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A girl drinking water 2.jpg
● We heard that the machine is expensive.

I met an acquaintance last Saturday.
I use a continuous flow electrolyzed water generator and recommended it to that acquaintance.

He bought it and also obtained a dealership license.

However, when that acquaintance introduced it to others,
they were told that the machine itself is too expensive to buy, and they agreed.

Moreover, they didn't understand the difference between a continuous flow electrolyzed water generator and a water purifier,
and of course, it would seem expensive if thought to be the same as a water purifier that costs tens of thousands of yen (laughs).

● Commonly used technique

When it's considered expensive, I use commonly used sales talk

Like, just 100 yen per day...
If you try to sell a product worth 30,000 yen,
and if that product lasts for a year,
divide by 365, and you can get this product for just 82 yen a day (^_-)

Some people think, no, no, you still need 30,000 yen upfront!
Others think, oh! It's just 82 yen a day.
How it's taken depends on the person, there's no right or wrong way to take it.

● In short, the pros and cons

The con is, of course, the expense.
The more the expense, the more likely people are to refrain from buying the product.
But if the benefits outweigh it, most people will buy.
And the perception of cons and pros varies from person to person.

For example, when recommending a 1,000 yen lunch to someone who is hungry,
and recommending an 800 yen lunch to someone who just ate,
which one will buy the lunch?

If compared only by cost, i.e., the magnitude of the cons, of course, it's the 800 yen one.
But after you've been treated to a full lunch for free,
if you're offered a 2,000 yen lunch for 800 yen... you wouldn't eat, right? (laughs)

Conversely, if you tell a hungry person to pay 1,000 yen for a 500 yen lunch,
and if that hungry person has no other options,
they will almost certainly eat.

● How to make the benefits understood

That's most important, but it seems my acquaintance didn't understand that.
It's very unfortunate.

They were told it's too expensive to buy.
Then why are you driving a Prius?
If it's just for getting around, wouldn't a cheap used compact car have been enough?
It's because, compared to a cheap compact car, the more expensive Prius
had a greater <benefit> minus <detriment>.

What are the benefits of a continuous flow electrolyzed water generator?
I recognized those benefits and therefore purchased it.
I thought it was a bargain.

I will not state these benefits here.
Because there are many different opinions on the internet.






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I've used Kangen Water for drink, cooking, washing .... since 2022. I am satisfied by the Kangen water. I want you drink the water same as me! This blog is for let you know about Kangen Water.
