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¸Ž™“¶‚ƘVl‚Ì’m”\ƒAƒbƒv ‹ûèŽ Increasing the intelligence of young children and the elderly Techniques for modifying humans Secrets of the secret method of gaining wisdom 11

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During this period of confusion, a sense of oppression comes to the fore, driving the practitioner into unexpected schisms and anti-social behavior. Therefore, in the process of travel, we must guide them to get rid of their feelings of depression and build up a pure and unsophisticated personality. Nevertheless, this is completely absent from the ancient Gumonjiho practice.

Since ancient times, it has been said that if one fails to practice the Gumonjiho, one becomes a psychopath, and this is the reason why many schizophrenic patients actually appear. This is the reason why both training leaders must keep this in mind.

Intelligent children and the elderly

It was used to create a great genius who would attain Buddhahood.

Until now, the Gumonjiho was to create a great genius of esoteric Buddhism. Gather elites with higher intelligence than ordinary people, special train them, and

I tried to do the opposite. The idea was to use this method to train people whose intelligence was below that of an ordinary person, and to bring them up to the level of an ordinary person's intelligence. The results were very promising. I thought.

It may be necessary to turn talented people who are born with high intelligence into geniuses and create an excellent elite, but he will raise the intelligence of unfortunate children who were born with low intelligence and raise them to the level of ordinary people. I wondered if this also has social significance equal to that.

That's how I and him, Kiramama, went against that plan. The results were promising. Unless the children were severely thin children, a considerable recovery and improvement of intelligence was observed. Shouldn't esoteric Buddhism have to make this intention come out?

It is also important to create religious great geniuses who can attain Buddhahood in their own lives. Isn't it far more necessary now to create "smart people"? No, isn't it the very purpose of him to create a handful of great geniuses? It is to raise the intellectual level of the entire human society. In order to make this world truly happy, I believe that it is more effective to raise the intelligence of the entire human race, even if only a little, rather than creating a great genius of his own.

I believe that human stupidity is the cause of all human misfortune. Human beings are foolish and they exist, so the tragedy of killing, hurting, and competing for each other never stops. Buddha, Christ, and many other great geniuses have appeared in the past, but they have all been buried in human stupidity. His silly fights between humans still don't stop. On the contrary, it only escalates. Wars, struggles, environmental pollution and natural destruction caused by the predatory economy, are all caused by the stupidity of mankind. I would like to use this law to improve the intellectual level of the entire human society. Human stupidity cannot be solved by education alone. A special method is needed to solve it.

Human beings have an underdeveloped part deep inside them. And it is this underdeveloped part that often drives humans and human societies strongly. This is the cause of unhappiness. Even if we don't realize it ourselves, we carry things from the very distant past that we don't know about in the depths of our bodies and minds. The pre-human inhuman things that were necessary in the process of evolving into humans,


It's hidden deep inside his heart. Now that he has evolved into a human being, he leaves things that are no longer necessary or even harmful. Human stupidity is due to it. Inquisitiveness has a way of getting rid of it and making people smarter.

He cannot look into this dark side that lies deep within human beings through education and general religions that focus on "teachings." This is because the dark side of him ultimately rejects the "teachings." What is needed is a "method," not a "teaching." Q&A has its "method". No, that gmethodh is the Qinghuiho. I want to apply this law not only to some elites (or those who aspire to be elites), but to the entire human race.

By the way, when thinking about human intelligence, he cannot leave the problem of declining intelligence in the elderly as it is.

According to a survey by experts, there are currently about 300,000 elderly people in total ecstasy all over the country. so-called


These are the poor people who have lost most of their memories due to their disorientation. But they are not the only ones to feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for their families as well. Among them are a number of miserable families that have ruined relationships or are on the brink of financial bankruptcy. When you look closely, you can't help but think that this is another social problem. With the aging society progressing, this will become even more serious in the future. This is not one. Both are serious issues. As long as one lives, one becomes old. In this way, even if there are some individual differences,

No one can prevent intellectual decline.

Then, what about the Qinghui method that dramatically improves human intelligence?

It can give excellent results. Even a very old person can certainly prevent aging of the brain by training according to this method. Of course, he can't be like the young ones, but if things go well, the ironic phenomenon of him showing a younger and clearer head than any other age in the old man's past can also occur. .

Elderly people have a wealth of experience and knowledge due to their long social life. He also has wisdom from long experience. Losing this experience, knowledge, and wisdom beyond ecstasy is a loss not only for the individual, but also for society.

Through the training of Hoho, the elderly regain the vitality and flexibility of the brain. It would also mean financial independence for the elderly.

These two things are possible.

Of course, in order to achieve these two goals completely, we need a new method of inquiry and hearing that is different from what has been done up until now. This is because the ancient Gumonjiho was a special training method for elite groups. An elite among elites, he was able to achieve its effect only by carefully selecting and training him. You can't just apply it to these people. So what should we do? More on that later.


Buddha Japan journal
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