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2019年-2020年中国武漢における肺炎の流行 Context 

Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province and is the seventh-largest city in China, with a population of more than 11 million people. It is a major transportation hub of the country, long known as the "Nine Provinces' Thoroughfare" (九省通衢). It is approximately 1,100 km (700 mi) south of Beijing, 800 km (500 mi) west of Shanghai, and 970 km (600 mi) north of Hong Kong and the Wuhan Railway Hub is one of the four most important railway hubs in China. Direct flights from Wuhan also connect it with Paris, London, and Rome.

In Wuhan, during December 2019, an inaugural cluster of cases displaying the symptoms of a "pneumonia of unknown cause" was linked to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which had a thousand stalls selling fish, chickens, pheasants, bats, marmots, venomous snakes, spotted deer and the organs of rabbits and other wild animals (ye wei, bushmeat). The immediate hypothesis was that this was a novel coronavirus from an animal source (a zoonosis).

Coronaviruses mainly circulate among animals but have been known to evolve and infect humans as in the cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) together with four further coronaviruses that cause mild respiratory symptoms similar to the common cold. All coronaviruses known to infect humans have been shown to spread from human to human.

In 2002 an outbreak of SARS that started in China resulted in more than 700 deaths worldwide. The virus originated in horseshoe bats, then passed to humans via civets from live animal markets and with the help of a few super-spreaders and international air travel, reached as far as Canada and the United States. The last case of SARS occurred in 2004. At the time, China was criticised by the World Health Organization (WHO) for its handling of the epidemic; since 2000, the WHO has coordinated international reactions against this and other new diseases including MERS and the 2009 swine flu. Ten years after the onset of SARS, the dromedary-camel-related coronavirus, MERS, has resulted in more than 850 deaths in 27 countries.

The Wuhan outbreak's association with a large seafood and animal market has led to the presumption of the illness having an animal source. This has resulted in the fear that it would be similar to the previous SARS outbreak, a concern exacerbated by the expectation of a high number of travellers for Chinese New Year, which began on 25 January 2020.


武漢は湖北省の州都であり、人口が1100万人を超える中国で7番目に大きな都市です。長い間「九つの州の大通り」(九省通衢)として知られている国の主要な交通の中心地です。北京の南約1,100 km(700マイル)、上海の西800 km(500マイル)、香港の北970 km(600マイル)にあり、武漢鉄道ハブは中国で最も重要な4つの鉄道ハブの1つです。 。武漢からの直行便も、パリ、ロンドン、ローマと接続しています。



2002年、中国で始まったSARSの発生により、世界中で700人以上が死亡しました。ウイルスはコウモリのコウモリに由来し、その後、生きた動物市場のジャコウネズミを介して、少数のスーパースプレッダーと国際航空旅行の助けを借りて、ヒトに渡され、カナダと米国まで届きました。 SARSの最後の症例は2004年に発生しました。当時、中国は世界保健機関(WHO)から流行の取り扱いについて批判されていました。 2000年以来、WHOはこの問題や、MERSや2009年の豚インフルエンザなどの新しい病気に対する国際的な反応を調整してきました。 SARSの発症から10年後、ヒトコブラクダに関連するコロナウイルスであるMERSは、27か国で850人以上の死者を出しました。




ふるさと納税 はじめての方へ






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