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果樹の苗/ とげ無しせとか5号ポット
果樹の苗/ とげ無しせとか5号ポット
とげ無しせとか5号ポットの栽培ガイド ・7月の果樹のお手入れ ・柑橘(カンキツ)類トゲナシ 柑橘・かんきつ類果樹の苗/ とげ無しせとか5号ポット皮が薄くジューシーで甘く、歯切れのよさも兼ね備えた「せとか」のトゲ無し品種。とてもおいしく家庭園芸にぴったりです。若木のうちは1cmくらいのトゲが見られる場合がありますが、成長につれてなくなります。タイプ:ミカン科カンキツ属の半耐寒性常緑低木植え時:9月〜11月、3月〜4月、6月中旬果実の大きさ:150〜200g樹高:2〜5m適地:暖地向き(耐寒性マイナス5度まで)収穫:2月上旬〜下旬栽培方法:日当たりと排水のよい場所を好みます。強い風や潮風があたらないように注意します。肥料は年3回、3月、5月下旬〜6月、10月〜11月に、油粕に骨粉を20%くらい混ぜて置き肥とします。特に、10月下旬頃はたっぷりと施してください。鉢植えの場合は、根が寒害を受けないよう、冬季は2重鉢にするなどして保護してください。そのままにしておくと隔年結果(1年おきにしか実がつかない)となるので、摘蕾・摘果を行います。1個の果実につき、葉が20〜30枚になるようにします。また、10月はじめに、夏〜秋に伸びた枝の半分くらいを春枝まで切り戻しておきます。こうすると、春に新梢が伸びてたくさん葉がつき、収穫もよくなります。カミキリムシの被害が出やすいので、7〜8月に卵のつく幹の部分にマラソン剤を散布します。また、果実の表面がでこぼこになるそうか病の予防には、入梅前にベノミル剤を散布します。お届けする苗は5号(直径15cm)ポット植えの接木1〜2年生苗、樹高約70〜90cmです。写真はイメージです。樹高につきましては、お届け時期により多少前後することがありますのでご了承くださいませ。※柑橘類の苗は入荷時にトゲで葉に傷がついたり、多少の虫食いの痕がある場合がございますが、生育には問題ございませんのでご了承ください。※種苗登録出願済み品種ですので、営利栽培はできません。何卒ご了承くださいませ。
トゲナシ 柑橘・かんきつ類

Posted by sumomo at 11:22 | この記事のURL
★☆ 【送料無料!】「蓬莱泉 ROKU山廃純米」720ml 12本 ☆★

★☆ 【送料無料!】「蓬莱泉 ROKU山廃純米」720ml 12本 ☆★



Title:★☆ 【送料無料!】「蓬莱泉 ROKU山廃純米」720ml 12本 ☆★

2013年11月11日 10時 月曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

Posted by sumomo at 10:53 | この記事のURL
Nikon D610 Experience - The Still Photog
Nikon D610 Experience - The Still Photography Guide to Operation and Image Creation with the Nikon D610
Nikon D610 Experience is an e-book user's guide that goes beyond the manual to help you learn the features, settings, and controls of this sophisticated and highly customizable camera. Most importantly it also explains how, when, and why to use the camera's basic and advanced features, settings, and controls in your photography.

You can read this e-book on your PC or Mac or take it into the field on your iPad, Kindle, tablet, or phone with free Kindle Reading Apps.

Take control of your Nikon D610 and the photos you create!

Written by the author of a top-rated guide to the previous D600, this new D610 guide has been updated to include the new features plus additional explanations and images. As with all Full Stop guides, this book is written in a clear, concise, and comprehensive manner to help you learn to use your D610 quickly and competently, and consistently make the types of images you desire. As one reader has said about Full Stop guides:

"I don't know how I could fully take advantage of all the features the camera has to offer without this publication! It's well-organized, easy to understand, and succinct enough to keep your attention while still containing a wealth of information to get the most out of your camera."

For Intermediate and Enthusiast Photographers - This guide is designed for enthusiast dSLR photographers who wish to take full advantage of the capabilities of their camera and go beyond Auto and P modes and shoot competently in A, S, and M modes; take full control of the versatile 39-Point autofocus systems; and learn how, when, and why to use and customize the controls and features of the D610. It covers basic dSLR camera functions and exposure concepts for those learning digital SLR photography, and explains more advanced camera controls and operation such as metering modes and exposure compensation.

For Experienced Photographers - This guide explains the new and advanced features and settings in order to quickly have you taking advantage of these capabilities. Plus it explains the camera controls and how to customize them, the in-camera HDR and Multiple Exposure features, in-camera image processing, introduces the HD video capabilities, and guides you through all the D610 Menu and Custom Setting items to help you best set up and customize the camera for your shooting needs.

Nikon D610 Experience focuses on still-photography with an introduction to the movie menus and settings to get you up and running with video. Sections include:
  • Setting Up Your D610 - All the Custom Settings, Playback, Shooting, and Setup Menus, with explanations and recommended settings to set up and customize the advanced features to work best for the way you photograph.
  • Aperture Priority (A), Shutter Priority (S), and Manual (M) Modes - How and when to use them to create dramatic depth of field, freeze or express motion, or take total control over exposure settings.
  • Auto Focusing Modes and Area Modes, and Release (Drive) Modes - Learn the AF Modes, AF Area Modes, and AF Custom Settings, how they differ, how and when to take advantage of them to capture both still and moving subjects.
  • Exposure Metering Modes - How they differ, how and when to use them for correct exposures in every situation.
  • Histograms, Exposure Compensation, Bracketing, and White Balance - Understanding these features for adjusting to the proper exposure in challenging lighting situations.
  • The Image Taking Process - Tutorials for using the settings and controls to take photos of both still and moving subjects.
  • Introduction to Video Settings - Explanations of the settings and options to get you started.
  • Composition - Tips and techniques, including the creative use of depth of field.
  • Photography Accessories - Useful accessories for the D610 and dSLR photography.
This illustrated e-book guide to the Nikon D610 goes beyond the manual to explain how, when, and why to use the features, settings, and controls of the D610 to help you get the most from your camera.

2013年11月11日 07時 月曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>

Posted by sumomo at 08:07 | この記事のURL
【棚ズレ防止棚受 (棚受 2分) SPF-20A スガツネ工業 03021415

【棚ズレ防止棚受 (棚受 2分) SPF-20A スガツネ工業 03021415-001】【楽ギフ_包装】10P10Nov13、fs3gm、【RCP】
 楽天国際配送対象店舗 (海外配送) Rakuten International Shipping ギフト対応【楽ギフ_のし宛書】【楽ギフ_包装】【楽ギフ_メッセ入力】商品特徴一覧スガツネ工業|4549396214159|03021415-001|スガツネ工業・LANP(ランプ)シリーズ||通信販売|通販|販売|買う|購入|お店|売っている|ショッピング【棚ズレ防止棚受 (棚受 2分) SPF-20A スガツネ工業 03021415-001】広告文責(株)K&MTEL:0120-345-132・商材番号: 03021415-001・JANコード: 4549396214159・メーカー: スガツネ工業 ●ご注意!※お客さま都合による、ご注文後のキャンセル・商品変更・返品・交換はお受けできませんのでご注意下さいませ。※全ての商品で在庫はほとんど持っておりません。また、ご注文いただいた場合でもメーカー欠品・終売している場合がございますがご了承下さいませ発送に1週間〜10日前後お時間を頂戴いたします。あらかじめご了承くださいませ。
棚ズレ防止棚受 (棚受 2分) SPF-20A スガツネ工業 03021415-001
2013年11月11日 06時 月曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>

Posted by sumomo at 06:28 | この記事のURL
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