Happy Welsh - Marketplace | Gamma
Collection offer
103.9K STX Volume
45 STX Floor price
182 Listed
792 Owners
2,000 Items
以前から欲しいなと思っていましたが、少し高めなのでWelsh Punkにとどめていました。
Welsh Punk - Marketplace | Gamma
2 STX Collection offer
5.9K STX Volume
4 STX Floor price
475 Listed
669 Owners
5,000 Items
Stacks ($STX)が盛り上がるのも時間の問題でしょうから、$WELSHも必然的に上がってくると思います。いずれもすでに価格は上がり始めています。
𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦: SEC drops a three-year investigation into Stacks with no action.
— muneeb.btc (@muneeb) July 12, 2024
Earlier this week, we received word from the SEC that after 3 years, they are terminating their investigation into the @Stacks blockchain (the protocol) and Hiro System (a company) with no action.
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