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Kangen Water, Life would be healthier, safer and wealthier!

A girl drinking water.jpg

●Our Base, it's Water

Water impact to our Body, Health and Beauty
And all of our Life
This matter is fact so anyone can't say objection, I think

Washing teeth after getting up Washing our face
Eating delicious breakfast
Water is used for making this breakfast

Give Water plants in the yard before going to work
Washing my car with dirtiness a little

While your husband is at work.
Your wife cleans house
Water is used for that as well

He returns home
Delicious dinner
And bath or shower

Simply snacks and drinks when family time
Only he drinks whisky and water
Perhaps your wife, too lol

Many situations to use Water in our Life
We think that
What would happen if we used better water?
●Kinds of Water

There are many different types of water
It depends on how you divide it.

大丸2Classification by pH:
 Acidic water: water with a pH value lower than 7.
 Neutral water: Water with a pH value of 7.
 Alkaline water: water with a pH value higher than 7.
大丸2Classification by mineral content:
 Soft water: Water with low calcium and magnesium content.
 Hard water: Water with high calcium and magnesium content.
大丸2Classification by origin or source:
 Groundwater: Water collected from underground.
 Atmospheric water: water that falls on the ground surface as rain or fog.
 Surface water: Water on the surface of the earth, such as rivers and lakes.
大丸2Classification by processing method:
 Purified water: Water from which impurities and harmful substances have been removed.
 Distilled water: Water obtained by repeated evaporation and condensation to obtain pure water.
 Reverse Osmosis Water (RO water): Water that has been purified using reverse osmosis membranes.
大丸2Classification by purpose of use:
 Drinking water: Water for direct human consumption.
 Industrial water: Water used for industrial production and other purposes.
 Agricultural water: Water used for irrigating farmland.
大丸2Classification by presence or absence of hazardous substances:
 Pure water: Water that contains no harmful impurities or minerals.
 Non-pure water: Water that contains harmful impurities or minerals.

Wow! There are too many.
But what we have available to the public is
[Drinking water], [Neutral water], [Groundwater], [Water purification]
is it?

But these are different words for the same water.
Basically, tap water or groundwater is the drinking water,
For it to be drinking water, it would have to be neutral purified water to be cost effective.

Now, what else is available?
But there's no point in getting something you don't need.
So let's think about what is valuable water!

But there is no easy answer to this question.
Because the best type of water depends on the application.
●Optimum water for each application

大丸2Body interior/life
 Weakly alkaline water (pH 8.5-9.5)
大丸2Delicious food
 Weakly alkaline water (pH 8.5-9.5)
  Pasta and udon: It will have a sticky texture.
          It is especially used for Chinese noodles and ramen noodles
  Pre-cooking green vegetables: Boil vegetables quickly to keep their color bright!
  Soaking Beans: Soaking helps beans soften faster!
  Brewing Tea: Brewing green tea is less bitter and more mellow.

 Weakly acidic water (pH 6.0)
  Removing fish odor: washing removes fish odor and scum
  Cooking rice: cooking rice can be perceived as fluffy and tasty by some people
  Vegetable cleaning: can be used to remove pesticide residues and dirt
  Seasoning and dressings: It enhances the flavor of food.
             Can be used in dressings and marinades to enhance the flavor of food

 *However, these effects and uses may vary depending on the pH value of the alkaline or acidic water, the equipment used, and the type of cooking and preferences.
 We recommend trying it in small quantities before actually using it in cooking.
大丸2Delicious drink
 Weakly alkaline water (pH 8.5-9.5)
大丸2When taking medicine, etc.
 Neutral water (pH 7)
大丸2Infant formula
 Neutral water (pH 7)
 Strongly alkaline water (pH 11 or higher)
 Strongly alkaline water (pH 11 or higher)
大丸2Watering plants and trees
 Weakly alkaline water (pH 8.5-9.5)
 Weakly alkaline water (pH 8.5-9.5)
大丸1Degermination and disinfection
 Strong acidic water (pH 2.5 or less)
大丸1Skin care and cleansing
 Weakly acidic water (pH 6.0)
●All of this?

These are very useful if they are available.
No, water inside the body and for life is far from convenient.

Remember at the beginning of this section that water has a significant impact on physical health and beauty.
Even if you consume the same amount of water, your body will be happier if you consume good water.

WHO (World Health Organization) also already in 1955
With the motto "Clean water is the source of better health
They explains the importance of healthy living through water.

More than a decade ago, contamination of tap water became a social issue
This led people to begin seeking safe water.

Nowadays, it is commonplace to buy mineral water
In addition, water purifiers and machines that produce various types of functional water are also in widespread use.

Proper water intake is essential for good health.
And you should be aware of the quality of that water!

There is a magic machine that gets all these waters at once.
To learn more about this machine, please search for Continuous Electrolyzed Water Generator
Because all these waters can be produced by electrolysis.

However, please note that some machines cannot produce strongly alkaline or strongly acidic water.







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I've used Kangen Water for drink, cooking, washing .... since 2022. I am satisfied by the Kangen water. I want you drink the water same as me! This blog is for let you know about Kangen Water.
