私は、英語の勉強中です。英語の学習方法をあれこれ試しながら、やっています。リスニング、リーディング、ライティングを効果的にリンクさせて、少しずつでも継続していけたらいいと思っています。ブログを活用して、ブログが「学習室」になるかもしれません。 これから、好きなことや興味のあることなどを書いて、それを英語に訳すことにしました。
「2007年のMLBは、まるで自分のことのように喜んだり、悔しい思いをしたりの連続でした。そして、より一層、MLBの魅力に引き込まれていったような気がします。 私の人生は、失敗の連続、後悔することの方が圧倒的に多いのですが、その時々は、全力プレーをしていたように思います。でも、結果がでないと、数少ないチャンスをものにしないと「戦力外通告」です。
Through the 2007 season of MLB, I felt like a player of MLB inside the ball parks with steady
succession of various feelings --- disappointment, delight, repentance, satisfaction, pride and so on.
My life, so far, has accumulated much more mistakes and defeats than success and fruits, although I
have challenged myself and tried to overcome my weakness as much as possible in order to realize
dreams I had at different times. However, with no good results and accomplishments, without getting
shots at any success, I am like a baseball player who is not in the club's future plans.
Watching and enjoying the MLB games of satellite-delivered program, time to time, I feel like some
scenes within the games symbolizing real life I have had experienced so far.
The games create new heroes or winners and losers at the same time. Some players continue to stand
in the spotlight on the stage of MLB during their carreers, others disappear with any more attention from the audience. MLB show me how human life is, how humanity is , what human life goes on and what it is all about.
Through the 2007 season of MLB, I felt like a player of MLB inside the ball parks with steady
succession of various feelings --- disappointment, delight, repentance, satisfaction, pride and so on.
My life, so far, has accumulated much more mistakes and defeats than success and fruits, although I
have challenged myself and tried to overcome my weakness as much as possible in order to realize
dreams I had at different times. However, with no good results and accomplishments, without getting
shots at any success, I am like a baseball player who is not in the club's future plans.
Watching and enjoying the MLB games of satellite-delivered program, time to time, I feel like some
scenes within the games symbolizing real life I have had experienced so far.
The games create new heroes or winners and losers at the same time. Some players continue to stand
in the spotlight on the stage of MLB during their carreers, others disappear with any more attention from the audience. MLB show me how human life is, how humanity is , what human life goes on and what it is all about.
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