■日時 September.19th
■講師 M先生
■時間 21 :30-21:55
■内容 Computer Game Makes Breathing Therapy Fun for Kids
1. digestive (adj.) – relating to or helping in breaking down ingested food or digestion
2. dread (v.) – to be unwilling to do or experience something
3. tantrum (n.) – a sudden burst of bad temper, rage, or frustration, often childish
4. kinetic (adj.) – characterized by movement
5. endure(v.) – to go through an experience with patience and tolerance
■日時 September.19th
■講師 M先生
■時間 21 :30-21:55
■内容 Computer Game Makes Breathing Therapy Fun for Kids
1. digestive (adj.) – relating to or helping in breaking down ingested food or digestion
2. dread (v.) – to be unwilling to do or experience something
3. tantrum (n.) – a sudden burst of bad temper, rage, or frustration, often childish
4. kinetic (adj.) – characterized by movement
5. endure(v.) – to go through an experience with patience and tolerance
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