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「Cloud n」

【Disney/ PIXAR/ MONSTERS UNIVERSITY】 ディズニー ピクサー モンスターズユニバーシティー POP ZONEシリーズ モンスターシール
Disneyのピクサーアニメーションスタジオの名作 "モンスターズインク"から生まれた人気キャラ、 マイク&サリーの学生時代を描いた新作ムービー! モンスターズユニバーシティのシールです。 スケジュール帳・ノート・カレンダー・文具も 写真やプリクラも手紙も携帯電話やデジカメも… モンスターでオリジナルデコレーションできます。 暗闇で光る蓄光タイプなのもユニークです☆ マイク&サリーたち映画に登場するモンスターを ポップなビタミンカラーでコミカルに描いた キュートなデザインは心もウキウキ弾みます☆ 流行に敏感なコを夢中にさせる可愛さです♪♪ ●サイズ : W95xH185xD3mm ●素材 : PVC 〔130614〕-280〔10〕 ←写真をクリックしていただくと拡大されます。


2014年04月11日 14時 金曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

Posted by スプジョー at 14:08 | この記事のURL
Living in the Moment: with Mindfulness M
Living in the Moment: with Mindfulness Meditations

Most of us operate on auto-pilot much of the time, passing through the present moment with our mind either caught up in the past or straining toward the future. Through mindfulness meditation, an ancient Buddhist practice, Anna Black shows you how to intentionally pay attention to your daily experience. When we are not being mindful, we miss out on small moments that often are the most valuable be it a beautiful building that we pass on our journey to work, the taste and texture of lovingly prepared food, or the fact that we are needed by those we love the most. By being mindless we miss opportunities for personal growth by not being aware of our shortcomings or our inner strength, or by letting negative thoughts and emotions control us.
In mindfulness meditation we pay attention to our ongoing experience whether it is pleasant such as appreciating a starry night sky; unpleasant a disagreement with a loved one; or neutral doing chores. We become aware of our habitual thoughts and behaviours and discover which are helpful and which are not. We learn to listen to the body and pick up warning signs of stress as well as tune in to our inner wisdom. Packed with short and simple meditations, this book can be used by all people, in all walks of life and at any time.

Anna Black is a highly qualified mindfulness practitioner, who teaches mindfulness workshops. She has a Masters in Mindfulness-based Approaches to Health and has completed the Advanced Teacher Development Intensive run by teachers from the North Wales Centre for Mindfulness and from the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Hospital, USA. She has an established personal practice in mindfulness and meditation (www.mindfulness-meditation-now.com) and supervises other mindfulness teachers.


2014年04月11日 11時 金曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>

Posted by スプジョー at 12:00 | この記事のURL
Living in the Moment: with Mindfulness M

Living in the Moment: with Mindfulness Meditations

Most of us operate on auto-pilot much of the time, passing through the present moment with our mind either caught up in the past or straining toward the future. Through mindfulness meditation, an ancient Buddhist practice, Anna Black shows you how to intentionally pay attention to your daily experience. When we are not being mindful, we miss out on small moments that often are the most valuable be it a beautiful building that we pass on our journey to work, the taste and texture of lovingly prepared food, or the fact that we are needed by those we love the most. By being mindless we miss opportunities for personal growth by not being aware of our shortcomings or our inner strength, or by letting negative thoughts and emotions control us.
In mindfulness meditation we pay attention to our ongoing experience whether it is pleasant such as appreciating a starry night sky; unpleasant a disagreement with a loved one; or neutral doing chores. We become aware of our habitual thoughts and behaviours and discover which are helpful and which are not. We learn to listen to the body and pick up warning signs of stress as well as tune in to our inner wisdom. Packed with short and simple meditations, this book can be used by all people, in all walks of life and at any time.

Anna Black is a highly qualified mindfulness practitioner, who teaches mindfulness workshops. She has a Masters in Mindfulness-based Approaches to Health and has completed the Advanced Teacher Development Intensive run by teachers from the North Wales Centre for Mindfulness and from the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Hospital, USA. She has an established personal practice in mindfulness and meditation (www.mindfulness-meditation-now.com) and supervises other mindfulness teachers.


2014年04月11日 11時 金曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>

Posted by スプジョー at 12:00 | この記事のURL
Survival Pocket App.: Powered By Nature

Survival Pocket App.: Powered By Nature
There is a-lot of information on the internet about how to start an organic garden, learn basic first aid skills, food storage and more, but none of it is screened or consolidated into one app.

Let me introduce you to the first app. that consolidates topics that everyone should know from gardening to hunting, and fire-starting tips to building a shelter, all in one handy app.

The Survival Pocket App. was created to provide time-tested self reliance skills and information that previous generations knew and relied on to live. Our generation has an increasing need to learn these skills, live more healthy, save money at the grocery store, and live in harmony with all that nature provides.

The Survival Pocket App. is the first of its kind that brings together the best survival information and DIY projects from experts in numerous fields to deliver life-saving information to your smartphone, laptop, tablet or PC. The app features VoicePass mobile security that allows you to store and access your Emergency Preparedness Plan and more using your own Voice Password.


2014年04月11日 11時 金曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

Posted by スプジョー at 11:30 | この記事のURL
タイニィタイニィプラント TinyTiny Plant/レタス/栽培セット・野菜・ハーブ
タイニィタイニィプラント TinyTiny Plant/レタス/栽培セット・野菜・ハーブ


2014年04月11日 11時 金曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>

Posted by スプジョー at 11:22 | この記事のURL
Engaging 'Tweens and Teens: A Brain-Comp

Engaging 'Tweens and Teens: A Brain-Compatible Approach to Reaching Middle and High School Students
Gain a solid understanding of the basic neurobiology behind adolescent behaviors and invigorate your teaching practices using music, movement, and brain-based activities.


2014年04月11日 07時 金曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>

Posted by スプジョー at 07:32 | この記事のURL
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