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Difference between Kangen Water and Purified Water

A girl drinking water 3.jpg

●What is the difference in the first place?

【About Kangen Water (Alkaline Ionized Water)】
大丸2pH adjustment
 Alkaline ionized water has a higher pH than normal water (usually around pH 8-10) and is adjusted to be alkaline.
 Alkaline ionized water uses ion exchange technology to reconstitute water molecules,
 usually changing the balance between hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).
大丸2Health Benefits
 Alkaline ionized water is sometimes claimed to improve the pH balance in the body
 and have a positive impact on health (scientific evidence is still limited).
 Alkaline ionized water requires a dedicated ion exchanger and is generally more expensive than purified water.

【About Purified Water】
大丸2Removal of impurities
 The purpose of water purification is to remove impurities (chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, etc.) from water.
大丸2Diverse Methods
 Water purification is performed by a variety of technologies, including
filtration, distillation, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet treatment.
大丸2pH adjustment is not the goal.
 In general, the purpose of water purification is not to change the pH of the water
 (although certain water purification systems may have pH adjustment capabilities).
大丸2Wide range of applications
 Water purification is used not only for drinking water supply,
 but also for diverse applications in industry, medicine, and research.
● Different objectives

 Alkaline ionized water is primarily intended for pH adjustment and specific health benefits
 The purpose of water purification is to provide safe and healthy water by removing impurities.
 They have different purposes and characteristics and should be selected according to the application.
●My recommendation for a continuous electrolytic water generator

 More than just producing alkaline ionized water
大丸2Water Purification Equipment
 Because it is for drinking water, it is naturally equipped with a water purification function.
 Its water purification function is also second to none compared to ordinary water purifiers.
大丸2Capable of producing multiple types of water
 4 types of Alkaline Water
 Neutral Water
 Two types of Acidic Water
 Raw Water
大丸2Long life
 Warranty period is 8 years
 15 years in design specifications
・Service that seems too good to be true.
 They send a replacement product to the installation location, free of charge.
 All subsequent courier shipping costs are also paid by the manufacturer.
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I've used Kangen Water for drink, cooking, washing .... since 2022. I am satisfied by the Kangen water. I want you drink the water same as me! This blog is for let you know about Kangen Water.
