bari で気をつけよう
初めてのバリ ! という友人をひっぱって、繁華街へ繰り出しました。
Pulling along with me a Bali-first-timer friend, we went into town.
両替すると一気にお金持ちの気分(1000円なら、100000ルピーと0の数が2個も多い)When exchanging currency, we come under the delusion that we've become rich all of a sudden (1000 yen becomes 100,000 rupies; 2 more zeroes).
でもここで新しい詐欺?発見。But here, we've found a new type of trickery.
The hotel doorman or even the airport cleaning lady, boldly walks up to a tourist and asks "Are you Japanese? Please exchange these into a 1000yen-bill..."
They would have a few coins on their palms...
バリのコインの価値なんて500ルピーですら5円程度の価値なので200枚はひつようじゃ!!!The coins are only worth 500 rupies, so approximately 5 yen; you'd need 200 of those to make it a 1000yen!!
友人もこれにはびっくりして「お金ない」と(≧▽≦) 大ウソついて断ったけど、色々な手口考えますね。My friend, surprised she was, bluntly lied, "I have no money," but my, don't they come up with the most interesting methods.
Pulling along with me a Bali-first-timer friend, we went into town.
両替すると一気にお金持ちの気分(1000円なら、100000ルピーと0の数が2個も多い)When exchanging currency, we come under the delusion that we've become rich all of a sudden (1000 yen becomes 100,000 rupies; 2 more zeroes).
でもここで新しい詐欺?発見。But here, we've found a new type of trickery.
The hotel doorman or even the airport cleaning lady, boldly walks up to a tourist and asks "Are you Japanese? Please exchange these into a 1000yen-bill..."
They would have a few coins on their palms...
バリのコインの価値なんて500ルピーですら5円程度の価値なので200枚はひつようじゃ!!!The coins are only worth 500 rupies, so approximately 5 yen; you'd need 200 of those to make it a 1000yen!!
友人もこれにはびっくりして「お金ない」と(≧▽≦) 大ウソついて断ったけど、色々な手口考えますね。My friend, surprised she was, bluntly lied, "I have no money," but my, don't they come up with the most interesting methods.