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シュイタナー  シュタイナーの7年周期 1期から7期  Steiner's 7-year cycle 1st to 7th












































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いかにして超感覚的世界の認識を獲得するか (ちくま学芸文庫)

(2020/12/9 11:38時点)


On the road to Rudolf Steiner's seven-year life cycle theory

Steiner's deep insight into humans and the universe resulted in
"What we have experienced will help us determine what our minds are about seven years later."
I recognized that.

The "seven-year cycle of life" is like a map to take out when you get lost.
It helps clarify where you are and the situation.

Rudolf Steiner says:

"For everyone, we cannot move forward with hope and conviction unless the path we have taken is revealed."

Phase 1 (0 to 7 years old) "Time for physical growth"

During this time, you will develop the physical functions to live as a person and acquire the ability to walk, speak and think. In addition, the power of "will" grows within the child.

Phase 2 (7 to 14 years old) "When my heart grows" "I am the only one in the world"

This is the time when your heart grows.
Children are delighted, admired, and impressed by touching the truth, seeing good deeds, and hearing beautiful words.
In that way, children's "emotions" are enriched.
It can be done.

There is a big turning point at the ages of 9 and 12.
The 9-year-old is in the second rebellious period ... The ego awakens and I am different from my mother. Discover that it is different from the teacher. This is for children to live independently
It will be a force.

At the age of 12, he began to recognize causal relationships in various phenomena in the world.
Not only is the world beautiful and good, but we come to understand that there are causes and consequences.

You will notice the difference between yourself and others, and the physical characteristics of men and women will appear, and it will be confusing and unstable, but the power of thinking that has sprung up in them will be the power to face and overcome it.

3rd term (14 to 21 years old) "I'm a teenager who kept searching for my ideals"

The last season to "grow the power of thought" to learn, be cared for, receive, and grow from others. Around this time, ideals for human beings and ideals for society. And when people and society that are far from ideals are discouraged and lose hope, they are swept away by violence and laziness.

In addition, they are attracted to each other by the opposite sex, and their experience eventually grows into a universal love for the world.

At the age of 18 years and 7 months, when the moon node (the moon returns to the position where it was when it was born), the children are free, with the feeling that the aspects of their lives will change drastically. Start walking on an independent path.

Fourth term (21 to 28 years old) "How do I feel the world?" "Soul of emotions"

Protected, helped, guided by the people around him, and equipped with the necessary power to live as an independent human being, the child is 21 years old and is finally living his own life.
We will live by the power of "will", "emotion" and "thinking".

When I was adolescent
"How do people think and feel about me?"
Is a big problem. The interest was always on me.

By the age of 21, the three "body," "mind," and "spirit" need to grow in a well-balanced manner, and only then will the ego be established, and "I" will recognize the world as a human being. Start to live.
The important thing is how you feel about the world.

It is also a time when anger plays a major role. Anger will also strongly attract the "ideal".

5th term (28 to 35 years old) "Facing the crisis of life"

The ages of 27 and 28 are the time to start training in the mind. For the first time, the body begins to weaken, the "mind" is separated from the physical strength, and you experience loneliness.
Accepting "the body is declining"
Is the training of the mind.

The 33-year-old "experiences life and death." Christ died on the cross at the age of 33. At that time Jesus lost his divinity and became a perfect human being.

{Human comes from the spiritual world and returns to the spiritual world}

We are born in the material world and strive to succeed as a material.

And when he was 31 to 35 years old in the middle of his life, he was most deeply involved in the world of matter. Beyond that, we begin preparing to move away from material restraint and return to the spiritual world.

During this time, because we are farthest from the spiritual world, we lose the power we receive from the spiritual world, and we experience the feeling that the spiritual power is the weakest and the "heart" dies.
(In Japan, 32 years old is a difficult year for women)

The various ways of life and ways of life that we have been doing up to that point will no longer work, and we will encounter the greatest crisis in our lives.

But that's what it takes to start preparing to return to the spiritual world again.

If we can overcome this "death and rebirth", our spirit will rise during the rest of our lives. The important thing is

{In this lonely and difficult time, the loneliness and anxiety
Unbearable, do not pursue the richness of matter or try to supplement it with matter}

If people receive only from the world, their minds and minds will be weakened and weakened, and eventually their bodies will be weakened.
Now that we are in the middle of our lives, we must change from receiving to giving.
It's time to get ready to stand on the side of giving.
If you cannot change your direction to a spiritual way of life at this time, you will not find the meaning of life and you will spend the middle age after that.

6th term (35 to 42 years old) "Toward a spiritual way of life" "The turning point of life"

This period is reflected in the period from 0 to 7 years old.

From 0 to 7 years old, "what I want to do, what I want, where I want to go" is always a matter of my own desire, and the power of "will" to achieve it is growing. But,

The "will" of this period is the "will of the world."

The "will" to accomplish "what the world wants me to do" must grow within me.
The "will of the world" needs to replace "our will".

I work so that "the world needs" can be achieved for the "world" that needs me, not to achieve my own wishes.

In addition, I am bound by the knowledge, experiences, prejudices, habits, and habits I have acquired since I was born, and I am stubborn about the image that is tossed and fixed, binding others, hurt, falling into difficulty, and being inconvenient. By being reminded of being,
I know it is necessary to throw it away.

You will be freed by stripping away unnecessary things and will begin to follow the path back to the "spiritual world," that is, the "spiritual evolution."

And now is the time to acquire a strong "will" to do "what the world wants me to do."

{At this time, it is important to find someone like a mother or father who watched over us at an early age, snuggled up and encouraged us}

Moonnode 37 years and 2 months old. At this time, there is an event that gives a glimpse of the future life. If you're not careful, you're lurking in something trivial that you'll miss.

A "spiritual way of life" is a way of life that values ​​others more than oneself and is devoted to others.

All you have to do is not criticize, blame, blame, and look at the spirit within everyone.
Also, have {awe for truth and recognition}.

7th term (42 to 49 years old) "How do you live in the second half of your life?"

It is time to say goodbye to the lost "power of life" and face new aspects of life with the newly born "power of thought" and "power of spirit."

The wisdom, honed skills, and scholarship and insight that have been cultivated during the 40 years of life. It's time to feel that you have "power" within you.

We try to use that "power" to satisfy ourselves, to make ourselves happy, to be proud of ourselves, and to confirm our existence.

That is the biggest pitfall.
If you choose to overcome the greatest crisis of your life and head towards the "spiritual world," use "power" for others, and for you and others to "evolve the spirit." is. It is to "patience" and accumulate that "power".

Now that we have been able to shift from a "material way of life" to a "spiritual way of life," we feel that "the hands are being extended from the spiritual world" whenever we need it. Become.

If you are not bound by common sense, are not hindered by prejudice, and are not deceived by knowledge
What is needed "to achieve spiritual evolution" is what happens when and when it is needed, and the people who need it appear and are given what they need.

It is very important now to be grateful for the hand that was given and to connect with that hand. Do what you can't do now, what you don't have, and what you don't know.

Then walk towards the "spiritual world".

{At this time, we need to avoid and reject the evil that we will certainly encounter, wrap it up in ourselves, and transform it. And we have to find new values ​​that work well in reality. We are required to devote ourselves to true courage and morality}

{It is necessary to discover ourselves, which is still unknown to people and to the environment. Refuse the inner life that leads to fanaticism. Otherwise you will remain old-fashioned, your thoughts will be mechanical, and your emotions will be fixed}.

{Be more and more kind and patient with others. Also, take the courage to take risks and try to develop new abilities. Help others.
Develop what you did between the ages of 35 and 42. During this period, you will find that you have new abilities to support growth and evolution.}

{You will feel more lonely and alienated than before. But that's just your misunderstanding}

{You will discover yourself through looking inside you. Don't have the illusion that someone will carry your destiny. Because you are the one who carries your destiny}


How to get recognition of the super-sensual world (Chikuma Gakugei Bunko)

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