Why don't you leave them alone in their environment? I feel that people like you consider animals like objects, and only like objects of research, closed in bottles..!! Those animals need a lot of tranquility, of space, and to fly, interaction with species and nature. They are very sensitive, like all the animals in fact. That's shocks me, I don't agree. Safeguarding wildlife must be in Natural Parks! Not in apartments, offices or garages! In the name of science all is fair! This world lacks sensibility, awareness and humility about a lot of things! And aggression from animals is so justified. It's not all merchandise or experimentation! To ponder...
なぜあなたは、彼らの環境に放っておかないのですか?あなたのような人は、動物をモノのように考えていて、瓶に詰められた研究対象としてしか考えていないように感じます......! 動物たちには、たくさんの静けさ、空間、そして飛ぶこと、種や自然との交流が必要なのです。彼らは、他の動物と同様、とても繊細なのです。それはショックでした。野生動物を保護するのは自然公園でなければなりません。アパートやオフィス、ガレージではいけません。
I think you need to learn how to understand other people's hobby. First of all right now Environment where Goliath Beetle is living is getting destroyed. If you have dog or cat, you will feel them as a family! It's same for Entomologist as well! Who told you that we use them as a object? They are our family as well and the reason we sell them is because we don't have enough space to breed and want to send them to a BETTER ENVIRONMENT. Keeping beetle pair in a small container is only one reason. Mating. Look at the male's abdomen! It's clean and has no scratch. It was kept in a good Environment. Female will of course move to bigger container for laying eggs so if you don't have enough knowledge than just don't leave a message like that please~
If someone says your hobby in a disrespectful way, will you like it?
Let's learn how to respect other's work!
you just have to learn that other people can have another point of vue and have the right to express it...
So consider your advice for yourself first :)
And I definitely don't agree your opinion, because it doesn't serve the needs of the animals, just your selfishness and your interests.
Wild instincts never fade away.
And its the same about the basics needs that I told in my first comment.
I definitely don't agree the idea that because we have pets for millenals, like cats and dogs, can excuse all kind of deprivation of liberty for all others animals that haven't this habits.
This sort of hobbies doesn't consider the global environment problem.
It uses the problem of rarity (caused by humans by the way) to justify all the abuse of animals rights.
Nowadays we absolutely must have a vision more 'systemic' with all the interdependence from all the ecosystems.
And natural parks and reserves must be the place where animals are saved, not in drawers or human houses.
I think your in the wrong position because breeding beetles is not a major reason of global environmental problem. You should know that not all breeders is like that. Some start with saving a life in Forests or even in Road.
I agree that Insects should be in National Park in a safe environment but I think we can at least breed some beetles which is not prohibited. Insects that are in prohibited situations or in a serious danger, Government makes a rule that we can't breed them. (PPQ 526 PERMIT)
There's many Breeders who research about insects and pass it to College Professors. We do this because we don't have anywhere to research or get support. I have a friend Who makes Insect Specimen and pass it to Korea Insect Research Center so they can explore more.
I think you should consider that if those insects were in Global Problem or in Extinction then Government will prohibite it. There's a Rhinoceros Beetle called Coconut Beetle which was ruining coconut tree in Hawaii and California. Government and Volunteer already started eradication project.
You don't need to be that worried because there's much more people who knows much more than you and can make better selection
I can understand that many people has different point of view so I can appreciate your idea but your way of expressing is kind of off the topic!
Do you know a Beetle called "Lucanus Cervus Cervus"? It was once a Beetle which ruled over Europe but because of Forest felling, many of them went to Extinction danger. But People from Japan, Taiwan and also Germany started to research them and found a way to reproduce them. They are still in Protected Situations but now they are really easy to find in Europe^^
Also people who breed beetles in Drawer is a really foolish way and whoever does it don't have right to breed them.
I respect breeders who breed them in a Proper Container (UV light+substrate+plants) .
Theres many beetle which reproduct in a way that other people can feel it as an animal abuse. Such as "Mesotopus Tarandus" beetle only lay eggs in a very small bottle filled with mushrooms called kinshi.
I don't know what kind of things you went through but I think you need to throw away STREOTYPE of Beetle breeders.
You could have saw a breeder who breeds inside a drawer~! But it doesn't mean all breeder around the world do that!
Don't look at one tree. Look at the whole Forest! Beetle breeding is a fantastic hobby to do and we can accept your idea but for now, I can't find any problem in Beetle breeding. (I was in Entomologist Hobby for 7 years so I can admit that I have more knowledge than you in this hobby)
Lucanus Cervus Cervusという甲虫をご存知でしょうか?かつてヨーロッパを席巻していた甲虫ですが、森林伐採のため、その多くが絶滅の危機に瀕しています。しかし、日本や台湾、ドイツの人たちが研究を始め、繁殖の方法を見つけたのです。現在も保護されていますが、ヨーロッパでは簡単に見つけることができます。
一本の木を見てはいけない。森羅万象を見よう カブトムシのブリーディングは、とても素晴らしい趣味です。(私は昆虫学者を7年やっていたので、この趣味に関してはあなたより知識があることは認めます)。