Help, Lord! I'm Having A Senior Moment: Notes to God on Growing Older
2013年11月01日 18時 金曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>
Help, Lord! I'm Having A Senior Moment:
ジュエルチャットレディ募集! 11月01日 Help, Lord! I'm Having A Senior Moment: Notes to God on Growing Older Like it or not, senior moments happen. We might as well laugh about them and thank God for the way they add interest to our lives. After all, what would life be without the cordless phone ringing faintly from where you left it in the fridge? Some senior moments are more heartbreaking or embarrassing than funny. But in every case, we can take them to the Lord who cares for us. This book brings encouragement to people in their golden years. Each of the 90 short pieces contains a note to God about a topic of special interest to seniors, a word from God in Scripture, a prayer and a place for the reader to write his or her note to God. 【本文抜粋】 2013年11月01日 18時 金曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>> 2013年11月01日
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Building Performance Dashboards and Bala
13年11月01日 Building Performance Dashboards and Balanced Scorecards with SQL Server Reporting Services Discover how to maintain and update balanced scorecards and performance dashboards with SQL Server Reporting Services Complementing the bestselling Balanced Scorecards and Operational Dashboards with Microsoft Excel (9780470386811), this indispensable book shows you how to create maintainable and dynamically updated scorecards and performance dashboards using Microsoft's premier reporting tool for the enterprise: SQL Server Reporting Services. The book begins with coverage of performance management methods and metrics and then moves on to introduce you to techniques for developing and delivering both a dashboard and balanced scorecard using Reporting Services. The authors assume very limited knowledge of Reporting Services, allowing you to gradually progress through more advanced topics and solutions.
This book sets itself apart from other titles with its comprehensive and invaluable coverage of key strategies and techniques for effectively using SQL Reporting Services to create scorecards and dashboards. 「キャッチコピー引用」 2013年11月01日 12時 金曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>