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海外出張・海外赴任の税務と社会保険の実務ポイント [ 藤井恵 ]

(2024/7/28 17:39時点)






When I hear that you are posted overseas, I may have a gorgeous image at first glance. It is a great opportunity to experience new cultures in a foreign country and develop a career. Moreover, there are many attractions that you can't experience in normal life, such as foreign food and tourist attractions, but in fact, there are many difficulties and difficulties associated with being posted overseas. This time, I would like to talk about its severity.

・days of cultural differences
The biggest barrier is cultural differences. It starts with a lack of communication and often gets confused by differences in values and lifestyle. In Japan, for example, "accurate on time" is a matter of course, but not necessarily in foreign countries. It's a common occurrence that local people don't come at the appointed time. At times like that, I often feel frustrated and stressed.
Also, the way you work and communicate are very different. In Japan, team play, reporting, communication, and consultation are important, but in foreign countries, people are often surprised by the differences, such as the large discretion of the individual and the briefness of the report. It takes time to understand and accept these differences, and it's really hard work at first.

・language barrier loneliness
The language barrier is also a big hurdle. Especially when you are transferred to a country other than English-speaking countries, you may not understand the local language at all. If communication in daily life or work is difficult, you may feel isolated. Even if you shop at a restaurant, you may not be able to convey what you want, or you may be mistaken for an order at a restaurant. I'm really worried that I can't communicate, and sometimes I feel lonely.

・distance from family and friends
Living apart from family and friends is one of the difficulties of being posted overseas. Especially when you start a new life in an unfamiliar place, you really want emotional support, but because of the time difference, you often feel lonely because you have difficulty getting in touch with them or because you can't talk to them right away. Also, it is not easy to make new friends there. When there are cultural and linguistic differences, I tend to feel the barriers.

・adaptation to a new environment
It is also difficult to adapt to changes in the environment. If the climate, food culture, and lifestyle rhythm are completely different from that of Japan, you may get sick or stressed out. In particular, in countries with very different food cultures, there are many cases where food doesn't match and you get sick. Also, the local medical conditions and hospital systems are different from those of Japan, so it is difficult to take care of your health.

・job pressure
And there is a lot of pressure on the job itself. Working in a foreign country can put more pressure on you than working in the country. In particular, teaming and coordinating with local staff in a different culture are more stressful than I thought. In addition, there is a lot of pressure to produce results, and daily work is often a burden.

・local safety measures
We can't ignore security issues. Depending on the country and region, the awareness of safety may differ greatly from that of Japan. There is a risk of being involved in pickpockets, thefts, and, in some cases, violence and crime, so you need to be vigilant at all times. In particular, daily safety measures are essential for living in areas where security is not very good.

・Building relationships with local staff
Building relationships with local staff is also an important issue. It is not easy to build a relationship of trust because of cultural differences. Also, if local staff do not understand Japanese business manners, it may be difficult to teach them. These relationship problems are very important because they directly affect the progress of the business.

Being posted abroad is accompanied by many charms and severity. You will face many difficulties in adapting to a new culture and environment. However, the experience and growth gained from overcoming it is beyond replacement. When you are faced with difficult situations, you have the power to rethink yourself and face new challenges.

That's why for those who are about to be posted overseas or who are thinking about it, I think it's an opportunity for them to grow up, and I think it's a tough challenge to be posted overseas: a new challenge and the other side. And let's grow together while supporting our peers in the same situation.

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色んな日常を共有したい。 そんな感じです。