寒い日が続くと温泉に行きたくなります。 When cold days continue, I want to go to the hot springs.
湯河原は近いし、知り合いの計らいで会社の保養所を使わせて頂きました。(≧▽≦) Yugawara was close and I was invited by some friends to come along.
ナンと一泊2食で6000円!ノ´▽`)ノ(お酒は飲まないんで。。持ち込み自由)しかも豪華な舟盛り付き One night, two meals for only $60! (I dont drink, but you can bring whatever alcohol you want). A beautiful boat dish was included as well.
こーふんしてピンボケです。。。( TДT) I was so excited my focus was off.
トマトの味が最高の和風ブイヤベース 残りはご飯を入れてリゾットに。Tomato flavored Japanese style dish was quite tasty, especially if you added rice into it at the end and turned it into a risotto.
5回?はお世話になったお風呂。。。The hot spring I took a dip into 5 times during my stay...
また行こうっと!!〓 I think I will go again!
湯河原は近いし、知り合いの計らいで会社の保養所を使わせて頂きました。(≧▽≦) Yugawara was close and I was invited by some friends to come along.
ナンと一泊2食で6000円!ノ´▽`)ノ(お酒は飲まないんで。。持ち込み自由)しかも豪華な舟盛り付き One night, two meals for only $60! (I dont drink, but you can bring whatever alcohol you want). A beautiful boat dish was included as well.
こーふんしてピンボケです。。。( TДT) I was so excited my focus was off.
トマトの味が最高の和風ブイヤベース 残りはご飯を入れてリゾットに。Tomato flavored Japanese style dish was quite tasty, especially if you added rice into it at the end and turned it into a risotto.
5回?はお世話になったお風呂。。。The hot spring I took a dip into 5 times during my stay...
また行こうっと!!〓 I think I will go again!