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Impact of new type pneumonia, surge of mask orders Shizuoka and Shimada plants rush production at full operation

With the spread of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, orders from domestic and overseas are increasing for San-M Package in Shimada, which accounts for about 70% of the domestic production of masks. In the prefecture, customers are constantly searching for masks at pharmacies and drug stores, and the company is in full operation and hastening production.

According to the company, orders began to flood in mid-January. Since then, the plant has been operating on Saturdays and Sundays, producing 36 million pieces in about two weeks, which is equivalent to about one month. In addition to trading companies, there are also orders from individual customers, and direct sales are also available on the website, but production can not catch up. A sales representative says, "We have no choice but to increase production as much as possible."

を 受 け In response to the shortage of masks, retailers in the prefecture will also take measures. Kyorindo Pharmacy will limit the purchase of masks to 3 boxes per person at all stores in the prefecture by the evening of the 29th. At the pharmacy Shizuoka Yamazaki store in Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City, there were many customers who reached out to the shelf and put masks in baskets one after another. At the store, sales have more than doubled compared to the same period last year, and the manager in charge analyzes that "many people may feel out of stock."

マ ス ク Demand for masks for hospitality and other people engaged in customer service is also increasing. Hotel Associa Shizuoka in Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City, and Ryokan Tsuki no Atami Juraku Hotel in Atami City, recommend employees to wear masks.

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