prefix (noun) 接頭語、(電話の局番のように)番号のはじめに付け加えるもの、(他動詞) ~を[~の]前につける[to, with]
(noun) a word, letter, or number placed before another, an element placed at the beginning of a word to adjust or qualify its meaning or as an inflection
(verb) add (something) at the beginning as a prefix or introduction
Japanese lauguage has same concept of prefix.
capsize (他動詞、自動詞) 転覆させる(する)(overturn) (noun) 転覆
capsize (他動詞、自動詞) 転覆させる(する)(overturn) (noun) 転覆
(verb) be verturned in the water, cause (a boat) to overturn
(noun) an instance of capsozing
The plan was capsized by him.
(verb) be verturned in the water, cause (a boat) to overturn
(noun) an instance of capsozing
The plan was capsized by him.