みなさん、こんばんは。いつもご訪問コメントありがとうございます。Good evening everyone, Thank you for stopping by!
だんだん秋が深まってまいりました。。。夏が遠ざかってちょっとさみしい私なのですが、いま友人が常夏の国、ハワイに遊びに行っています。Fall has come, and I feel sad summer is going to leave... But my friend is in Hawaii right now, where it is summer year-round!
みんなハワイに行く時は必ず事前に私に連絡をくれます。(*゜▽゜*) everytime someone visits Hawaii, they would give me a shout.
とりあえずその人のハワイの訪れ回数によって、お勧めのB級グルメやプレイスポットを伝授?して差し上げます。So then I would point them out in a few suggested directions (food, sightseeing, what not) according to how many times they'd previously visited.
泊るホテルや、いくメンバーの年齢、少しずつ趣向が違いますが、どの年齢の方もみんな大満足の島 The choice of stay, age groups, preferences, all of a variety, but whoever it may be, this island can satisfy anyone!
彼女には今回アンバサダーホテルに泊まるとの事なので、歩いてすぐの、エッグスンシングスをご紹介 My friend had chosen the Ambassador Hotel, so I had told her about the "Eggs n' Things" which is right near by.
(◎皿◎)クリーム多 !! Tons of cream!
The strawberry pancakes, something you can never restrain from ordering.
カプチーノも超ビッグ! 日本人女性は一人では無理ですねえ。。。。(≧▽≦)
And the cappuccino is huge! A Japanese average female could not finish this...
分けるのが一番です。It always best to share.
だんだん秋が深まってまいりました。。。夏が遠ざかってちょっとさみしい私なのですが、いま友人が常夏の国、ハワイに遊びに行っています。Fall has come, and I feel sad summer is going to leave... But my friend is in Hawaii right now, where it is summer year-round!
みんなハワイに行く時は必ず事前に私に連絡をくれます。(*゜▽゜*) everytime someone visits Hawaii, they would give me a shout.
とりあえずその人のハワイの訪れ回数によって、お勧めのB級グルメやプレイスポットを伝授?して差し上げます。So then I would point them out in a few suggested directions (food, sightseeing, what not) according to how many times they'd previously visited.
泊るホテルや、いくメンバーの年齢、少しずつ趣向が違いますが、どの年齢の方もみんな大満足の島 The choice of stay, age groups, preferences, all of a variety, but whoever it may be, this island can satisfy anyone!
彼女には今回アンバサダーホテルに泊まるとの事なので、歩いてすぐの、エッグスンシングスをご紹介 My friend had chosen the Ambassador Hotel, so I had told her about the "Eggs n' Things" which is right near by.
(◎皿◎)クリーム多 !! Tons of cream!
The strawberry pancakes, something you can never restrain from ordering.
カプチーノも超ビッグ! 日本人女性は一人では無理ですねえ。。。。(≧▽≦)
And the cappuccino is huge! A Japanese average female could not finish this...
分けるのが一番です。It always best to share.