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ヤフーUSAより - エボラ試薬のジーマップ、感染したサルを救う 


An experimental drug called ZMapp, which contains a cocktail of three antibodies that fight the Ebola virus, has successfully treated 18 monkeys infected with the deadly disease, researchers reported today. The new results raise hope that the drug may also work in people who are infected in the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the researchers say.On the basis of these results in monkeys, several human patients had recently received the latest drug, before the details of the study were published today (Aug. 29) in the journal Nature."The success was great," co-author Gary Kobinger, chief of special pathogens at the Public Health Agency of Canada,told reporters at a news conference about the study. "It's an important step forward in the fight against Ebola virus."

エボラウイルスと闘う三つの抗体が混合された試験段階の薬、ジーマップが病気に感染した18頭のサルに投与され成功を収めた、と調査団が本日報告した。サルでの結果を基にして、研究の詳細がザ・ジャーナル・ネイチャー誌に本日(8月29日)掲載される前に、数人の人間の患者が最新の試薬を受け取った。(成功は素晴らしい)カナダの特別病原菌公衆衛生局(?)のチーフであり、共同著者のGary Kobingerは研究に関する記者会見でリポーターらに語った。

cocktail カクテル カクテル療法◆多剤併用療法
pathogens 病原体

In their study, the researchers administered the drug every three days to monkeys infected with Ebola. Some monkeys received the treatment starting on either day three or four after they were infected with the virus, and some even started the treatment on day five, when the animals were only days from reaching the end. [Ebola Virus: 5 Things You Should Know]All 18 monkeys in the study recovered from the infection, without showing any lingering effects of the disease, the researchers said.The drug contains three antibodies, which are molecules that can bind to a foreign protein. Several studies on mice and guinea pigs involving various combinations of six antibodies preceded the new findings, and helped the researchers zero in on the best combination of three antibodies to test on monkeys.The treatment reversed severe symptoms of the Ebola disease, such as bleeding, rashes and elevated liver enzymes. Three monkeys in the study that did not receive the drug, and served as a control group, died eight days after infection, according to the study.


administer 〔薬などを〕塗布する、投与する
molecule 分子、微粒子、微分子、微量
precede 〜に先行する、先んじる、
help - zero in  集中する??

スキンベープミスト 200mL 【HTRC3】

(2014/8/30 16:12時点)

With the new results, steps may be taken to use the drug in more people, the researchers said. If the drug is further shown to be safe in people, its use could be accelerated under laws allowing for the "compassionate use" of a drug that has not been proven, but may help people who have a disease that has no cure.However, production of the drug takes time and needs large-scale facilities. The company that has been making limited
doses of ZMapp for research doesn't have the capacity to make large quantities of the drug, the researchers said.


compassionate use 例外的使用◆未承認医薬品を例外的に使用許可すること

Some doses of ZMapp were recently diverted from research purposes to be used in treating four Ebola patients, including two American health care workers who recovered. But it is not possible to know whether the drug had any role in their recovery, experts say. In the current outbreak, about 47 percent of patients have survived.The drug was also given to a Spanish priest and a Liberian doctor, but they didn't survive. Still, this doesn't mean the drug is not effective, because these two patients appear to have received only one dose, and perhaps too late."There is a limit. We know at one point there's a point of no return, where there's too much damage in the major organs to go back, and that's just the reality of it," Kobinger said. There are also other factors that come into play, he added, for example, the age and general health of the patient.As for the monkeys in the new study, he said, "Our animals are always young adults, they don't have genetic defects or

ジーマップのいくばくかは最近調査目的で、回復した二人のヘルスケア・ワーカーを含む、4人のエボラ患者の治療に流用された。しかし、専門家は薬が回復に役立ったのか、知ることは可能ではないと述べた。現在のアウトブレイクでは、47パーセントの患者が生存している。試薬はまたスペインの牧師とリベリア人の医師に投与されたが、生存しなかった。しかし、これは薬が効果的でないということを意味しない、この二人はたった一つの薬しか与えられなかったようで、たぶん遅すぎたのだから。(限界があるわけだ。ある時点で、主要な臓器のダメージが大きすぎるような後戻りできない地点に気づくのだが、それが現実だ)Kobinger が述べた。年齢や患者の普段の健康などの他の要素も影響があるだろうと付け加えた。新たな研究で使うサルに関して、Kobingerは、(私どもで使うサルは常に若い成熟したものです、それらは遺伝的欠陥や病気を持っていません)

divert 流用する

蚊がいなくなるスプレー 200日 無香料 45mL (防除用医薬部外品) 【HTRC2.1】

(2014/8/30 16:14時点)

But the monkeys in the study did not receive the types of supportive care, such as fluids, that human patients do. Such care helps the body keep the damage from the virus under control.Currently, the researchers are assembling an intensive-care type of environment to study the effect of combining the drug with supportive care in monkeys, Kobinger said.The Ebola virus strain used to infect monkeys in the study is not identical to the strain responsible for the current West African outbreak, but the researchers compared the two viruses and found that the sites where the antibody binds to the virus was similar in both. They also tested ZMapp on animals infected with the strain that is circulating in the current outbreak, and the early results have been similarly positive, Kobinger said.

しかし実験で使われたサルは人間には与えられるような、例えば水分(体液?)のような支援的ケアを与えられなかった。このようなケアはコントロール下において、ウイルスからダメージが起こるのを防ぐのを助ける。現在、調査団はサルで、試薬と支援ケアをあわせた効果を研究する集中治療の環境を整理している、とKobinger は言った。研究においてサルを感染させるのに使ったエボラウイルスの型は現在西アフリカで原因となっている型とは同一ではないが、調査団は二つのウイルスを比べ、抗体がウイルスに結びつく場所が二つとも似ていることを発見した。その現在出回っている菌型に感染した動物でジーマップを試したが、初期の結果は陽性に近かった、とKobinger は話した。

intensive-care 集中治療の identical 全く同じ

The current Ebola outbreak began in February 2014 in Guinea, and spread to Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. So far, 3,069 suspected and confirmed cases of infection and 1,552 deaths have been reported, according to the World Health Organization.








ダニ・ハウスダストにお悩みなら リアルな声と雰囲気からイメージできるバイト探し、バイトーク



