民度の健全化に,「朝まで生テレビ」とか使えないかな?【追記 2015/6/27 AM5時半前後】
関連ブログ記事 ⇒ Could Anyone Investigate True Iraq Situation?
関連ブログ記事 ⇒ 「昭和天皇はイルミナティの傀儡」との証拠はない?!
関連ブログ記事 ⇒ 日本政治の核心的事実♡――ユダヤ貴族からの見えざる干渉❦
関連ブログ記事 ⇒ Nonsense Conspiracy Theory❦?
関連ブログ記事 ⇒ International Community should Join Forces to Liberate China♡!
関連外部記事 ⇒ 朝まで生テレビを見ながら,…(2015/5/30(土)AM1:25〜4:25)
関連外部記事 ⇒ テレビ見る人は,中共独裁の実態知る?
[追記 2015/6/27 AM5時半前後]
@asamadetv @NHK_PR @bsfuji1 @BS4chan @kantei @jimin_koho @komei_koho @ishinnotoh @dpjnews @CFR_org @CIA @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@ishinnotoh @shigetoku2 @KawadaOffice @asamadetv @namatahara
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@ishinnotoh @dpjnews @jimin_koho @komei_koho
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@SDPJapan @jcp_cc @seikatsu1pr @kantei @AP @WSJ
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @shigetoku2 @KawadaOffice @konishihiroyuki @nekoyasui
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@asamadetv @miyamototooru @matsudakouta @torakare @AFP @AP @WSJ
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
朝生もYouTube Liveできないの?
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @torakare @AFP @AP @WSJ
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
#維新の党 は,出演議員がのろそうだけど,やはり橋下さんいうように既得権団体化してるのかな?
@asamadetv @ishinnotoh @t_ishin @namatahara @torakare @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
狂産主義が目指すは「暴力革命による生産手段の社会化」。#共産党 変名したら投票検討してやるぞ。
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @jcp_cc @namatahara @torakare @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
過去松田氏に投票した記憶あるよ。元気ごと #維新の党 に吸収してもらえば?
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @matsudakouta @nippongenkikai @ishinnotoh @namatahara @torakare @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @torakare @CFR_org @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @torakare @CFR_org @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
#安保法制 に関係あるはずだけどなぜ野党はグローバルコンスピラシーにつき国会で追及できない?
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @torakare @CFR_org @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @torakare @CFR_org @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @torakare @CFR_org @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
#安保法制 も #労働法制 も根本の歪みは報道・教育のユダヤ支配から生ずる。マッカーサーはフリーメーソンでCIA・統一教会もユダヤの手先だし
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @torakare @CFR_org @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
#昭和天皇 も #イルミナティ の傀儡だったって。
でも,#共産党,#民主党 は不要だね。
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @namatahara @torakare @CFR_org @AFP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
@asamadetv @inosenaoki @ASEAN @Europarl_EN @torakare @CFR_org @AP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
#国会議員 は,国益に適うよう #日本 を取り巻くカネの流れを定めることが重要。それ以外の妄想に右往左往するのは,知力が足りない。
@inosenaoki @ASEAN @Europarl_EN @torakare @CFR_org @WSJ @kantei
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 26
Could Anyone Investigate True Iraq Situation?【Added Part 8 Contributed on June 28, 2015, past 8:30 AM】
Related Blog Article ⇒ Everybody, Ask POTUS♡!
Related Blog Article ⇒ 「昭和天皇はイルミナティの傀儡」との証拠はない?!
Related Blog Article ⇒ Seismic Terrorism Caused by the US and Israel?
Related Blog Article ⇒ Nonsense Conspiracy Theory❦?
Related Blog Article ⇒ ISILを含むイスラム圏の方々に確認したいのは,…
Related Blog Article ⇒ 民度の健全化に,「朝まで生テレビ」とか使えないかな?
[Added Part 8 Contributed on June 28, 2015, past 8:30 AM]
Couldn't you address Japan Diet on the wickedness of Ashkenazi Nobles?
@CFR_org @IsraeliPM @POTUS @Europarl_EN @BBC @kantei
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 27
[Added Part 7 Contributed on June 28, 2015, before 4 AM]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: MickyTheMiracle < cooltoypoodle@gmail.com > and other 6 addresses
Date: 2015-06-28 3:36 GMT+09:00
Subject: "About Iraq Humanitarian Situation [REVISED for the second recipients]"
To: over 6700 addresses in U.S.A.
I, as a Japanese, think that present Iraq situation must be improved.
The Western mass media as well as the FRB, the CFR, the CIA and other government agencies are dominated by the International Financier, or Pseudo Jews Money Power, or the Ashkenazi Noble.
So the unfavorable truths for the Ashkenazi Money Power are not reported to the Western world.
I continue learning about the truth about the relationship between U.S. politics and the Ashkenazi Money Power.
As to Iraq, at first, please watch the following two YouTube movies and the third movie at the third URL.
These movies all need precaution for violent scene.
On humanitarian grounds, the following facts abstracted from those movies and an Iraqi woman's explanation, if exist, are not permissible.
・A Sunni boy is shot to be killed by the Iraqi Militias.
・The Iraqi Militias torture to kill.
・Punishments are carried out without trial.
・Many Sunnis are the targets of torture.
・Iraqi government kills innocent people.
・Iraqi government persons are bribed by Freemasonry.
・U.S.A. brought criminal persons to Iraqi government in order to keep deterioration situation to control Iraqi government easily.
・Freemasonry make conflicts in Iraq.
However those facts cannot be easily confirmed from the outside of Iraq.
So could you please check my blog article at the following URL and do whatever you can do for improving Iraq humanitarian situation and eliminating the bad influence of the Money Power from the U.S. politics.
MickyTheMiracle < cooltoypoodle@gmail.com >
(The following is the content of my blog article at https://fanblogs.jp/miracletoypoodle/archive/136/0 .)
< The following content attached to the above mail body was deleted in this blog article. >
[Added Part 6 Contributed on June 27, 2015, past 9:30 AM]
Why don't you admit Baghdadi is a Mossad?
@CFR_org @IsraeliPM @Europarl_EN @arableague_gs @OIC_OCI @kantei
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 27
[Added Part 5 Contributed on June 25, 2015, past 3 PM]
@amnesty @hrw @CFR_org @OIC_OCI @arableague_gs @WhiteHouse @Palazzo_Chigi @Canada @Embassy_of_Iraq @RT_com @WSJ
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 25
[Added Part 4 Contributed on June 25, 2015, before 3 PM]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TheSavage Micky < mickythesavage@gmail.com > and other 6 addressess
Date: 2015-06-25 13:49 GMT+09:00
Subject: "About Iraq Humanitarian Situation"
To: total over 6500 addresses in each of the Middle East country, U.K. and U.S.A., and of the Arab League officials
I, as a Japanese, think that present Iraq situation must be improved.
At first, please watch the following two YouTube movies and the third movie at the third URL.
These movies all need precaution for violent scene.
On humanitarian grounds, the following facts abstracted from those movies and an Iraqi woman's explanation, are not permissible.
・A boy is shot to be killed.
・Militias torture to kill.
・Punishments are carried out without trial.
・Sunnis are the targets of torture.
・Government kills innocent people.
・Government persons are bribed by Freemasonry.
・U.S.A. brought criminal persons to Iraqi government in order to keep deterioration situation to control Iraqi government easily.
・Freemasonry make conflicts in Iraq.
However those facts cannot be easily confirmed from the outside of Iraq.
So could you please check my blog article at the following URL and do whatever you can do for improving Iraq humanitarian situation.
MickyTheSavage < mickythesavage@gmail.com >
(The following is the content of my blog article at https://fanblogs.jp/miracletoypoodle/archive/136/0 .)
< The following content attached to the above mail body was deleted in this blog article. >
[Added Part 3 Contributed on June 25, 2015, past 10 AM]
Ms. X is an Iraqi woman of twenties age
and her whole opinion on the corruption of Iraqi government is as follows:
"Criminal government complicit
and all labor charges thrown p different axes
some of them say to Israel, including Iran, Saudi Arabia
them of them American
and even militias Lisbon
and cursing most of the government members of the ruling parties
Why are fighting and you kill for them and usa from since 2003, for the day?
Why you will be personal projects to profit from the violence and their benefit?
Why believe their lies and jerk for the wars and problems of their plots?
Why are projects and profit from the violence and personal benefits?
Why believe their lies and you are entering to wars and problems of their plots?
Why silent references to their judgment and their corruption and their crimes?"
[Added Part 2 Contributed on June 24, 2015, past 2 PM]
@PressTV @AlJazeera @BBC @AFP @ARD_Presse @Elysee @NHK_PR @POTUS @Europarl_EN @GOVUK @CDU @kantei @wto @UN @AP
— 八百万の神々エージェント (@sacredservantjp) 2015, 6月 24
[Added Part 1] (Viewer Warning)
(Commented on the Facebook Contribution as 東京三郎 on June 21, 2015, at 12:08)
#الفلوجةتبادطفل الفلوجة يموت ورافع السبابة للشهادة مجزرة جديدة في حي الجولان السكني بحق الأطفال أناشد كل شريف المشاركة قدر الإمكان عاجل الفلوجة الآنقصف شديد من قبل الجيش الحكومي والحشد على حي الجولان واستشهاد طفلين نوري عمارنوري العبودي المحمدي5سنوات والطفل محمد إسماعيل العبودي المحمدي 12سنة تم قصفهم وهم صائمون أثناء أذان المغرب وقدح الماء بأيديهم
Posted by فياض الفياض on 2015年6月20日
Killing in Golan Heights?
Ms. Y
No sir they are kiling in iraq falloja jolan quarter
By the bombing of the government militias on 20/06/2015
[Main Part]
(Facebook Chat with Ms. X Begun at 2015/06/19 22:05 and Ended at 2015/06/20 1:40)
Thank you for you
No am iraqi
I'm a man.
Oh from jaban
From which city
But I didnt remember I send you sfreind request may be it is come faults
Not is problem
You are welcom
Which part of Iraq do you live in?
Are you safe?
Am from baghdad
But now I live in the north
Baghdad is safe to live?
I'm worried about ISIS.
No not safe
In iraq the situation is difficult and different
Armed fighters are around Baghdad?
The isis is extremist movement came
because of the injustice of the government and kill innocent people,
violence and administrative corruption in the country
By the goverment it self
So we are different from other countries we have aspeciallity
When the american come to iraq
Don't you like U.S.A.?
I like all the people through the world
But I dont like the crimenals
I thought that many Islamic countries impose autocracy.
When U.S.A. came to Iraq, Iraq become democratic?
And the goverments
No no no
No democracy as it is must be in iraq
Difficult is the last sentence.
Could you explain?
Didn't U.S.A. bring democracy to Iraq?
Americans destroyed state institutions
and came with people failing and criminals
and put them in the government
in order to remain a deteriorating situation and therefore easier to control
Easy to you is difficult for us
to compare the situation in Iraq in the eighties
and place it before the blockade now in 2015
to discover that Iraq has become much worse
and that the financial and administrative corruption ruined the country and make it to the end of the list of countries
I understand.
U.S.A exploit natural resources from Iraq?
And U.S.A. company gave bribe to Iraq government person?
You think it's U.S.A.
But isn't the truth that Iraqi politicians are brought by the Jew?
In detail, the Jew isn't Ashkenazi?
So, sir, I told you I hate the government
because it is deceptive, especially the Government of the United States what it does in secret just the opposite in public Matvolh
The media and the whole subject has a controlling it
Sorry opposit with what is doing in public
And the media completly under the control of them
Resources in this world and the Western mass media are dominated by Ashkenazi.
Probably Ukraine is the same situation.
Not same
Do you now sir
We have some difficult situation
Now Chinese Communist Party imitates the Ashkenazi in Africa.
What situation?
Our neighbors, Israel and Iran, both of which are two components of the ambitions in the region
and they have power and influence and want to control, making it a reality we
Which do you select ISIS or corrupted Iraqi government?
Injustice we signed
I hate both
Both for Israel and Iran, or, for ISIS and Iraqi gov.?
But the isis come coz of the great injustice and great destroing
All of them
Israel iran isis and the goverments
I can understand you hate all.
Coz really all of them is one in the fact andecleared
Late me explain to you simply my sir
Did you watch these YouTube movies?
LOOSE CHANGE, you can search on YouTube.
9.11 was a lie by the International Financier, or probably Ashkenazi.
The purpose of the lie is to begin the war against Iraq, you know?
(Like Sign)
Do many Iraqi know that 9.11 was a lie?
After Hiroshima and Nagasaki America comes with its army occupies Japan
and the destruction of all institutions
and end the Japanese military and the Japanese administration.
Next comes the criminals of Japan make them the jaban gov.
they are unsuccessful criminals and
Not all of them but really its so difficult situation lets me complete the story for you
I think that Emperor Showa was an agent of Illuminati, or Ashkenazi.
Probably the Japan war was a lie of Ashkenazi.
After that these criminals are stealing the country and management failed
and racist and all manner of objects they accuse him of terrorism and kill him or imprisoned without trial or just spend
Stallin, Roosevelt and Churchill were also agents of Jew, probably.
May be
Do you know the Protocol of the Elder of Zion?
Yes I now it
There are thousands of cases where people are exposed to crime
and also know that Iraq is made up of denominations
When injustice occurred on one of these communities dramatically since 2003,
for the day and before the eyes of America
The wars from the French Revolution are agitated by the Jews, I've heard.
And they destroyed the nation's original nobles and place the nation under money power.
That's the global conspiracy theory.
But now Japanese are happy.
First thing has doneby america is to destroing Education in Iraq and the law of the country
and the crash that after all this injustice and administration are hidden group took advantage of these injustice peoble
and the oppressed and some militants to establish isis.
Rather than to end injustice and
Their communities criminal
Don't you have YouTube movies to explain the present Iraqi situation?
I think that the Iraqi situation must be known to the world.
You are happy
coz you are free Israel, Iran and the US intervention
because you have a government that works for their country Because they do not have militias and gangs backed by the government
I have but not in english
I made many YouTube playlist, for example, to explain the China Communist Party.
⇒ https://youtu.be/XMcbG1zoGYE?list=PLApqqGZRUe5ozc3Sg6U8NnkYCGeyS-uia
I will try to send you some videoes in english
or the way of the goverment treat with the sunni peoble
(Like Sign)
You can use this.
⇒ https://goo.gl/EnP9Nb
At first, you or your friends should try to let the international community know your situation.
I'm continuing to let the world know the CCP's threat by using blog articles and YouTube movies.
⇒ https://fanblogs.jp/miracletoypoodle/archive/134/0
(Like Sign)
I can write to Japanese government, if you write to me telling your situations.
One of the thousends of gov criminals is that but sorry it is in arabic
[Viewer Warning] http://goo.gl/XU72mE
I keep the information from you.
But I don't understand the Arabic.
Only by Google translation and pictures, I can feel the atmosphere.
You can see the videoe
The gov militia killed the little boy
Coz it is a sunni boy
Really. Sad story.
But you should use anonymous account to be safe.
So for that reason and alot of it is normal to. people to be isis and. Extremists
I try to be safe, but I lost my father and my brother at the hands of this criminal government since 2005
I could understand a little about your situation.
In Iraq, the freedom of speech is secured?
Israel is dangerous.
Does Iran gov. have expansionism?
I thought that the CCP is the worst.
But an Aljazeera Live viewer told me that the Iraqi gov. is worse.
I didn't believe that words because the CCP killed 60 million to 80 million Chinese people.
Now I can believe Iraqi gov. is bad.
Those two are YouTube playlists to explain CCP.
And I'm spreading all over the world using above address book.
(Like Sign)
Yes I now little bit about ccp
Massacre in this world.
⇒ [Viewer Warning] https://youtu.be/B_nWYufYGBI?list=PLApqqGZRUe5pz7MZBTcVhorgACM_Ri0ts
But really I think it is better do you now why they do that and say we are did
Not as the iraq gov always firstly say not then say the
The victim was a criminal, even if he was a child and kill without trial and without justice
Oh you spend alot of time to make the world now the criminals
You are a great man
Putin also killed many journalists, I've heard.
⇒ https://youtu.be/p_Zsl_6zVZI?list=PLApqqGZRUe5ooh0Ad8YwXsykpxq1YFSYS
Ha, ha, not great.
Only collecting YouTube movies and spreading the truth of the world.
Japan is peaceful. But Japan is in the world's debt, I think.
Really I swear I love jaban so much not now but from far away
And I see alot of video about japan
Amazing people
And I hope I can visit japan some day
Ha, ha, when you came to Japan, if the CCP be destroyed, I can guide you around Tokyo.
GHQ headed McArthur, he was a freemasonry, carried out book burning.
Why if the ccp destroied
Are it is in jaban?
Cause now I'm trying to destroy the CCP, I don't reveal my personal information to anyone.
Only my idea is on the internet.
I will send you a small video
and you can see the way of the iraq giv. And iran treat with people
Yes. I can cooperate with you.
It is done by iraqi gov.miltia
حقد معمم شيعي يقتل سني من ألبو عجيل
Put this in the youtube and you can see
The iran and iraqi gov. Criminals in iraq
(I didn't notice what she expressed by the above at that time.
Maybe the movie she wanted me to watch was the following movie.
[Viewer Warning] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FIIG4Dhmjg )
I can spread your movie to the world.
I also want to know about the wicked deeds of U.S.A. in Iraq.
U.S.A or Ashkenazi or Pseudo-Judea.
Or Zionist or the International Financier.
They are the same.
I will cooprate with you sir
Thank you, lady.
You're smart girl.
Here's the playlist introducing the Japan's spirituality.
⇒ https://youtu.be/XGlsPuIZIMs?list=PLApqqGZRUe5psCS8_wvcCI3k3sJIdCzc4
(Like Sign)
قتلوه لانه اسمه عمر
Put this in youtube
And see the miltitary of prime minister noori alamalki how kill this little boy coz of it is sunny
(I didn't notice what she expressed by the above at that time, too.
Maybe or maybe not, the movie she wanted me to watch was the following.
[Viewer Warning] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJrB--UZhOo )
Gratuitous killing by anyone must be stopped.
(Like Sign)
(FESTA Stamp)
But if the masson and its criminals stopped firstly
Yes, yes.
The international community doesn't Iraqi situation.
O.K. I'll spread your movies.
I hope the spreading will make the gov criminals district
Now it is want too kill 7000 prisoners without any judgment and it make this is as alow
Yes, yes. I hope the same.
Because Jews are dominating mass media of the Western,
facts wrong to Jews don't spread by the mass media, but by the internet.
(Like Sign)
The prisoners are mainly Sunni believer?
(Like Sign)
Are you a Shia believer?
No I am a sunni but my mother is shia
I've heard that Shia are more than Sunni in Iraq.
Now yes they are alot of them come from iran
But befor 2003it is not a true
And alot of sunni are killed
ISIS are Sunni.
I explained you about isis
Yes it is said it is sunni
But it is The oppressed and exploited victims and injustice Freemasonry government establish itself in the region
And the injustice make the people an stable
I think that Baghdadi is a mossad agent.
⇒ https://youtu.be/QdwksvcSzLE?list=PLApqqGZRUe5qs27u3A2Y1OEcXuM_oGWcy
And the other true there is alot of mistake and lying about it is from the media
(Like Sign)
(Like Sign)
I believe that the real purpose of ISIS is to make the Greater Israel.
Yes it is
But the information about ISIS's purpose doesn't be spread.
Its members, most of them victims of Freemasonry and the Iraqi government
Not as the admenestration
Am differently differ with isis but really not all of what said. About them is real
Sorry, can I confirm your words?
Does Iraqi gov. consist of Freemasonry?
Or does ISIS consist of Freemasonry?
Or did you say that the Iraqi gov. are bought by Freemasonry of U.S.A.?
Are you saying that the ISIS's members are deceived by the Freemasonry to become ISIS's member?
I think that the International Financiers are Zionist and Freemasonry.
I want to know the relationship between Iraq and Freemasonry.
The freemasony as I explain to you came the criminals of iraq and iran
most of the didnt copmlete their teaching with low level of culture
Made them the leader
Of iraq
So surely the situtaion will be bad and worse that what the freemason want
And the final result it can
To make the region so busy conflict
They do what they want and controlled indirect ways
And the isreal will apear as a country of merci and peace
Really. I understand.
Just after the World War II,
Japan was conquered by the General Headquarters, headed by Douglas McAuthur.
For example, McAuthur was a Freemasonry and destroyed a part of Japanese culture by book burning and censorship.
Can you tell me the concrete names of the Freemasonry of present Iraqi and Iranian situation?
This playlist is introducing Japanese Freemasonry.
⇒ https://youtu.be/OibQOGfAFcs?list=PLApqqGZRUe5oFrRm1WtZJ6TuLHhiGUqzJ
Some Freemasonry may agitate citizens and some Freemasonry may become politicians.
But you should concretely name the Freemasonry.
(Like Sign)
I think that, in the domestic of Iraq, the similar situation as the following figure, is occurring, isn't it?
⇒ http://goo.gl/cDZUJf
Both side of killing have same root.
That is the Zionist or Freemasonry or Illuminati or Ashkenazi or Pseudo-Judea.
I made the above figure from the following movie.
⇒ https://youtu.be/HUtqp7Jboi4?list=PLApqqGZRUe5oxht4CWKcN-Yzc-X6tpNKX
The above movie is English-speaking.
You've already watched the movie?
Probably you can search for the title of "Monopoly Men".