還暦フィッシング The 60th anniversary fishing
還暦の誕生日の翌日は、週末と言うこともあり、会社を休んで、オニカサゴを釣りに行きました。今の季節の大原の午前船は殆どがイサキ釣りのため、今回は富久丸ではなく、松栄丸に初めてお世話になりました。平日ということもあり、大きな船でゆったり釣ることができました。成果は本命のオニカサゴ(42p 1.15s)が1匹ですが釣れたので、目標達成と言えるでしょう。その他は小さ目なユメガサゴと巨大なサバが数匹釣れました。また、いつも一緒に釣りをするYさんが、平日にもかかわらず、還暦フィッシングに付き合っていただき、刺身サイズの大きなユメカサゴもお土産にくれたので、大満足です。Yさんつもありがとうございます。
I have fished Akaoni by the 60th anniversary fishing. The day after the 60th birthday is a weekend, so I took a vacation and went fishing for Onikasago. Most of the Ohara morning ships of the current season are for Isaki fishing, so this time, We were indebted to Matsueimaru for the first time, not Fukumaru. As it was a weekday, We were able to fish freely on a large boat. The result is that the target Onikasago (42 cm 1.15 kg) is one but it could be said that the target was achieved. Other than that, I was able to catch a small Yume-kasago and some huge Mackerel. Also, Mr.Y who always fishes with me, despite being a weekday, attends to the 60th anniversary fishing, In addition, I am very satisfied as Mr. Y gave me a large sashimi-sized Yumukasago as a souvenir. Thank you also for Mr. Y.