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[Pokémon SwSh] Ranked Battles with ONLY REGI POKÉMON!

[Ranked Battles with ONLY Regi Pokémon!!]
On October 23, trainers became able to go to The Crown Tundra. By this, many Legendary Pokémon became able to be used in Online Ranked Battle.
In September and October, some strong Pokémon are banned in Ranked Battle. But these Pokémon-- Cinderace, Mimikyu, Rillaboon etc. went back to the Ranked Battle!
Ranked battle is very severe and fierce now.

All Regies are Legendary Pokémon. They have a high base stat of 580 except for Regigigas.
(Regigigas has a base stats of 670!!! But it has a very unfortunate Ability...)

YouTube movie.


[Result of battles]
I won about 75% in Casual Battles.
I fought in Ranked Battles 4 times and won 2 times and lost 2times.


80-100-200-50-100-50 (Total 580)
Ability: Clear Body
Item: Weakness Policy
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Stone Edge, Iron head, Body Press, Earthquake
EV: H140 A236 B4 D4 S124

It has a high Defence stat but it has many weaknesses. This characteristic is suitable for using Weakness Policy! It can also boost its Attack Stat by Max Knuckle.

But it has only one type. Regirock can receive only Rock type same-type attack bonus (STAB). It’s too bad for an attacker.

80-50-100-100-200-50 (Total 580)
Ability: Clear Body
Item: Air Balloon
Nature: Modest
Moves: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Ancient Power, Flash Cannon
EV: H140 B4 C236 D4 S124

I want to start battles with Registeel or Regieleki. But these two are weak against Ground type. So I have held this Regice Air Balloon. Thanks to this item, Regice gets rid of Ground type attacks and defeats Ground Pokémon by Ice Beam!

80-75-150-75-150-50 (Total 580)
Ability: Clear Body
Item: Sitrus Berry
Nature: Calm
Moves: Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock
EV: H252 B4 C244 D4 S4

Good supporter!
It can receive attacks of many types, but Regi’s are weak to Fighting and Ground type and also Registeel is.
So unexpectedly, Registeel couldn’t receive opponents’ attacks.

110-160-110-80-110-100 (Total 670)
Ability: Slow Start
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Impish
Moves: Body Slam, Knock Off, Avalanche, Protect
EV: H252 A12 B236 D4 S4

Sorry, I hardly used this Pokémon...
It has 670 total base stats. But its Ability Slow Start disturbs its strength. I grew it to physical tunk this time, but 4 Regis are weak to Fighting type move. Many Regis have not so high Speed Stat. So this team is scared of Max Knuckle very much!

80-100-50-100-50-200 (Total 580)
Ability: Transistor
Item: Light Clay
Nature: Timid
Moves: Thunder Cage, Ancient Power, Light Screen, Reflect
EV: H12 B124 C180 D4 S188
(Faster than S110 Pokémon after Max Airstream. S110 Pokémon are Latios, Latias, Genger and so on)

Crazily high Speed Stat!
Thanks to this Speed, it can do Light Screen or Reflect without fail.
Moreover, it has a super power of Electric type attack move! Its Ability Transistor boosts its Electric moves by 50%.

200-100-50-100-50-80 (Total 580)
Ability: Dragon's Maw
Item: Focus Sash
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Scale Shot, Thunder Fang, Hammer Arm, Dragon Dance
EV: A252 B4 S252

It has a very strong attack power of Dragon moves! Its Ability Dragon’s Maw increases its Dragon attack power by 50%!

It’s OK to be Jolly Nature. Because Regidrago has 80 speed stat. S80 Pokémon that like Togekiss, Mamoswine, Blaziken often have the most high speed.
So this Regidrago can be Jolly to compete with their speed.

[Impression of battles]
Each Regis has high base stats and different advantages. So they could win many times! (Even I sometimes failed)

If my playing skill is better, they may be able to over 1000th place in Ranked Battle. They are surprisingly strong! Regis are very tough.

The Regis team has a sense of unity. It’s interesting to battle with a characteristic team like this!

(Pokémon Sword and Shield)
posted by pokemonreimu at 11:00| Pokémon
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