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Yuuki's Dental Web

夢に向かって再出発の歯科技工士。 ブランク6年、アメリカに向けて頑張ります!
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From the world dentistry
これは世界中の人から寄せられたメールです。 there are emailes put by people in the world. 学生の私でも、こんな風に世界の人と関わりを持てることを知って大変うれしいです。 Even I am a student, but have a relation with a world person with me, and I am very glad. 技工士をやめたいと思っている人、夢や希望を持てない人、これから夢に向かって頑張って行こうとする人達に頑張ってもらえるように、ここに掲載させて頂きます。 I will carry it here to have a person, the person who cannot have hope and dream, the people who want to resign as an dental technichan, the person who is going to do its best toward the dream from now on, and is going to try it hard try it hard. (本人からの了解を得ています。) (I get the consent from who sent messages to me.) これからもっと日本の歯科が発展することを願います。 I hope that Japanese dentistry develops from now on. hey yuuki, 1 of 2 good job yuuki...i just started to wax up teeth as well, not as good as you...I only started two days ago. I am a dental assistant, so my doctor let me borrow his wax and instruments... do you have any pointers on how to make the occlusal surfaces more real looking...what instrument do you use, and what's your technique....i will upload my photos later. GREAT JOB THOUGH! 2 of 2 when i start to wax up, i use the torch and melt sticky wax around the prepped tooth. I build a base, and then i use blue wax to make the tooth. I have different types of instruments to give me the look that I want.. How long does it usually take you to make a tooth. Also do you have any videos where I can see how you do it. Thanks. Yahya Yuuki. Are you posting this for us to critique? Well if so then I would say it looks pretty good except that it appears you have an oblique ridge running from the ML cusp to the DB cusp. Which would be fine if this were a maxillary first molar, but it is clearly a mandibular first. But other than that I say great job. Ebull Yuuki, Talent and desire, you can make it anywhere! You have both! I'm sure you will do fine here in the USA. Question? Why do you look to come here to the US? One more question? What kind of denture teeth are availabe in Japan? Brian everyone, thanks so much. from yuuki 皆さん、頑張って行きましょう! I will do my best together, everybody!


