

posted by fanblog



My Favorite Place
My favorite place is Camp Now. It is located in the middle of the city in Spain. I have never been there but I am a big fan of FC Barcelona. It's an old stadium and it will be built a new stadium like better modern buildings than the old one, but I want to go there now.
I want to go there at least once. There are football coats, basketball coats, coffee shops, restaurants and so on. Spanish people say the food is so delicious. I’ve never been overseas and I have never eaten Spanish food. But I know most Japanese people say they are so delicious. I watched it on YouTube, DAZN, and WOWWOW. When football players are playing football, the stadium is so loud and crowded. I would like to hear that. Barcelona's fans are enthusiastic I think it is essential to win. That’s one of the reasons I like it. I don’t take Spanish classes, but I study it so that I can enjoy it very much when I go there. And I will continue to be a fan of theirs.

ハウステンボス侮れない笑 世界観怖すぎ!初長崎攻略不可不可避!家族旅行

ハウステンボス侮れない笑 世界観怖すぎ!初長崎攻略不可不可避!家族旅行
IVEのAfter Likeよかったけどオランダ語で不気味さが。


IVEのAfter Likeをオランダ語で歌ってら。きれいな声やけどIVEなりAfter Likeなり歌う前に曲を言ってほしかった。Sing with meとか言われてもみんなついていけてない笑。







車の免許に合格しなければ実家に帰れない どうすれば合格するんだろう

中学時代の探求の発表用紙残ってた モノを利用から所有の時代へ




有名人をスペイン語 今田美桜 Taka Pedri

Él es llama Pedri(Pedro González López). Él es español, es de Tegueste, Tenerife, Canary Islands . Es futbolista y miembro del FC Barcelona. Tiene diecinueve (19) años. Vive en España (He lives in Spain). Es un futbolista famoso como el segundo Andrés Iniesta. Es tan bueno jugando al fútbol.

Una imagen de Pedri

Él es llama Taka(Takahiro Moriuchi). Él es Japonés, es de Tokyo, Japon. Es cantante y autor de canciones, es mimbro de ONE OK ROCK. Tiene treinta y cuatro(34) años. Vive en Estados Unidos. Es tan bueno cantando. Recientemente cumenzó a trabajar en Estados Unidos.
Una imagen de Taka

Ella es llama Mio Imada. Ella es Japonésa, es de Fukuoka, Japon. Ella es actriz. Tiene veinticinco(25). Vive de Japon. Mi cumoleanos es el seis de marzo. Su hobby es el yoga. Ella es buena para hablar en Corea.

Una imagen de Mio



el cine cinema
ideal ideal
bienvenidos as welcome
la escuela school
el esquí skiing
el snowboard snowboarding
los baños bathrooms
el aeropuerto airport
internacional international
el museo museum
de/del of
el arte art
costarricense Costa Rican
el taxi taxi
Málaga Malaga
la calle street
el almendro almond tree
el restaurante restaurant
el metro metro
el sol sun
el hotel hotel
signifi car to mean

señor/a Mr / Mrs
¿quién es? who is it?
!hombre!          well, hi!
¿cómo andas? how are you doing?
soy yo It’s me
mi amor my love
amigo a friend
me llaman… they call me...
soy I am
canadiense Canadian
un laboratorio laboratory
científi co a scientist
tengo... años I am ... years old
el año year
Brasileño a Brazilian
trabajo de ... I work as a...
cocinero a chef
alemán ana German
estudiante student
la arquitectura architecture
marroquí Moroccan
diseñador/a de moda fashion designer
mi nombre es... my name is...
argentino a Argentinian
profesor a teacher
francés esa French
periodista journalist
Canadá Canada
con with
el acento accent
la universidad university
el taller workshop
la escuela school
de of
el restaurante restaurant
el canal de televisión television channel
el nombre name
la nacionalidad nationality
la profesión profession
la edad age
inglés/esa English
traductor a translator

el apellido surname
el correo electrónico email address
el teléfono telephone
camarero a waiter / waitress
tener (g) (ie) to have
preguntar to ask
el lugar place
el origen origin
el número number

¿cuál es tu número de teléfono?
what is your phone number?

¿cuál es tu nombre?
what is your name?

¿cuántos años tienes?
how old are you?

¿a qué te dedicas?
what do you do?

¿en qué trabajas?
what do you do for a living?

¿tienes móvil?
do you have a mobile phone?

¿tienes correo electrónico?
do you have an email address?
¿de dónde eres?
where are you from?

también too
vos you (singular)
usted you (formal)
venir de (g) (ie) to come from
colombiano a Colombian
España Spain
vosotros/ as you (plural)
Chile Chile

Ginecólogo a gynaecologist
Juez a judge
Bloguero a blogger
belga Belgian
cirujano a surgeon
jefe a boss
ingeniero a engineer
lingüista linguist
psicólogo a psychologist
nicaragüense Nicaraguan
correo email
suizo a Swiss
arquitecto a architect
cubano a Cuban
médico a doctor
la zumba    zumba
venezolano/a Venezuelan
enfermero/a nurse
secretario/a secretary
deportista athlete
comercial sales representative
el gimnasio gym
el hospital hospital
el periódico newspaper
el bar bar
el banco bank
la empresa de transportes transport company
la empresa de
telecommunications company
el despacho de abogados lawyers o ce
el despacho de arquitectura architects o ce
la agencia de viajes travel agency
la agencia de publicidad advertising agency
la tienda shop
el supermercado supermarket
el yoga yoga
italiano/a Italian
portugués/esa Portuguese
estadounidense American
chófer chaueur
policía police o cer
agente agent
modelo model
Berlín Berlin
París Paris
trabajo como... I work as a..







金融論 大学生必見!


直接金融 貸し手もしくは貯蓄家が金融市場を投資して金融商品を購入することで借りてあるいは資金の使い方に直接資金がわたる方法。

間接金融 貸し手あるいは貯蓄家は金融仲介機関に資金を預けて金融仲介機関はその資金をもとに企業をもとに企業への貸し出しあるいは金融商品の購入を行うことである。

直接金融商品 株式・債権・不動産投資信託・先物・オプション

貸借対照表の資産の部 資産の運用の役割を果たす

短期金融市場 満期が一年以内の短期的な資金の運用と資金の調達を行いたい場合に利用するべき金融商品である

債権 あらかじめ決められた将来の支配と引き換えに、政府や企業などが発行する証券
株式 企業の所有権をあらわす証券である

デリバティブ 実物商品の価格に派生した金融商品

中央銀行 国もしくは地域内の物価の安定、金融制度の安定、低失業率、経済成長、金利の安定、外国為替市場の安定などを目的として、金融政策の実地および金融制度の監視を行っている

預金取扱金融機関 都市銀行、地方銀行、第二地方銀行協会加盟行、信託銀行、外国銀行支店、信用金庫、信用組合、農林漁業金融機関、労働金庫

信用金庫、信用組合、農林漁業金融機関、労働金庫の総称 協同組織金融機関 

貨幣の機能 交換手段・価値尺度・価値の保蔵手段
マネーストック 現金通貨と預金通貨の合計
交換方程式 貨幣に流通速度を掛け合わせたものは名目所得に等しくなること
不換貨幣:紙幣 P27

福利 元本と利子の合計を次の期を元本に組み入れて計算する方法による利子
単利 元本を変えないで預金の期間に比例した計算方法による利子 
将来価値 将来のお金の価値を将来の辞典で評価した場合の価値
現在価値 将来のお金の価値

キャッシュフロー 時間ごとのお金の出入りをあらわしたもの
無リスク利子率 リスクのねぇキャッシュフローに対する金利
お金の時間価値 利子

元本の組み入れ率 多 →実行金利↑
元本の組み入れ回数 少 →実効金利↓


キャッシュフロー小( =  )→証券の現在の価格↓

金利↑ その金利に対する証券の現在の価格は→ 証券の現在の価値↓
金利↓ =  → 証券の現在の価値↑

キャッシュフローが発生する大→ 証券の現在の価値↓
キャッシュフロー     小→ ↑


分散 確率変数の値と期待値の差の平方の期待値であり、期待値からの乖離
標準偏差 確率変数の値と期待値の差の平方の期待値の二乗根、期待値からの乖離
共分散 二つの確立変数の値と期待値の差を掛け合わせた期待値とその関係の尺度
確率変数 いくつか数値の内いずれかをとる変数、各数値に対しての確立の対応
相関 二つの確立変数の値と期待値の差を掛け、期待値を標準偏差で割った(−1〜1)

ファイナンスにおけるポートフォリオ 投資している資産の組み合わせor集まり

債権の流通市場 債権を保有している投資家が債券を売り、別の投資家が債券購入場所
債権発行市場 政府や企業などが債券発行し、投資家が債券を購入
債権の市場価格 債券市場で取引されている債権の現在の価格
クーポン支払額 クーポンレート額面に掛け計算される金額
額面 満期に債権の発行者が債券の保有者に支払う金額
クーポンレート 債権の発行者が保有者に支払う債権に対する金利
残存期間 今日から満期までの期間
満期 債権の支払が終了する日であり、その日に発行者は保有者に額面を支払う
最終利回り 債権契約上の支払額の現在価値と現在の債権の市場価格とを等しくする割引率
クーポン債 満期までのある一定の期間ごとに定められたクーポンの支払 満期に元本の分のキャッシュフローが支払われる

ニューヨークでしたいことin English

This is My New York Plan
・Where I want to go
Times Square
Central Park
Central Station
Brooklyn Bridge
Beautiful houses in Brooklyn

・What I want to go through
I want to interview something like “What do you do for a living?” and “What brought you to NYC?”
I want to take some videos like Vlogs or something as YouTuber!
I want to talk with my host family every day and go somewhere with them
I want to ask the staff in my favorite shops, buildings, or something “How can I work here?”
I want to watch Broad Way (If I have enough money)
I want to run in Central Park but anywhere is fine!
I want to contribute as a volunteer in NYC
I want to join quite a few events like St. Patrick’s Day(must wear something green) with a Vlog camera
・The food that I want to eat
Some American or New York sweets like New York cheesecake
Steek (If I have enough money)

・What I want to pay for
I want to buy some goods as presents
I want to go to museums.
I want to take a taxi or Uber(If I have enough money)

・What transportation will I use?
Maybe Uber or cab like taxi

・What will I give my host family? What do I want to do with my host family for a month and after that?

I’ll give my host family green tea sweets.
I want to go somewhere with them and talk a lot.
I want to get along with them for a month and after that duration
I want to fit in with my host family
I want to understand what they said and ask what is your recommendation in New York

Spiderman 巡礼
・New York Public Library
・Tower 57
・The Metropolitan Museum of Art
・Top of the Rock
・Avengers Facility


Unit 3 Food Nutrition or Climate Change
Grammar 3-hedging with may/might/could/can (Happiness exercises may make people happier.)
Absorb: Plants absorb nutrients from the soil to grow.
Plants absorb nutrients from the soil to grow.
Artificial: Many processed foods contain artificial additives and preservatives.
Many processed foods contain artificial additives and preservatives.
Awareness: There is a growing awareness of the impact of our food choices on the environment.
There is a growing awareness of the impact of our food choices on the environment.
Conservation: Eating a plant-based diet can help with conservation efforts by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Eating a plant-based diet can help with conservation efforts by reducing.
Controversy: There is controversy over the use of genetically modified crops in agriculture. There is controversy over the use of genetically modified crops in agriculture.
Debate: There is an ongoing debate about the best diet for human health and the environment. An ongoing debate
Diet: A balanced diet is important for good health and nutrition.
A balanced diet is important for good
Environment: The production of meat has a significant impact on the enviroThe production of meat has a significant impact on the environment.
Factory: Factory farming is often criticized for its treatment of animals and environmental impact. Factory farming is often criticized for its treatment of animals and environmental impact.
Give up: Many people are choosing to give up meat for environmental reasons.
Impact: The food we eat greatly impacts our health and the planet. We eat greatly impacts our health and the planet.
Influence: Our food choices can influence the demand for certain types of food and farming practices. Our food choices can influence the demand for certain types of food and farming practices.
Infrastructure: Improving infrastructure can help reduce food waste and improve access to healthy food. Improving infrastructure can help reduce food waste and improve access to healthy food.
Nutrition: Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is important for good nutrition. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is important for good nutrition.
Organic: Organic farming avoids the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Organic farming avoids the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Paint a picture: This documentary paints a picture of the environmental impact of industrial agriculture.
Pleasure: Eating should be a pleasure, not just a necessity. Eating should be a pleasure, not just a necessity.
Population: As the global population grows, we need to find sustainable ways to feed everyone.
Quality: The quality of our food is important for our health and well-being.
Recommendation: The recommendation is to eat more plant-based foods for better health and a healthier planet.
Significant: Reducing meat consumption can significantly impact greenhouse gas emissions.
Source: It’s important to know the source of our food and how it was produced.
Substance: Whole foods contain more nutrients and beneficial substances than processed foods.
Ultimately: Ultimately, our food choices have an impact on our health, the environment, and future generations.
Unit 4 Media Study or Who’s on TV
Grammar 4-by V-ing (People can become happier by doing happiness exercises.)
Access: “She accessed the internet to get the latest information from local news outlets.” I access SNS to get informed every day. She accessed the internet to get the latest information from local news outlets.
Accurate: “He always checks reliable news sources to get accurate information.” He always checks reliable news sources to get accurate information.
Aspect: “This documentary covers various aspects of the issue in detail.”
Broadcast: “Her favorite TV show is broadcast every Wednesday night.”
Character: “The characters in this drama are each unique and charming.” The characters in this drama are unique and charming.
Comedy: “I love comedy dramas; they always make me laugh.” I love comedy-drama, they always make me laugh.
Conscious: “She is always conscious of the information conveyed by the media.”
Conventional: “He prefers new formats of TV shows over conventional ones.”
Coverage: “This news program provides comprehensive coverage of political issues.”
Dilemma: “The protagonist of this drama is constantly faced with dilemmas that force difficult choices.”
Drama: “I love emotional human dramas.”
Entertainment: “Television is a major source of entertainment for many people.”
Fantasy: “She loves fantasy dramas with imaginative worldviews.”
Feature: “This news program features a special on environmental issues.”
Get informed: “He constantly checks the news to get informed about the latest information.” He constantly checks the news to get informed about the latest information
In-depth: “This documentary delves deeply into the issue at hand.” This documentary deeply into the issue at hand.
Keep up with: “She always keeps up with the latest information on current affairs.”
Media (medium): “The internet is one of the most important media in modern society.”
Outlet: “He gets the latest information from local news outlets.” He gets the latest information from local news outlets.
Print: “She also gets information from print media such as newspapers and magazines.” She also gets information from print media such as newspapers and magazines.
Reality: “This reality show realistically portrays people’s daily lives.” This reality show realistically portrays people’s daily lives.
Reliable: “He only gets information from reliable news sources.”
Stereotype: “This drama avoids stereotypical character portrayals.”
Take something for granted: “We often take the information conveyed by the media for granted.” We often take the information conveyed by the media
for granted.


TOEIC    ページ最後にコーヒー無料キャンペーンあるよ!
Address an audience 聴衆に演説[講演]をする
Talk in one’s sleep 寝言を言う I talked in my sleep
Quite a few people かなり多くの Quite a few people are waking along the Times Square
Pedestrians 歩行者
Be crowded with/ で混み合っている The street is extremely crowded with foreign tourists/外国人観光客で混みあっている→全員外国人観光客ということになる
Medical examination 診察
Physician 医師(内科の医者)
Diagnosis 診断
Medical record カルテ
Departure 出発 There are some passengers waiting for the departure on the train
Under construction 工事中 The new house is under construction
Sheets of plastic ビニールシート
Have fun at the picnic ピクニックを楽しむ
In charge of〜の担当 The person in charge of this project この企画の担当者
Be closed 休業する This store is closed on Tuesdays. この店は火曜日が休業日です。
The meeting room is upstairs on your left. /会議室は二階の左側です。
Take a look at~ ちょっと見る、一見する Let me take a look at the product
But for~=If there had not been for~=without~ ~なしには But for his effort, our project would not have been completed.
Can’t help -ing -せずにはいられない can’t help laughing
関係代名詞 @Aを一つの文章にする 
@ You shouldn’t eat the food. The food:先行詞
A You are allergic to the food. 〇which×whom(人の修飾時のみ可)×that(前置詞と一緒無理) 
@ +A You shouldn’t eat the food to which you are allergic
Robber 泥棒 I’d=I would I’d had to doしなけらばならなかった(命令文)and, そうすれば or, さもないと
I’d had to do what the robber said, or I’d be killed
Sora is totally different from what he was ten years ago. そらは10年前とは全くもって変わっている。
Whatは唯一先行詞が無くても使える!What=the things which
The event was carried out as planned. 計画通りそのイベントは実行された。
carry over延期する carry in運び込む carry off勝ち取る carry out実行する
Considering his age, he looks young. 彼の年齢を考えると若く見える
Supposingと仮定すれば According toによると Concerningと関して
Do you remember going to the circus when you were a child?
To:“忘れずに〜する“ -ing:“したことを覚えている”
During my stay in London, I visited my friend who lives there.
my stay in London:名詞節なので前置詞during
on 6th, April 日付の前はonでも月のみの場合はin April
spouse 配偶者 getaway 休暇の行楽 arrangements 準備 as regards (to)~ ~に関して
He is out of the country at this moment 現在彼は海外にいる
on (a) regular basis 定期的に・習慣的に・日頃から
range from A to B: products ranging from footwear to hats
I would like to settle the date of another meeting with you for the upcoming week. あなたと今後の一週間で別の会議の日程を決めたいです
depending upon=depending on=〜次第で、〜に応じて〜により
*I am attaching a detailed proposal of this business for your reference
   添付する 参考としてこのビジネスの詳細な計画
attach file=添付ファイルをご参照ください
challenging形 能力が試される・困難だがやりがいがある・興味がそそられる・魅力的な
challenged 形 障害のある・〜が欠けている・〜が足りない
from the bottom of one’s heart 心の底から・心を込めて
from the point of 〜という観点から
from the root of 〜の根から
unless 〜でない限り・〜である場合を除いて
lead time製品の企画から生産開始までに要する時間・商品の発注から納品までに要する時間
garment 衣類
behave+副 〜に振る舞う behave rudely 無礼に振る舞う
repute動・名 〜と考えて・〜を評する・評判
reputed形 評判の良い
associated with 〜と関係がある・〜と関連している
filled with 〜でいっぱいである・〜で満たされている
faced with 〜に直面している・〜と向かい合っている
effective from から有効の・から実施の
stay away from 〜から離れている・〜を避ける
aside from 〜はさておき・〜は別といて・〜に加えて
differ from 〜とは異なる
dedication 貢献・献身
some bitter-sweet moments ほろ苦い
Passengers are going down on the escalator. 乗客はエスカレーターで降りています
building blocks おもちゃの積み木
Those are houses built of bricks それらはレンガでできた家です
Those are the same in color but different in shape それらは,色は同じだが,形が違う
be the same in~ 〜が同じ
be different in~ 〜が違う
Each model of a house consists of ten parts 家の模型は,それぞれが10の部品からできてる
consist of~ 〜からなる
The ground is littered with empty bottles and cans地面には、空のボトルと缶が散らばってる
be littered with 散らばる
spectator 観客
The man is placing an order with the supermarket for good男性はスーパーに商品の注文をしてる
place an order with A for B で「AにBを注文する」。
Those products are made from milk
be made from〜 〜からできている、〜を原料とする
Monday thru Friday thru はthrough (…を通して)の省略形
Birds are flying in flocks 鳥は、群れをなして飛んでいます。
fly in flocks 群れをなして飛ぶ
Some migratory birds are resting their wings on the waterside 何羽かの渡り鳥は、水辺で羽を休んでる
migratory bird 渡り鳥
The swallows have already left their nest 燕はすでに巣から離れています
A school of sardines is swimming in the ocean イワシの群れは、海で泳いでいます
a school of 〜 〜の群れ
The man is pointing at somethingその男の人は何かを指差しています
point at 〜 で「〜を指差す」という意味です。
The wine is chilled in the refrigerator そのワインは冷蔵庫で冷やされています
Chill ~を冷やす
The wine is spilling from the glassそのワインはグラスからこぼれています。
spill from~ 〜からこぼれる, あふれ出る
The road is being jammed with traffic 道路は交通渋滞している
Jam 〜をふさぐ、〜をまひさせる
a traffic jam交通渋滞
They are having a quarrel over something trivial彼女たちは、ささいな何かでけんかをしてる
have a quarrel喧嘩をする
trivial ささいな
They are taking a coffee break 彼女たちはコーヒーブレークをとっています
coffee breakコーヒーブレイク(短い休憩時間)
One woman is having an interview with the other 一人の女性は、もう一人にインタビューをしています
at all costs何としてでもI want to make my dream come true at all costs何としてでも夢を叶えたい。
deposit 預金する deposit some money in my account口座にお金を預ける
I deposited 30000 yen in my account口座に3万円預金した

fix an appointment とも,make an appointment とも,

arrange an appointment とも,book an appointment
take up 「従事する
・firsthand 「直に」



My stomach is growling
Can I get a chicken?
Can I grab a hamburger?
And what’s going on it? / それから何をのせますか?(topping)
Been there
Insert your card
They were like doing construction there.
They were like renovating.
So I didn’t really want to sit in there to eat.
So I’m back in my car.
Plain old plain old, got the same thing every time.
But as I’ve got older, ….
I got it toasted.
….which kind made me sad.
I was going for an Italian theme with my sandwich.
Just as good as I remembered.
The city has ton of people.
A great number of cards are in my wallet.








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New Yorkのすばらしさはあなたが思う以上

I started uploading YouTube on New York, study abroad, homestay, and TOEIC explanations.
You can watch my videos on the link below.
私はTOEICの解説、NEW YORKのすばらしさ、私がnew york(ホームステイ、語学学校)について投稿することを始めた理由を掲載しています。
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YouTubeやってます。NewYorkとTOEIC Explanationを中心に英語系Youtuberです。近いうちに有名になるので今からチェックしておくべきだよ。出身地はインド。よろしく。
