

congition (noun) 認識、認知、知覚

congition (noun) 認識、認知、知覚

action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

Human congition is higher than that of other creatures.

agile (adjective) すばしこい、身軽な、器用な、賢い、頭の回転が速い

agile (adjective) すばしこい、身軽な、器用な、賢い、頭の回転が速い

able to move quickly and easily

(noun) agility : 軽快さ、機敏

Mouse is agile.

nimble (adjective) 素早い、警戒な、理解が早い、鋭敏な

nimble (adjective) 素早い、警戒な、理解が早い、鋭敏な

(adjective) quick and lihgt in movement or action, agile

Cat is nimble.

versatile (adjective) 用途の広い、融通性のある、多面性な才能のある

versatile (adjective) 用途の広い、融通性のある、多面性な才能のある

able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities

This tool is versatile.

ひとつずつ one by one

ひとつずつ one by one

Please answer the question one by one.

restore (verb) を回復する、復活させる、修復する、復元する

restore (verb) を回復する、復活させる、修復する、復元する

bring back or re-establish, return to a former condition, place, or position, repair or renovate so as to return it to its original condition

The city restored that histrocal building.

untapped (adjected) 利用されていない、手づかずの

untapped (adjected) 利用されていない、手づかずの

(of a resource) not yet exploited or used

That country has untapped resource.

neglect (他動詞) 〜を構わないでおく、ほうっておく、〜を怠る、おろそかにする(Noun) 放っておくこと、世話されない事、放置

neglect (他動詞) 〜を構わないでおく、ほうっておく、〜を怠る、おろそかにする(Noun) 放っておくこと、世話されない事、放置

(verb) fail to care for properly
(noun) the state of being uncared for

He neglected the care.

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