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There are other attractions of autumn leaves... Nison-in Temple and Ruriko-in Temple

You can see the photo location by clicking on the image below.

Following the last time, I introduce some attractions to see autumn leaves in Kyoto.

This time, is Nison-in Temple and Ruriko-in Temple.

First, it is Nison-in Temple.
#紅葉?見頃 #二尊院 #kyoto #nisonin #autumnleaves
二尊院は本堂の改修工事が終わり、来週は紅葉のピークを迎えそうです。#紅葉?見頃 #二尊院 #kyoto #nisonin #autumnleaves
It is a temple with grand sight and powerful impression, but the vividness of autumn leaves is also prominent.

Next, is Ruriko-in Temple in Rakuhoku area.
#rurikoin #autumnleaves #kyoto #紅葉?見頃 #瑠璃光院
This temple is very tasteful and looks like a luxury inn.

4年ぶりの瑠璃光院でしたが、こちらも若干ピークを過ぎていました??。 ところで、私は以前から、瑠璃光院があまり好きになれません???。理由は2つ。希望者は写経も出来るとはいえ、拝観料2000円はちょっと高すぎる。また、この写真の様に、机の上にビニールシートを敷いてそこに紅葉が写る写真を撮らせるというやり方も、ホントに興醒めします。安っぽいトリックアートです。あけすけなSNS受け狙いの様な感じがしてとても残念です。紅葉自体は素晴らしいのになぁ… #トリックアート#紅葉?見頃 #瑠璃光院 #trickart #autumnleaves #rurikoin
It is autumn leaves reflected on a vinyl sheet laid on a desk. It is not a polished wooden desk...

It is open only in spring and autumn.

I think that the admission fee 2, 000 yen is too high, but the beauty is unmissable.


There are other attractions of autumn leaves... Bishamon-do Temple and Jonan-gu Shrine

You can see the photo location by clicking on the image below.

Following the last time, I introduce some attractions to see autumn leaves in Kyoto.

This time, is Bisyamon-do Temple and Jonan-gu Shrine.

First, it is Bishamon-do Temple.
毘沙門堂の参道は、来週中盤以降に最高の瞬間を迎えそうです。#bishamondo #kyoto #autumnleaves #毘沙門堂 #紅葉?見頃
When you go straight north from Yamashina Station, you will enter the approach to Bishamon-do Temple.

Colorful autumn leaves lighted up by the sunlight are splendid!

山科の名刹、毘沙門堂も見頃です。#autumnleaves #bishamondo #kyoto #紅葉?見頃 #毘沙門堂
Around Kodai-benzaiten is the highlight of this temple.

Next, is Jonan-gu Shrine with splendid garden.
城南宮は紅葉も庭園も素晴らしい!??? #城南宮 #紅葉?見頃 #jonangu #kyoto #autumnleaves
Although the volume of maple is small, the beauty of elaborate garden is worth seeing.


There are other attractions of autumn leaves... Sanzen-in Temple

You can see the photo location by clicking on the image below.

So far, I've introduced

2016 The ranking of autumn leaves attractions in Kyoto!
...by personal preference.

However, there are so many other attractions of them in Kyoto.

So, I will introduce some attractions of them should visit, if you have time to spare.

This time, is Sanzen-in Temple in Ohara area.

三千院の紅葉は既にピークを過ぎてますが、独特なしっとり感はここでしか味わえません! #大原 #三千院 #紅葉?見頃 #autumnleaves #sanzenin #kyoto
It is a beautiful temple with a very elegant atmosphere.

#紅葉?見頃 #三千院 #kyoto #autumnleaves #sanzenin
#三千院 #紅葉?見頃 #autumnleaves #sanzenin #kyoto
The vividness of autumn leaves is not so much, but the autumn leaves have excellent contrast with surrounding architecture and trees.

#紅葉?見頃 #三千院 #kyoto #autumnleaves #sanzenin
At Sanzen-in Temple, there is a special autumn scenery which can be seen only here.


2016 The ranking of autumn leaves attractions in Kyoto! ...by personal preference.

2016 The ranking of autumn leaves attractions in Kyoto! ...by personal preference.

Following the last time, I will announce

2016 The ranking of autumn leaves attractions in Kyoto!
...by personal preference.

This time is...

2016 Ranking No.1 Eikan-do Temple

#紅葉?見頃 #永観堂 #eikando #autumnleaves #kyoto
The ranking No.1 of 2016 is Eikan-do Temple.

最も美しい永観堂の紅葉を見るには、お昼過ぎに行くのがベストです。#紅葉?見頃 #永観堂 #autumnleaves #eikando #kyoto
まさにスカーレット #真紅 #紅葉?見頃 #永観堂 #scarlet #eikando #autumnleaves #kyoto
#brilliant #永観堂 #紅葉?見頃 #eikando #kyoto #autumnleaves
The volume and vividness were overwhelming splendor.

#autumnleaves #kyoto #eikando #紅葉?見頃 #永観堂
The overall impression is flashy, but the colors of "stillness" seen in several places are also wonderful.

絨毯も分厚く、鮮やかになって来ました。#eikando #kyoto #autumnleaves #紅葉?見頃 #永観堂
The carpet made of fallen leaves had a volume, it was very beautiful.

In 2016, Eikan-do Temple showed us a gorgeous show appropriate for leading candidate.

In other autumn leaves attractions, although the vividness was almost an average score, these delighted the eyes of many tourists.

Let's expect to be able to see a wonderful autumn colors in 2017!

This is Kyoto colored in green...Part 1 by black yeezy 350 (08/13)
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