バンコック その他たべもの編
(甘さ、辛さは 調味料が、各カウンターに置いてあって調節可能です。辛いのが苦手な私でも大丈夫でした。)
On the first day in Thai, we had no idea what to eat, but we couldn't just randomly buy things at the outdoor food wagons; if we'd get stomach problems, we wouldn't be able to eat all the other things we must eat during our stay! So we walked over to the shopping center with a wonderful foodcourt--- so many choices--- but still under 400 yen in total :)
歩き回ったあとちょっと一休み、でキャラメル&チョコレートドリンク 250円くらい
After walking around, a short break! A caramel&chocolate drink just for about 250 yen.
Wow, we can eat sushi just about anywhere in the world...
一個30円とか45円about 30~45 yen a piece
We got a bit hungry at night so we bought some cup noodles, and what a surprise! A foldable spoon~
ピザ&スパゲティ屋さんにて、ピッチャーでコーラが頼める。ビール(お酒)は飲めない私はコーラ大好き人間! これくらい平気
Pizza&pasta shop with coke in a pitcher. For non-beer drinkers like me, Coka Cola just rocks the world! This wasn't so hard to finish :)(*^_^*)A
(甘さ、辛さは 調味料が、各カウンターに置いてあって調節可能です。辛いのが苦手な私でも大丈夫でした。)
On the first day in Thai, we had no idea what to eat, but we couldn't just randomly buy things at the outdoor food wagons; if we'd get stomach problems, we wouldn't be able to eat all the other things we must eat during our stay! So we walked over to the shopping center with a wonderful foodcourt--- so many choices--- but still under 400 yen in total :)
歩き回ったあとちょっと一休み、でキャラメル&チョコレートドリンク 250円くらい
After walking around, a short break! A caramel&chocolate drink just for about 250 yen.
Wow, we can eat sushi just about anywhere in the world...
一個30円とか45円about 30~45 yen a piece
We got a bit hungry at night so we bought some cup noodles, and what a surprise! A foldable spoon~
ピザ&スパゲティ屋さんにて、ピッチャーでコーラが頼める。ビール(お酒)は飲めない私はコーラ大好き人間! これくらい平気
Pizza&pasta shop with coke in a pitcher. For non-beer drinkers like me, Coka Cola just rocks the world! This wasn't so hard to finish :)(*^_^*)A