中国旅行 寒山寺
蘇州の続きです。。 So-shu, continued.
有名な石碑 日本でもこの詩の書いてあるレプリカの掛け軸を置いてあるお宅が多いとか。。。
A famous stone monument. Miniature replicas of this poem written onto a hanging scrolls are known to be popular in Japan as well (seemingly).
このあたり、ちょっと飽きてきたかなあ。。。中華 (*´д`)=зAt this point I started to get a bit tired of all the Chinese food...
でもいっしょのツアーの方々と過ごす一時、会話は楽しい〜But the time spent with the people on the tour was lots of fun!
石碑の後ろにある鐘の音を一回聴くと10歳若返るんだとか。It is said that listening to the bell behind this monument ring once is supposed to make you 10yrs younger.
勿論鳴らす回数も限られています!!Of course, you can only hear it being rung a certain number of times.
有名な石碑 日本でもこの詩の書いてあるレプリカの掛け軸を置いてあるお宅が多いとか。。。
A famous stone monument. Miniature replicas of this poem written onto a hanging scrolls are known to be popular in Japan as well (seemingly).
このあたり、ちょっと飽きてきたかなあ。。。中華 (*´д`)=зAt this point I started to get a bit tired of all the Chinese food...
でもいっしょのツアーの方々と過ごす一時、会話は楽しい〜But the time spent with the people on the tour was lots of fun!
石碑の後ろにある鐘の音を一回聴くと10歳若返るんだとか。It is said that listening to the bell behind this monument ring once is supposed to make you 10yrs younger.
勿論鳴らす回数も限られています!!Of course, you can only hear it being rung a certain number of times.