

germ (noun) 細菌、ばい菌

germ (noun) 細菌、ばい菌

a micro-organism, especially one which causes disease, a portion of an organism capable of developing into a new one or part of one

It is necessary to sterilize germs.

immune (adjective) 免疫のある

immune (adjective) 免疫のある

resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white bllo cells.

We are immune to such environment.

Interpersonal (adjective) 個人間の、対人関係の

Interpersonal (adjective) 個人間の、対人関係の

(adjective) relating to relationships or communication between people

He has good interpersonal skill.

cardiovascular (adjective) 心臓血管の(に関する)、循環器の

cardiovascular (adjective) 心臓血管の(に関する)、循環器の

(adjective) relating to the heart and blood vessels

That medicine is not good for cardiovascular perspective.

precaution (noun) [に対する]用心、警戒、慎重さ、予防策[against~]

precaution (noun) [に対する]用心、警戒、慎重さ、予防策[against~]

(noun) a measure tken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening

Precaution against that person is necessary.

make up for ~を補う

make up for ~を補う

compensate for, cover

I take several English lessons on weekends to make up for absence in weekdays.

mortality (noun) 死ぬ運命、死を免れないこと、大量の死、死亡率、死亡率

mortality (noun) 死ぬ運命、死を免れないこと、大量の死、死亡率、死亡率

The state of being subject to death, death, especially on a large scale, (also mortality rate) the number of deaths in a given area or period, or from a particular cause

Mortality in the war is increasing.
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