ここ、無錫(むしゃく)の大胡(たいこ← おおきな湖 琵琶湖の3倍!!!(◎皿◎)!!)で超有名な日本人とは。。。The great lake of Mushaku, approximately 3 times the size of Lake Biwa in Japan.
「無錫旅情 むしゃくりょじょう」の尾形大作さんなんだそうです。。。ガイドさん曰く。歌碑も湖のほとりに建てられています。唄の御蔭で日本から沢山の観光客が訪れ無錫の町がうるおったとのこと。Famous for a poem written by a Japanese, Daisaku Ogata, according to the guide, and a stone monument with the song has been built at the bottom of the lake. They say, thanks to the song, many Japanese tourists came to visit and so helped the town develop.
また最近では映画「レッドクリフ」のロケもここのほとりで撮影されました。The movie for "Red Cliff" was also filmed along this lake.
たった14人でフェリー貸切。。めずらしく暖房がきいていてぽかぽかと心地よいクルーズでした。 The ferry was reserved by just the 14 of us; there was heating and so it was a very warm cruise.