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小松辰雄 中日ドラゴンズ OBクラブ/History of Best Nine No.57

小松辰雄 中日ドラゴンズ OBクラブ/History of Best Nine No.57



Title:小松辰雄 中日ドラゴンズ OBクラブ/History of Best Nine No.57

2013年11月02日 20時 土曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

Posted by sumomo at 20:57 | この記事のURL
A Simple Guide to Urinary Incontinence,
A Simple Guide to Urinary Incontinence, Treatment and Related Diseases (A Simple Guide to Medical Conditions)

Ode to Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the uncontrollable leakage of urine.

It is caused by the poor control of the urinary opening.

Enlarged prostate can constrict the urethra in men

Prolapsed uterus can pull on the bladder opening in women

Age can decrease in the bladder capacity to store urine.

Damage to the nerves to bladder muscle and urine opening

Can occur due to surgery, stroke or Parkinson disease

The urine will leak out quite easily

Stress incontinence is due to weak pelvic muscles to thrust

Urge incontinence is leakage when there is urge to pass

Overflow incontinence is dribbling after finishing urination

Functional incontinence is failure to realize need for micturation

Treatment is by bladder training and strengthening the Kegel muscles

Botox injection to reduce the sensitivity of nerves of bladder spinchter

Biofeedback, timed voiding and electrical stimulation

Finally surgery to reposition bladder and catheterization

-An original poem by Kenneth Kee

Interesting Tips about the Urinary Incontinence

A Healthy Lifestyle

1. Take a well Balanced Diet

2. Timed voiding (urinating) means writing a chart of your urination and leakage patterns for several days

This will then tell you which times of day you normally need to empty your bladder before leakage may occur.

Bladder training involves training your bladder to control the urge to urinate.

Restricting your fluid intake or changing the timing of fluid intake will help you to gain more control over the bladder.

Exercising the muscles of the pelvis (Kegel exercises) may strengthen the muscles of the affected area.

Vaginal cone therapy for women involves the use of a set of five small vaginal cones of increasing weight. The patient simply places the smallest plastic cone within her vagina and holds it in by a mild reflex contraction of the pelvic floor muscles.

Electrical stimulation of nerves to bladder opening will strengthen the muscles of the sphincter

3. Keep bones and body strong

Bone marrow produces our blood

Eat foods rich in calcium like yogurt, cheese, milk, and dark green vegetables.

Eat foods rich in Vitamin D, like eggs, fatty fish, cereal, and fortified milk.

Eat food rich in Vitamins B and C such as green vegetables and fruits

Zinc and other minerals are important to the body

4. Get enough rest and Sleep

Avoid stress and tension

5. Exercise and stay active.

It is best to do weight-bearing exercise such as walking, jogging, stair climbing, dancing, or lifting weights for 2½ hours a week.

One way to do this is to be active 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week.

Begin slowly especially if a person has not been active.

6. Do not drink more than 2 alcohol drinks a day for a man or 1 alcohol drink a day for a woman.

Alcohol use also increases the chance of falling and breaking a bone.

Alcohol is no good for the liver or pancreas.

Alcohol also affects the neurons.

7. Stop or do not begin smoking.

It also interferes with blood supply and healing.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a symptom and means the uncontrollable leakage of urine.

This can cause a lot of discomfort to patients having this problem.

Elderly men are more prone to it than women.

Nowadays with a longer life span many elderly patients can be seen brought to the family doctor clinic wearing adult diapers.

Urinary Incontinence is a medical condition which may be temporary or permanent.

There are many causes of urinary incontinence:

1. Diet:

Too much tea, coffee or carbonated drinks can irritate the bladder and cause or contribute to incontinence.

Coffee and other drinks containing caffeine can be a particular problem as caffeine is a diuretic. It increases the urge to pass urine.

2. Excessive alcohol.


Chapter 1 Urinary Incontinence

Chapter 2 Interesting Facts about Urinary Incontinence

2013年11月02日 18時 土曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>

Posted by sumomo at 19:01 | この記事のURL
【中古】アニメムック 大人のガンダム 2 CHARACTER&BUSINESS【
【中古】アニメムック 大人のガンダム 2 CHARACTER&BUSINESS【10P28oct13】【画】【中古】afb
発売日 2005/10/01 メーカー希望小売価格 1,260円 メーカー 日経ビーピー出版 型番 - JAN 9784822217129 関連商品はこちらから ガンダム  日経ビーピー出版 
2013年11月02日 12時 土曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>

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