

“Language” of Sapir and “The True Story of Ah Q”of Lu Xun 3

 Let’s take a look at the differences between Chinese and Japanese. There are word order free languages and word order fixed languages in the world, but most languages are located midway between them. For example Latin is word order free and Chinese is word order fixed. Japanese word order is also almost free.
When viewed from typology, Germanic languages like German and Dutch are also partially free. Chinese word order is type SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) and Japanese and German word order is type SOV. In order to represent the grammatical relation, Chinese depends on word order and Japanese and Korean use particles.
Therefore Chinese is an isolating language and Japanese is called an agglutinative language. In fact Chinese word order is similar to English, but Chinese has no inflection and conjugation. Type SOV languages, such as Japanese, account for approximately half of the languages in the world type SVO, such as English and Chinese, accounts for 35%, and type VSO, such as Polynesian, accounts for more than 10%.
 The difference in word order has an influence on the linguistic abduction. As in Chinese the predicate comes shortly after the subject, it is quickly obvious whether the intention of the speaker or writer is positive or negative. On the other hand, in Japanese the predicate comes at the end and therefore it is only clear at the last moment whether the intention of the speaker or writer is positive or negative.
 Sapir explained that such thought style really describes linguistic habits. The hypothesis which he established with his disciple Whorf is still handed down. When one considers the translation between Chinese and Japanese, an inference is also an important point as well as word order.
 In general, a logical abductive inference is seen in a discovery and an invention, but when one writes a sentence, a small abduction is situated among word order, paragraph and a flow of words. The abduction is different in arts and science and the way to build something is also different in them. Synergy is necessary to adjust the difference and therefore it is the real origin of abduction.
The grammatical processing called affixation has three types; prefixes, suffixes, and infixes. Suffixes are the commonest. Sapir explained that Chinese is a language that doesn’t have an independent value for radical elements. But, the Japanese affix “teki” may be influenced by Chinese “de” and “zi” as in “háizi (children)” and “beizi (glass)”, which are also examples of Chinese affixation.
 Chinese accent is pitch accent as well as Japanese, but it is more complicated. For example Chinese alternation such as “fa” [level middle] (send) and “fa” [level falling] (hair) explains that tonal differences don’t necessarily separate verbs from nouns. The grammatical internal modification is the process to change a vowel or a consonant inside a word. Japanese verbs and adjectives have such conjugation, but Chinese doesn’t have it. Therefore Chinese doesn’t have any example similar to English vocalic change (sing, sang, sung, song).

花村嘉英著(2015)「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品−魯迅をシナジーで読む」より translated by Yoshihisa Hanamura







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花村嘉英(はなむら よしひさ) 1961年生まれ、立教大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程(ドイツ語学専攻)在学中に渡独。 1989年からドイツ・チュービンゲン大学に留学し、同大大学院新文献学部博士課程でドイツ語学・言語学(意味論)を専攻。帰国後、技術文(ドイツ語、英語)の機械翻訳に従事する。 2009年より中国の大学で日本語を教える傍ら、比較言語学(ドイツ語、英語、中国語、日本語)、文体論、シナジー論、翻訳学の研究を進める。テーマは、データベースを作成するテキスト共生に基づいたマクロの文学分析である。 著書に「計算文学入門−Thomas Mannのイロニーはファジィ推論といえるのか?」(新風舎:出版証明書付)、「从认知语言学的角度浅析鲁迅作品−魯迅をシナジーで読む」(華東理工大学出版社)、「日本語教育のためのプログラム−中国語話者向けの教授法から森鴎外のデータベースまで(日语教育计划书−面向中国人的日语教学法与森鸥外小说的数据库应用)」南京東南大学出版社、「从认知语言学的角度浅析纳丁・戈迪默-ナディン・ゴーディマと意欲」華東理工大学出版社、「計算文学入門(改訂版)−シナジーのメタファーの原点を探る」(V2ソリューション)、「小説をシナジーで読む 魯迅から莫言へーシナジーのメタファーのために」(V2ソリューション)がある。 論文には「論理文法の基礎−主要部駆動句構造文法のドイツ語への適用」、「人文科学から見た技術文の翻訳技法」、「サピアの『言語』と魯迅の『阿Q正伝』−魯迅とカオス」などがある。 学術関連表彰 栄誉証書 文献学 南京農業大学(2017年)、大連外国語大学(2017年)