A …don't let the world begin and end for you with the - how many is it? four hundred? - people sitting here in this - the Donnybrook Country and Sporting Club today. These good friends of our parents and Allan's parents, our father's regional chairman and the former ministers of this and that and all the others, I don't know the names but I recognize the faces, all right - who have made us, and made this club, and made this country what it is.'
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B 'There's a whole world outside this.' 'Shut outside. Kept out. Shutting this in ... Don't stay inside and let your arteries harden, like theirs ... I'm not talking about the sort of thing some of them have, those who have had their thrombosis, I don't mean veins gone furry through sitting around in places like this fine club and having more than enough to eat-'
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C 'What I'm asking you to look out for is - is moral sclerosis. Moral sclerosis. Hardening of the heart, narrowing of the mind; while the dividends go up. The thing that makes them distribute free blankets in the location in winter, while refusing to pay wages people could live on. Smugness. Among us, you can't be too young to pick it up. It sets in pretty quick. More widespread than biharzia in the rivers, and a damned sight harder to cure.'
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D There was a murmurous titter. The uncle beside me whispered anxiously, 'He's inherited his father's gifts as a speaker.' 'It's a hundred per cent endemic in places like this Donnybrook Country and Sporting Club, and in all the suburbs you're likely to choose from to live in. Just don't be too sure they're healthy, our nice clean suburbs for white only.'
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E '-and your children. If you have babies, Queenie and Allan, don't worry too much about who kisses them - it's what they'll tell them later, that infects. It's what being nicely brought up will make of them that you've got to watch out for. Moral sclerosis - yes, that's all I wanted to say, just stay alive and feeling and thinking - and that's all I can say that'll be of any use ...'
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