失敗を受け入れる:成功への道を阻む心の壁/Accepting failure: A wall of heart that blocks the path to success.
1.失敗を恐れる社会の風潮/The trend of society that fears failure
While our society tends to absolutely view results, failure is considered an embarrassing thing, and there is a tendency that we must avoid it no matter what.
Because since we were children, we have been afraid of failure, and we have been taught that failure is a sign of our own immaturity.
However, this way of thinking can be an obstacle to taking risks, learning, and ultimately succeeding, and hindering personal growth and workplace growth.
2.失敗を受け入れることの重要性/The importance of accepting failure
Various studies have proven that accepting failure is an important factor that leads to success.
Dr. Carol Dwek, a pioneer of mindset psychology, found that people with a "growth mindset" who see failure as an opportunity for growth and learning are more likely to achieve long-term success than those with a "fixed mindset" who see failure as something that will never change.
3. 成功者たちの失敗からの学び/Learning from the failures of successful people
In her book "Mindset: A New Psychology of Success", Dr. Dweck introduces examples of successful people who accepted failure as a stepping stone to success.
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For example, Michael Jordan, who is widely recognized as one of the greatest basketball players in history, left the following famous words:
He missed more than 9000 shots, lost 300 games, and was entrusted with the last shot to decide the victory or defeat, and missed 26 times. I failed many times in my life. That's the reason for the success.
The advantage of accepting failure is not limited to personal achievements.
"I haven't failed. I just found 10,000 ways to succeed."
As a result of continuing to face the failures he faced many times, innovative inventions were born as a result.
4. 学習文化を持つ企業の成功/The success of companies with a learning culture
The advantage of accepting failure is not limited to personal achievements.
A study published in the Harvard Business Review revealed that companies that introduce a "learning culture" that encourages employees to take risks and learn from mistakes are more innovative and financially successful than companies with a "failure avoidance" culture.
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5. 失敗を受け入れるマインドセットの養い方/How to feed the mindset of accepting failure
So, how can you cultivate a mindset to accept failure?
Below are some strategies.
1. 失敗を個人的な欠点と捉えるのではなく、貴重な洞察や知識を得る機会と捉えてみてください。.
Don't think of failure as a personal weakness, but as an opportunity to gain valuable insights and knowledge.
2. 大きな目標を追求する一方で、その過程での小さな成功を認識し、祝いましょう。これにより、前向きな気持ちと回復力を育てることができます。
While pursuing big goals, let's recognize and celebrate small success in the process. This allows you to develop positive feelings and resilience.
3. 他人からの建設的な批判やフィードバックを積極的に求めてみてください。これにより、改善すべき点を見つけ、成長マインドセットを養うことができます。
Please actively seek constructive criticism and feedback from others. This allows you to find points to improve and cultivate a growth mindset.
4. 挫折に直面したときは、自分自身に対して優しくなることを忘れないでください。失敗は学習プロセスの自然な一部であり、自己を責めることは進歩を妨げるだけです。
When faced with setbacks, don't forget to be kind to yourself. Failure is a natural part of the learning process, and blaming yourself only hinders progress.
5. たとえ失敗に直面したとしても、あなたの努力を励まし、支えてくれる人を見つけてみてください。その人たちのポジティブな影響は、あなたが成長マインドセットを維持するのに役立ちます。
Even if you face failure, try to find someone who will encourage and support your efforts. The positive impact of those people will help you maintain a growing mindset.
6. 失敗を成功への足がかりに/Failure as a stepping stone to success
It's not easy to accept failure.
However, by reviewing our thinking and adopting a strategy that promotes a growth-oriented approach, we can draw out our true potential and achieve lasting success.
Failure is not a conflict of success, but an important part of the road to success.
J.K., the author of the "Harry Potter" series According to Rowling's famous words,
"It's impossible to live without failing anything."
So let's accept failure, learn from it, and use it as a stepping stone to greatness.
The road to success comes with failure, but those who persistently continue to learn from setbacks will eventually reach their goal.
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