshly made.

もし次回いったら絶対おみやげにかってこようっと!If I go again, I will be sure to buy some for souvenirs!

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 13:09 | 中国旅行 | この記事のURL
AVATAR 見て参りました!
3Dの作品は映画館で、大スクリーンの迫力で観たいとおもい、1000円の日にエクストラ300円(3Dメガネ代?)で見て参りました。A 3D movie is always best seen on the big screens, so we went on a $10 day, and paid an extra $3 (for the eye wear?) and went to see it.

Entertainment is so much fun! But we had the glasses imprints on our faces after we finished...

空を飛んでる感じとかカラフルな色あいがまるで夢のようでとっても楽しめました。(≧▽≦) The sensation of flying, and the wonderful colored scenes were great.

おすすめです。OK Really recommended.

Posted by MISHIA at 12:01 | この記事のURL
皆様こんにちは〜(o^冖^o) Hello Everyone

留守の間来て頂いてありがとうございました。すいません Thank you for comming even while I was away.

上海 錦渓 蘇州 無錫 朱家角 の旅より戻ってまいりました〜祝日 I have just come back from my trip to China.
寒かった〜ヽ(`Д´)ノ It was cold!
お天気には毎日 太陽恵まれましたが、毎日摂氏1度~4度。。。。汗 We were lucky with sunny weather everyday, but it was only 1~4 degrees Celsius throughout the trip.
日本も寒いですね。 Japan is cold too.

まずは飛行機飛行機  初めてair chinaに乗りました。オンボロでびっくり。困った 無事飛んだからいいけどね。(*・з・)ぷッ/ First of all, the airplane. I've never flown Air China before, but the plane was quite shabby... At least it flew...

楽しみにしていた映画もわけわからない中国映画 (-_-メ;) The movies I'd been looking forward to were all some sort of Chinese film.

でも窓側の席だったしで外界を?眺めながらあっという間のフライトでした。But I had a window seat, so I could just look outside and was soon at the destination.

到着後はすぐ夕飯。ツアー総勢14名。ご参加のみなさんお金持ちのご夫婦という感じですが、旅慣れた方々ばかりで、礼儀正しく、マナーを守る方がたばかり。時間も守って集合に遅れることもなくあっという間に打ちとけました。As soon as we arrived we had dinner. The total number of people on this tour was 14, and while most seemed to be rich elder couples, we all seemed to be experienced travelers with good manners and polite attitudes. No one was ever late in the group, and we all became familiar with one another soon.

ちなみに私のお伴をしてくれた方は今回初めてインターネットで知り合った旅好きの薫さん。。彼女も世界中を娘さんと旅していて、だんだんと娘さんも彼女のもとから巣立っていき、最近は一緒に安く海外に行くツアーメイトを探していたという事で、意気投合しました。By the way, my acquaintance for this trip had been Ms. Kaoru, whom I had met over the internet for the first time. She'd also had much traveling experience with her daughter all around the world, and as her daughter had gotten older and moved away, she had been looking for someone to go on cheap tours overseas with her, and so we immediately became good friends.

泊ったホテルはここ This is the hotel we stayed in

best western で4つ星 "Best Western" a four star hotel

スリッパとバスローブがついているっという事はなかなか貧乏旅行派の私にはありえない事ですのでかなり満足(≧▽≦) Slippers and a bathrobe is included, which is quite incredible for someone always going on low-cost trips.

アメニテイも充実。可愛いソーイングセット付き。Lots of amenities too, including a cute sowing kit.

毎朝ごはん付き Every morning included breakfast.

ラーメンと肉まん、カスタードまんは美味しかった。。。(-^口^-) Noodles, and dumplings, custard dumplings were very good too.

左 肉まん  右 カスタード まん left: meat dumpling, right: custard dumpling

続きはまた明日。。。。 to be continued, tomorrow

素晴らしい すごい とても良い 良い

Posted by MISHIA at 13:35 | 海外旅行 | この記事のURL
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